Subject: Kernel config questions
To: Port-Alpha <>
From: bob smith <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 04/18/2003 21:01:53
Hello BSDers.
I am attempting to build a new kerenel for a DS10m, 264/466, 1GB, system
I want to build the kernel without the USB support.

I have commented out the USB and usb hub stuff.  << this compile took 
about an hour but crashed when booting.
I have commented out the 3K/Turbo channel stuff.  <<< this compile did 
not work.
I stripped out the USB, the TC, and some other stray bits and was not 
able to get the beast to config.

Following the kernel config directions, I have succeeded in building one 
kernel that crashes into db mode with a memory control error.
I have succeeded in failing to be able to config 2 others, and have 
failed to compile the 4th.

This is really not too bad, timewise, config takes about 2 minutes on a 
164LX/600 box with a gig. Compiles - when successful- seem to take about 
an hour.

So, help! What is the right stuff to dump out?