Subject: Re: Funky vi editing escapE in X on alphas... why? any fix?
To: None <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA,>
From: None <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 07/27/2003 15:01:22
It's nobody's fault, and I have not meddled with anything.
Stock 100% (except for redoing the xinitrc layout... why
does NetBSD have such an ugly first boot of X?).  The
problem is that f11 is the standard DEC escape and
has been for as far back as I can recall, and it is not
working in X on NetBSD on my stock alpha.  So, how
to properly fix it?  Vi itself seems to be handling things
correctly, but X is messing up the usual f11 mapping.
So, should it be changed... I think so.  Can it be changed
... I think so.  What is the correct change... I'm too stupid
to know, right now.  Any insights are appreciated.


Bob Keys