Subject: Re: pppoe on port-alpha
To: Michael G. Schabert <>
From: Miles Nordin <carton@Ivy.NET>
List: port-alpha
Date: 03/13/2003 23:23:42
>>>>> "mgs" == Michael G Schabert <> writes:

   mgs> I installed rp-pppoe a couple years back and it worked
   mgs> just fine and took me under a minute to set up from start to
   mgs> finish.

I'm glad it worked well for you.  I spent a lot more than a minute on
it before I gave up, and since I was able to get the other supposedly
less nice procedure to work I'm obviously not an idiot.

It spewed out a bunch of garbage about eth0.  It was easier for me to
fix the self-evident problems with PPPoE itself than repair someone
else's tangled spit-and-duct-tape Linux-specific shell scripts.  It's
like, they're doing for me something I could easily do myself, except
incorrectly.  it's like a Pppoe Wizard or something.  All it needs is
a Tk frontend.

The rp-pppoe documentation was chatty, full of assumptions, and
arrogant.  rp-pppoe is the sort of thing that belongs on a mailing
list like what I posted and am posting now, not in a ``finished''
package.  I do most of my sysadmining these days on the weekends while
intoxicated, and that tangled mess of Linux bullshit was seriously
harshing my mellow.  Most importantly apparently it's prone to bit rot
between when you tried it and the 20021205 snapshot i was using.

mouse-pppoe presumably hasn't been maintained in years yet worked
fine, and needed no documentation.  Thank god most people don't need
mouse-pppoe any more, but thank God again I'm not stuck with the
Roaring Penguin.  ha ha roaring penguin.

   mgs> adsl-start/stop (1) makes sense, (2) is just like the
   mgs> ppp-up/down that I was used to for many years (Bill S/Paul G
   mgs> ppp setup scripts), and (3) is a whole lot nicer than the
   mgs> procedure you describe below.

to each his own.  I never used any ppp setup 5<r1pt |<1T so I guess I
didn't appreciate some dumbed-down and highly interactive method for
bringing links up and down.  Maybe there is some use for this I
haven't thought of yet.

While the new wave of New-Wave comic-book artists strives to make
heard their scream of primal rage, the ultimate effect is too often
nothing more than the crybaby yowl of teen angst.
		-- Steranko