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Re: NetBSD/alpha on qemu-system-alpha

On 9/28/20 7:41 PM, Jason Thorpe wrote:
Recently I've been trying to get NetBSD/alpha running under qemu-system-alpha.  So far I've fixed a few bugs in Qemu's Alpha emulation:

I got motivated again over the weekend to hack on this a little more (baking and retro-computing are great COVID-19 lockdown hobbies).

I fixed a couple more bugs in the Qemu PALcode, and changed NetBSD/alpha to take advantage of some Qemu virtual machine services (mainly around timekeeping), and I'm happy to report that I now have a NetBSD/alpha setup running inside Qemu well enough to run the NetBSD regression test suite.

With a few more improvements, we should be able to get an emulated NetBSD/alpha system into the regular automated test suite runs that releng@netbsd does for several platforms in emulators already. At least, that's my goal!

I have a busy week this week, but more to come later!
  This is great to hear!  Thank you for working on this.


Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
New Kensington, PA

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