Subject: Kernel panic while building emacs..
To: None <>
From: Martijn van Buul <>
List: port-amd64
Date: 08/14/2006 21:27:55
I never was a huge fan of emacs. Now I've got another reason to fuel my
peaves about it: My -current system crashes during compilation :X.
I've jotted down the panic message - ddb never kicks in, and the sync/dump
uvm_fault (0xffff80004a835708, 0x1000, 2) -> e
fatal page fault in supervisor mode
trap type 6 code 2 ffffffff8034c1ef cs 8 rflags 10206 cr 2 1018 cpl 0 rsp ffff80004a979c18
panic: trap
syncing disks....
The silly thing is that it must be something specific about emacs. I can
reproduce it by compiling emacs, which I was building as part of a bulk build.
The builk build had progressed about 25%, which means that it compiled a
1000-odd packages. I've sucessfully recompiled world and all my own installed
packages without any troubles - yet emacs has managed to crash it 3 times
in a row, making me feel like this is too much of a coincidence.
Anything else I can do to pin-point this?