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ok, i'm getting desperate now

I realise this isn't exactly the place to ask this but i'm getting pretty
desperate so i have to ask this list. I need
- a simple minimal gui text editor. emacs is way too big
- a simple line-drawing postscript-generating program. gnuplot is no good
- rtin /tin to read news. mosaic coredumps too often
any pointers?

John Ostrowick
Computer Science Department, University of the Witwatersrand
1 Jan Smuts Ave, Johannesburg, South Africa. 1st Floor, Senate House 1012
Phone: +27 (011) 716-3783
jon%cs.wits.ac.za@localhost or jon%macenroe.cs.wits.ac.za@localhost or 
My web page is on my server's: http://macenroe.cs.wits.ac.za/
My ftp site: ftp://macenroe.cs.wits.ac.za/public partition/
My listserv: subscr%macenroe.cs.wits.ac.za@localhost (any message with a body)

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