Subject: Re: ABIT AV8 and NetBSD
To: Jaromir Dolecek <>
From: Andy Ruhl <>
List: port-amd64
Date: 04/25/2005 06:44:59
On 2/26/05, Andy Ruhl <> wrote:
> > > > Okay, can you please try disabling some alignment code, which I had
> > > > no chance to test and which might cause the problem?
> > >
> > > Didn't work. Same problem. I scripted what I did but I forgot to
> > > switch back to my other network card so I can't get to it right now.
> > Here's the output. I didn't try switching cables yet, but last time I
> > did this test I verified that both were good with my "good" adapter.
> The cable is good. I'm using the Via card under "another" operating
> system right now.
> I can test whatever comes up still. Thanks for your work.

Just an FYI, I updated to the latest current source last night and
built a kernel, and it didn't work again. But I think I need to see if
this patch still applies. I didn't put it on.

Some more info though. This time I have a gigabit switch, and if I
don't configure the card the link light shows it linked at 100baseT.
If I do ifconfig on the card, but with no media option, the link light
shows 1000baseT. But it still doesn't work with the same symptoms as

I'll look into this more as I get time.
