Subject: Re: compiling kernel: does 'make depend' have its dependencies right?
To: None <>
From: Jim Shaffer Jr. <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 01/29/1996 19:17:46
> > No kernel has ever started for me by copying it to /dev/reload.
> nor for me - it's just like /dev/null

No, no, no.  When I copy one to /dev/reload, I get either a panic or a 
lock-up with black screen.

 *  From the disk of: |            | "there's a hell of
 Jim Shaffer, Jr.     |                     /\v/\  //  | a good universe
 37 Brook Street      | This signature            //   | next door; let's go"
 Montgomery, PA 17752 | under construction.    \\//    |     (e.e. cummings)