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Problems formatting Drive for NetBSD (IVS Trumpcard PRO)

Greets all-

I'm having some problems getting my HD formatted for NetBSD.  The system is as 

A2000 w/PP&S 040 Card (8MB Ram)
Seagate HAWK 2.1 GB Drive
IVS TrumpCard PRO SCSI Controller

The drive utility that comes with the Controller does not permit custom 
formatting (only FFS, OFS, and MAX support).

I tried to use HDToolbox, but cannot get it to recognize the device.

        cli 1> hdtoolbox ivs_scsipro.device

Results in HDToolbox loading and displaying:

        Driver NOT Loaded

I have also tried setting the SCSI_DEVICE_NAME attribute int the Tool Type 
info-box, and starting HDToolbox from the workbench with the same results.

I have looked for another utility to do this without luck.... Can someone point 
me in the right direction?  I would like to use HDToolbox, but am not sure what 
is wrong.


Tank (SPM)                          Sean P. McNamara
Tank%PG.NET@localhost                   The Planet Group, Inc.
                                                Network Operations Center
Voice: (312) 772-8333
   Fax: (312) 772-9214

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