Subject: Re: Help with X please
To: Roland Dowdeswell <>
From: bob smith <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 03/02/2003 09:02:20
Thanks again for the reply, I will run the box again in a few minutes 
and get teh error
messages exactly.  I have a couple of alphas, but I am focussing on this
particular box in this case:

Just to ensure you know what I am focussing on:
AS 250 4/266, 128M ror so (might be 256M)
Standard RZ drives, 1G scsi
TGA card
ethernet (tlp0 and tlp1)

Running 1.6 release, (no updates), generic kernel,  standard install
floowing the install script, nothing fancy on this box, just a toy to 
get me
comfortable and reasonalby proficient with X.

Minimum number of services enabled in the inetd.conf. couple of minor
mods to rc files so the beast starts up.  I enable the ether by hand on 
right now.  Got my DNS resolver file set up so I can ensure the thing 
pings and
can get to the net if I need it to.

No Xfree on this box, No source code (drives are just too little imho, 
add new drives after I get this basic beast running X.
thanks for all the help and advice!