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Re: help with 9.2 setup

SB> I'm now wrestling with xauth.

Perhaps I help just by stating how my working setup looks.
I run the stock startx(1) as normal user, here on a 9.2_STABLE

SB>	The system complains that there is no file named
SB>	/home/myaccount/.serverauth.nnn, where nnn is three decimal digits.

At least if the line "enable_xauth=1" is still active in
/usr/X11R7/bin/startx, the script is supposed to:

	- define a fresh xauth key in ~/.serverauth.<startx-pid>
	- merge that fresh key into ~/.Xauthority (not trashing
	  any other keys for other displays).

and then start the server like this ("ps axdww" excerpt):

 456    `-- /bin/sh /usr/X11R7/bin/startx 
 820      `-- xinit /home/neitzel/.xinitrc -- /usr/X11R7/bin/X :0 -noretro -auth /home/neitzel/.serverauth.456 
1148        |-- /usr/X11R7/bin/X :0 -noretro -auth /home/neitzel/.serverauth.456 

I do get a total up to four initial complaints (if I nuke my old
.Xauthority prio to startx), too:

	trap: 'SIGKILL' cannot be caught
	xauth:  file /home/neitzel/.serverauth.456 does not exist
	xauth:  file /home/neitzel/.Xauthority does not exist
	xauth:  file /home/neitzel/.Xauthority does not exist

These messages are harmless.  These files still get properly defined.

XAUTHORITY gets set in the environment, too, if it wasn't set

SB>  XAUTHORITY is not set.

So that's definitely strange.

After the X session finishes, the startx script will delete
the ~/.serverauth.$$ file again and remove the session key from
the (long-term) ~/.Xauthority file.

My only idea:  Do you have a crummy, old ~/.xserverrc lying around?

						Martin Neitzel

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