Subject: Booting from alternate boot partitions
To: None <>
From: Bruce Albrecht <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 04/22/1996 23:20:51
Markus Illenseer <> wrote:
    You could use the bootblock-loader from Michael Hitch and choose the
   root-partition by mouse-click.  The problem with NetBSD-Amiga:  It will
   attempt to use the last-found root-partition as root.  You therefore need
   to use "askroot" to determine the root-partition by hand.  This works great
   for me.  I can boot from CD-ROM, floppy, sd0 and sd1.

I haven't been able to get askroot to work.  Is this because my kernel
is compiled with:
	config	netbsd root on sd1 swap on sd0 and sd1
Can I just drop the "root on sd1"?

   > Also, gobsd always gives me the error: FATAL: Couldn't load kernel from
   > root disk. whenever I try to specify volume, unit or driver.  Does the
   > volume need to be formatted as OFS?  I also tried to recompile gobsd
   > from the sources, but they're lacking a header file that defines quad_t,
   > daddr_t, and something else (ino_t, I think).

    Michael v. Elst certainly has used the newest SAS/C compiler for gobsd.

I'm sure he did, but I tried to compile it myself, so that I could run
it with CPR.  Either his header files are non-standard or mine are,
and I'm pretty sure mine are exactly what SAS provided.  His SCOPTIONS
contained a GST which I don't have, so I expect that the header files
in the GST have a little "extra."

    gobsd requires the volume to load the kernel from to be mounted.  The
   partition must be standard NetBSD-filesystem.  The kernel must be named
   "netbsd" and not be a softlink.

I've done that.  I can load it if the file is specified as a full
path, like kernel=bffsg:netbsd, but not with just volume=bffsg:
