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Re: NetBSD on Amiga?

Hi Konstantinos,

> Hello all,
>    I would like to ask some questions reg. NetBSD for Amiga:
>    a) What hardware will it support, and specifically will it support mine?
>       I own a A4000/30 

If it is a true 68030 _with an 68882 or 68881 FPU (no floating point
emulation yet, sorry), yes. NOt with a 68EC030.

> (I will get a CyberStorm mk II 68060/50 at the end of the month), 

the cyberstorm is no problem in -1.2. However, the scsi module isn't
officially supported yet, there is no driver for it in -1.2

> 16MBs of RAM
no problem.
> 2.3 GBs HD space (on A4000's IDE),
errr. 2.3 on IDE? I'm not sure, anybody?

> a PiccoloSD64 graphics card (Cirrus Logic chip based), 
supported in -1.2
> Ariadne Ethernet card.

>    b) At what stage is it, i.e. is it usable?

>    d) Will it run X11?


        Ignatios Souvatzis

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