Subject: Re: CIA bridges never use BWX capability
To: Jochen Kunz <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 07/08/2004 16:11:21
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On Apr 10, 2004, at 1:52 AM, Jochen Kunz wrote:

> On Sat, 10 Apr 2004 02:37:19 -0400
> Sean Davis <> wrote:
>> Do all 21164s do BWX? I was, according to something I read long ago,
>> under the impression that only the 21164A had this capability.
> AFAIK only EV56, but not EV5 has BWX. (Boot your AS 600 5/266 and you
> will see.)

Chiming in late, I know, but...

Also, BWX support for PCI I/O and MEM access was buggy on many versions 
of the CIA chipset.  That's the biggest reason it's not used.

         -- Jason R. Thorpe <>

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