Subject: Machine freeze after starting X
To: None <>
From: Reinoud Zandijk <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 11/07/2002 00:51:13
Hiya Alpha addicts,

on my DEC PWS 500au (Miata?, PCI based) with an 21164a processor my 
computer still freezes completely (i.e. no keyboard, no ping-response etc 
etc...) when i start the X server.

I've managed to get the apended log when starting the X server remotely...

Any help would be much apreciated !! Attached is also the `dmesg' and the 
GENERIC patches i made ...

Shall i PR it ?


cvs server: Diffing .
RCS file: /cvsroot/syssrc/sys/arch/alpha/conf/GENERIC,v
retrieving revision 1.218
diff -u -r1.218 GENERIC
--- GENERIC     2002/10/18 15:11:09     1.218
+++ GENERIC     2002/11/06 23:49:14
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
 options        LKM
 # Disable kernel security.
-#options       INSECURE
+options        INSECURE
 # Misc. options
 options        EISAVERBOSE             # recognize "unknown" EISA devices
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@
 siop*  at      pci? dev ? function ?           # Symbios 53c8xx SCSI
 mlx*   at      pci? dev ? function ?           # Mylex DAC960 / DEC SWXCR 
 ne*    at      pci? dev ? function ?           # NE2000-compatible 
-ohci*  at      pci? dev ? function ?           # USB Open Host Controller
+#ohci* at      pci? dev ? function ?           # USB Open Host Controller
 pceb*  at      pci? dev ? function ?           # Intel PCI-EISA Bridges
 pciide*        at      pci? dev ? function ?           # PCI IDE 
 pcscp* at      pci? dev ? function ?           # AMD Am53c974 PCscsi-PCI
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@
 # USB bus support
 usb*   at uhci?
-usb*   at ohci?
+#usb*  at ohci?


[ using 590280 bytes of netbsd ELF symbol table ]
consinit: not using prom console
Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
    The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
    The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

NetBSD 1.6I (GENERIC) #0: Mon Sep 30 02:11:04 CEST 2002
Digital Personal WorkStation 500au, 500MHz, s/n 
8192 byte page size, 1 processor.
total memory = 768 MB
(1896 KB reserved for PROM, 766 MB used by NetBSD)
avail memory = 705 MB
using 4916 buffers containing 39328 KB of memory
mainbus0 (root)scsiboot = 1, ideboot = 0, netboot = 0

cpu0 at mainbus0: ID 0 (primary), 21164A-0
cpu0: Architecture extensions: 1<BWX>
cia0 at mainbus0: DECchip 2117x Core Logic Chipset (Pyxis), pass 1
cia0: extended capabilities: 1<BWEN>
cia0: using BWX for PCI config and bus access
pci0 at cia0 bus 0
pcidev = pci0

pci0: i/o space, memory space enabled, rd/line, rd/mult, wr/inv ok
tlp0 at pci0 dev 3 function 0: DECchip 21143 Ethernet, pass 3.0
tlp0: interrupting at dec 550 irq 0
tlp0: DEC , Ethernet address 00:00:f8:76:43:f5
nsphy0 at tlp0 phy 5: DP83840 10/100 media interface, rev. 1
nsphy0: 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
tlp0: 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 10base2, 10base5
sio0 at pci0 dev 7 function 0: Contaq Microsystems 82C693 PCI-ISA Bridge (rev. 0x00)
pciide0 at pci0 dev 7 function 1: Cypress 82C693 IDE Controller (rev. 0x00)
pciide0: bus-master DMA support present
pciide0: primary channel wired to compatibility mode
wd0 at pciide0 channel 0 drive 0: <ST340810A>
wd0: drive supports 16-sector PIO transfers, LBA addressing
wd0: 38166 MB, 16383 cyl, 16 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 78165360 sectors
wd0: 32-bit data port
wd0: drive supports PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2, Ultra-DMA mode 5 (Ultra/100)
pciide0: primary channel interrupting at isa irq 14
wd0(pciide0:0:0): using PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2 (using DMA data transfers)
pciide1 at pci0 dev 7 function 2: Cypress 82C693 IDE Controller (rev. 0x00)
pciide1: hardware does not support DMA
pciide1: primary channel wired to compatibility mode
atapibus0 at pciide1 channel 0: 2 targets
cd0 at atapibus0 drive 0: <SAMSUNG CD-R/RW DRIVE SW-224B, , VE002R4> type 5 cdrom removable
cd0: 32-bit data port
cd0: drive supports PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2
cd1 at atapibus0 drive 1: <DVD-ROM DDU1621, , VER S1.> type 5 cdrom removable
cd1: 32-bit data port
cd1: drive supports PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2, Ultra-DMA mode 2 (Ultra/33)
pciide1: secondary channel interrupting at isa irq 15
cd0(pciide1:0:0): using PIO mode 4
cd1(pciide1:0:1): using PIO mode 4
Contaq Microsystems 82C693 PCI-ISA Bridge (USB serial bus, interface 0x10) at pci0 dev 7 function 3 not configured
ppb0 at pci0 dev 20 function 0: Digital Equipment DECchip 21152 PCI-PCI Bridge (rev. 0x02)
pci1 at ppb0 bus 1
pci1: i/o space, memory space enabled, rd/line, wr/inv ok
isp0 at pci1 dev 4 function 0: QLogic 1020 Ultra Wide SCSI HBA
isp0: interrupting at dec 550 irq 3
scsibus0 at isp0: 16 targets, 8 luns per target
rtk0 at pci1 dev 8 function 0: RealTek 8139 10/100BaseTX
rtk0: interrupting at dec 550 irq 12
rtk0: Ethernet address 00:10:a7:0a:de:e7
ukphy0 at rtk0 phy 7: Generic IEEE 802.3u media interface
ukphy0: OUI 0x000000, model 0x0000, rev. 0
ukphy0: 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
vga0 at pci1 dev 10 function 0: Texas Instruments TVP4020 Permedia 2 (rev. 0x01)
wsdisplay0 at vga0 (kbdmux ignored): console (80x25, vt100 emulation)
isa0 at sio0
com0 at isa0 port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4: ns16550a, working fifo
com1 at isa0 port 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3: ns16550a, working fifo
pckbc0 at isa0 port 0x60-0x64
pckbd0 at pckbc0 (kbd slot)
pckbc0: using irq 1 for kbd slot
wskbd0 at pckbd0 (mux ignored): console keyboard, using wsdisplay0
pms0 at pckbc0 (aux slot)
pckbc0: using irq 12 for aux slot
wsmouse0 at pms0 (mux ignored)
lpt0 at isa0 port 0x3bc-0x3bf irq 7
sb0 at isa0 port 0x220-0x237 irq 5 drq 1: dsp v3.01
audio0 at sb0: half duplex, mmap, independent
midi at sb0 not configured
opl at sb0 not configured
pcppi0 at isa0 port 0x61
midi0 at pcppi0: PC speaker
spkr0 at pcppi0
isabeep0 at pcppi0
fdc0 at isa0 port 0x3f0-0x3f7 irq 6 drq 2
mcclock0 at isa0 port 0x70-0x71: mc146818 or compatible
Kernelized RAIDframe activated
scsibus0: waiting 2 seconds for devices to settle...
WARNING: can't figure what device matches "SCSI 0 107 0 0 0 0 0"
root device: wd0<3>stray isa irq 1

dump device (default wd0b): <3>stray isa irq 1

file system (default generic): 
root on wd0a dumps on wd0b
root file system type: ffs
init path (default /sbin/init): 
init: trying /sbin/init
tlp0: transmit underrun; new threshold: 96/256 bytes
tlp0: transmit underrun; new threshold: 128/512 bytes


# startx -- -verbose 10 -logverbose 10

pid 299 (XFree86): unaligned access: va=0x1fffff004 pc=0x1202e3ef0 ra=0x1202e3ee4 sp=0x1ffffef58 op=ldq
pid 299 (XFree86): unaligned access: va=0x1ffffeffc pc=0x1202e3ef8 ra=0x1202e3ee4 sp=0x1ffffef58 op=ldq
pid 299 (XFree86): unaligned access: va=0x1ffffefec pc=0x1202e3f70 ra=0x1202e3f30 sp=0x1ffffef58 op=ldt
pid 299 (XFree86): unaligned access: va=0x1ffffeff4 pc=0x1202e3f74 ra=0x1202e3f30 sp=0x1ffffef58 op=ldt
pid 299 (XFree86): unaligned access: va=0x1ffffeffc pc=0x1202e3f78 ra=0x1202e3f30 sp=0x1ffffef58 op=ldt
pid 299 (XFree86): unaligned access: va=0x1fffff004 pc=0x1202e3f80 ra=0x1202e3f30 sp=0x1ffffef58 op=ldt
pid 299 (XFree86): unaligned access: va=0x1ffffefec pc=0x1202e3fd8 ra=0x1202e3f9c sp=0x1ffffef58 op=ldt
pid 299 (XFree86): unaligned access: va=0x1ffffeff4 pc=0x1202e3fdc ra=0x1202e3f9c sp=0x1ffffef58 op=ldt
pid 299 (XFree86): unaligned access: va=0x1ffffeffc pc=0x1202e3fe0 ra=0x1202e3f9c sp=0x1ffffef58 op=ldt
pid 299 (XFree86): unaligned access: va=0x1fffff004 pc=0x1202e3fe8 ra=0x1202e3f9c sp=0x1ffffef58 op=ldt

XFree86 Version 4.2.1 / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6600)
Release Date: 3 September 2002
        If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is
        newer than the above date, look for a newer version before
        reporting problems.  (See http://www.XFree86.Org/)
Build Operating System: NetBSD/alpha 1.6I [ELF] The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
         (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
         (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: "/var/log/XFree86.0.log", Time: Wed Nov  6 18:55:06 2002
(==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/XF86Config"
(==) ServerLayout "Simple Layout"
(**) |-->Screen "Screen 1" (0)
(**) |   |-->Monitor "Acorn 17''"
(**) |   |-->Device "ELSA GLoria Synergy"
(**) |-->Input Device "Mouse1"
(**) |-->Input Device "Keyboard1"
(**) FontPath set to "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/local/,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"
(**) RgbPath set to "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"
(**) Option "NoTrapSignals"
(--) Using wscons driver
(II) PCI: PCI scan (all values are in hex)
(II) PCI: 00:03:0: chip 1011,0019 card 0000,0000 rev 30 class 02,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:07:0: chip 1080,c693 card 0000,0000 rev 00 class 06,01,00 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 00:07:1: chip 1080,c693 card 0000,0000 rev 00 class 01,01,80 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 00:07:2: chip 1080,c693 card 0000,0000 rev 00 class 01,01,00 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 00:07:3: chip 1080,c693 card 0000,0000 rev 00 class 0c,03,10 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 00:14:0: chip 1011,0024 card 0000,0000 rev 02 class 06,04,00 hdr 01
(II) PCI: 01:04:0: chip 1077,1020 card 0000,0000 rev 05 class 01,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 01:08:0: chip 10ec,8139 card 1429,d010 rev 10 class 02,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 01:0a:0: chip 104c,3d07 card 1048,0a32 rev 01 class 03,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: End of PCI scan
(II) PCI-to-ISA bridge:
(II) Host-to-PCI bridge:
(II) PCI-to-PCI bridge:
(II) Bus -1: bridge is at (0:7:0), (0,-1,0), BCTRL: 0x08 (VGA_EN is set)
(II) Bus -1 I/O range:
(II) Bus -1 non-prefetchable memory range:
(II) Bus -1 prefetchable memory range:
(II) Bus 1: bridge is at (0:20:0), (0,1,0), BCTRL: 0x08 (VGA_EN is set)
(II) Bus 1 I/O range:
        [0] -1  0x00008000 - 0x00008fff (0x1000) IX[B]
(II) Bus 1 non-prefetchable memory range:
        [0] -1  0x80000000 - 0x810fffff (0x1100000) MX[B]
(II) Bus 1 prefetchable memory range:
(II) Bus 0: bridge is at (0:0:0), (-1,0,0), BCTRL: 0x00 (VGA_EN is cleared)
(II) Bus 0 I/O range:
        [0] -1  0x00000000 - 0xffffffff (0x0) IX[B]
(II) Bus 0 non-prefetchable memory range:
        [0] -1  0x80000000 - 0xffffffff (0x80000000) MX[B]
(II) Bus 0 prefetchable memory range:
        [0] -1  0x80000000 - 0xffffffff (0x80000000) MX[B]
(--) PCI:*(1:10:0) Texas Instruments Permedia 2 rev 1, Mem @ 0x81000000/17, 0x80800000/23, 0x80000000/23, BIOS @ 0x81020000/16
(II) Addressable bus resource ranges are
        [0] -1  0x00000000 - 0xffffffff (0x0) MX[B]
        [1] -1  0x00000000 - 0xffffffff (0x0) IX[B]
(II) OS-reported resource ranges:
        [0] -1  0xffffffff - 0xffffffff (0x1) MX[B]
        [1] -1  0x00000000 - 0x00000000 (0x1) MX[B]
        [2] -1  0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
        [3] -1  0xffffffff - 0xffffffff (0x1) IX[B]
        [4] -1  0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
(II) Active PCI resource ranges:
        [0] -1  0x81041000 - 0x81041fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
        [1] -1  0x81040000 - 0x8107ffff (0x40000) MX[B]E
        [2] -1  0x81150000 - 0x8115ffff (0x10000) MX[B]E
        [3] -1  0x81140000 - 0x8117ffff (0x40000) MX[B]E
        [4] -1  0x81151000 - 0x81151fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
        [5] -1  0x81020000 - 0x8102ffff (0x10000) MX[B](B)
        [6] -1  0x80000000 - 0x807fffff (0x800000) MX[B](B)
        [7] -1  0x80800000 - 0x80ffffff (0x800000) MX[B](B)
        [8] -1  0x81000000 - 0x8101ffff (0x20000) MX[B](B)
        [9] -1  0x00008000 - 0x000080ff (0x100) IX[B]E
        [10] -1 0x00008100 - 0x000081ff (0x100) IX[B]E
        [11] -1 0x00000374 - 0x00000377 (0x4) IX[B]E
        [12] -1 0x00000170 - 0x0000017f (0x10) IX[B]E
        [13] -1 0x000090a0 - 0x000090bf (0x20) IX[B]E
        [14] -1 0x000003f4 - 0x000003f7 (0x4) IX[B]E
        [15] -1 0x000001f0 - 0x000001ff (0x10) IX[B]E
        [16] -1 0x00009000 - 0x000090ff (0x100) IX[B]E
(II) PCI Memory resource overlap reduced 0x81040000 from 0x8107ffff to 0x81040fff
(II) PCI Memory resource overlap reduced 0x81150000 from 0x8115ffff to 0x81150fff
(II) PCI Memory resource overlap reduced 0x81140000 from 0x8117ffff to 0x8114ffff
(II) PCI I/O resource overlap reduced 0x00009000 from 0x000090ff to 0x0000907f
(II) Active PCI resource ranges after removing overlaps:
        [0] -1  0x81041000 - 0x81041fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
        [1] -1  0x81040000 - 0x81040fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
        [2] -1  0x81150000 - 0x81150fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
        [3] -1  0x81140000 - 0x8114ffff (0x10000) MX[B]E
        [4] -1  0x81151000 - 0x81151fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
        [5] -1  0x81020000 - 0x8102ffff (0x10000) MX[B](B)
        [6] -1  0x80000000 - 0x807fffff (0x800000) MX[B](B)
        [7] -1  0x80800000 - 0x80ffffff (0x800000) MX[B](B)
        [8] -1  0x81000000 - 0x8101ffff (0x20000) MX[B](B)
        [9] -1  0x00008000 - 0x000080ff (0x100) IX[B]E
        [10] -1 0x00008100 - 0x000081ff (0x100) IX[B]E
        [11] -1 0x00000374 - 0x00000377 (0x4) IX[B]E
        [12] -1 0x00000170 - 0x0000017f (0x10) IX[B]E
        [13] -1 0x000090a0 - 0x000090bf (0x20) IX[B]E
        [14] -1 0x000003f4 - 0x000003f7 (0x4) IX[B]E
        [15] -1 0x000001f0 - 0x000001ff (0x10) IX[B]E
        [16] -1 0x00009000 - 0x0000907f (0x80) IX[B]E
(II) OS-reported resource ranges after removing overlaps with PCI:
        [0] -1  0xffffffff - 0xffffffff (0x1) MX[B]
        [1] -1  0x00000000 - 0x00000000 (0x1) MX[B]
        [2] -1  0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
        [3] -1  0xffffffff - 0xffffffff (0x1) IX[B]
        [4] -1  0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
(II) All system resource ranges:
        [0] -1  0xffffffff - 0xffffffff (0x1) MX[B]
        [1] -1  0x00000000 - 0x00000000 (0x1) MX[B]
        [2] -1  0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
        [3] -1  0x81041000 - 0x81041fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
        [4] -1  0x81040000 - 0x81040fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
        [5] -1  0x81150000 - 0x81150fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
        [6] -1  0x81140000 - 0x8114ffff (0x10000) MX[B]E
        [7] -1  0x81151000 - 0x81151fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
        [8] -1  0x81020000 - 0x8102ffff (0x10000) MX[B](B)
        [9] -1  0x80000000 - 0x807fffff (0x800000) MX[B](B)
        [10] -1 0x80800000 - 0x80ffffff (0x800000) MX[B](B)
        [11] -1 0x81000000 - 0x8101ffff (0x20000) MX[B](B)
        [12] -1 0xffffffff - 0xffffffff (0x1) IX[B]
        [13] -1 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
        [14] -1 0x00008000 - 0x000080ff (0x100) IX[B]E
        [15] -1 0x00008100 - 0x000081ff (0x100) IX[B]E
        [16] -1 0x00000374 - 0x00000377 (0x4) IX[B]E
        [17] -1 0x00000170 - 0x0000017f (0x10) IX[B]E
        [18] -1 0x000090a0 - 0x000090bf (0x20) IX[B]E
        [19] -1 0x000003f4 - 0x000003f7 (0x4) IX[B]E
        [20] -1 0x000001f0 - 0x000001ff (0x10) IX[B]E
        [21] -1 0x00009000 - 0x0000907f (0x80) IX[B]E
(II) MGA: driver for Matrox chipsets: mga2064w, mga1064sg, mga2164w,
        mga2164w AGP, mgag100, mgag100 PCI, mgag200, mgag200 PCI, mgag400,
(II) TDFX: Driver for 3dfx Banshee/Voodoo3 chipsets: 3dfx Banshee,
        3dfx Voodoo3, 3dfx Voodoo5
(II) GLINT: driver for 3Dlabs chipsets: gamma, gamma2, ti_pm2, ti_pm, r4,
        pm4, pm3, pm2v, pm2, pm, 300sx, 500tx, mx, delta
(II) S3: driver (version 0.3.5 for S3 chipset: 964-0, 964-1, 968,
        Trio32/64, Aurora64V+
(II) S3VIRGE: driver (version 1.8.3) for S3 ViRGE chipsets: virge, 86C325,
        virge vx, 86C988, virge dx, virge gx, 86C375, 86C385, virge gx2,
        86C357, virge mx, 86C260, virge mx+, 86C280, trio 3d, 86C365,
        trio 3d/2x, 86C362, 86C368
(II) RENDITION: rendition driver (version 4.0) for chipsets: V1000,
(II) TGA: driver for Digital chipsets: tga, tga2
(II) ATI: ATI driver (version 6.4.8) for chipsets: ati, ativga
(II) R128: Driver for ATI Rage 128 chipsets: ATI Rage 128 RE (PCI),
        ATI Rage 128 RF (AGP), ATI Rage 128 RG (AGP), ATI Rage 128 RK (PCI),
        ATI Rage 128 RL (AGP), ATI Rage 128 SM (AGP),
        ATI Rage 128 Pro PD (PCI), ATI Rage 128 Pro PF (AGP),
        ATI Rage 128 Pro PP (PCI), ATI Rage 128 Pro PR (PCI),
        ATI Rage 128 Pro ULTRA TF (AGP), ATI Rage 128 Pro ULTRA TL (AGP),
        ATI Rage 128 Pro ULTRA TR (AGP), ATI Rage 128 Mobility LE (PCI),
        ATI Rage 128 Mobility LF (AGP), ATI Rage 128 Mobility MF (AGP),
        ATI Rage 128 Mobility ML (AGP)
(II) RADEON: Driver for ATI Radeon chipsets: ATI Radeon QD (AGP),
        ATI Radeon QE (AGP), ATI Radeon QF (AGP), ATI Radeon QG (AGP),
        ATI Radeon VE QY (AGP), ATI Radeon VE QZ (AGP),
        ATI Radeon Mobility LW (AGP), ATI Radeon Mobility LY (AGP),
        ATI Radeon Mobility LZ (AGP), ATI Radeon 8500 QL (AGP),
        ATI Radeon 8500 QN (AGP), ATI Radeon 8500 QO (AGP),
        ATI Radeon 8500 Ql (AGP), ATI Radeon 8500 BB (AGP),
        ATI Radeon 7500 QW (AGP)
(II) SAVAGE: driver (version 1.1.20) for S3 Savage chipsets: Savage4,
        Savage3D, Savage3D-MV, Savage2000, Savage/MX-MV, Savage/MX,
        Savage/IX-MV, Savage/IX, ProSavage PM133, ProSavage KM133,
        ProSavage PN133, ProSavage KN133, SuperSavage/MX 128,
        SuperSavage/MX 64, SuperSavage/MX 64C, SuperSavage/IX 128,
        SuperSavage/IX 128, SuperSavage/IX 64, SuperSavage/IX 64,
        SuperSavage/IXC 64, SuperSavage/IXC 64
(II) NV: driver for NVIDIA chipsets: RIVA 128, RIVA TNT,
        RIVA TNT2/TNT2 Pro, RIVA TNT2 Ultra, Vanta, Riva TNT2 M64,
        Aladdin TNT2, GeForce 256, GeForce DDR, Quadro, GeForce2 MX/MX 400,
        GeForce2 MX 100/200, GeForce2 Go, Quadro2 MXR, GeForce2 GTS/Pro,
        GeForce2 Ti, GeForce2 Ultra, Quadro2 Pro, GeForce4 MX 460,
        GeForce4 MX 440, GeForce4 MX 420, GeForce4 440 Go, GeForce4 420 Go,
        GeForce4 420 Go M32, Quadro4 500XGL, GeForce4 440 Go M64,
        Quadro4 200/400NVS, Quadro4 550XGL, Quadro4 GoGL,
        GeForce2 Integrated, GeForce3, GeForce3 Ti 200, GeForce3 Ti 500,
        Quadro DCC, GeForce4 Ti 4600, GeForce4 Ti 4400, GeForce4 Ti 4200,
        Quadro4 900 XGL, Quadro4 750 XGL, Quadro4 700 XGL
(II) Silicon Motion: driver (version 1.3.1) for Silicon Motion Lynx chipsets:
        Lynx, LynxE, Lynx3D, LynxEM, LynxEM+, Lynx3DM
(II) VGA: Generic VGA driver (version 4.0) for chipsets: generic
(II) Primary Device is: PCI 01:0a:0
(--) Assigning device section with no busID to primary device
(--) Chipset ti_pm2 found
(II) resource ranges after xf86ClaimFixedResources() call:
        [0] -1  0xffffffff - 0xffffffff (0x1) MX[B]
        [1] -1  0x00000000 - 0x00000000 (0x1) MX[B]
        [2] -1  0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
        [3] -1  0x81041000 - 0x81041fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
        [4] -1  0x81040000 - 0x81040fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
        [5] -1  0x81150000 - 0x81150fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
        [6] -1  0x81140000 - 0x8114ffff (0x10000) MX[B]E
        [7] -1  0x81151000 - 0x81151fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
        [8] -1  0x81020000 - 0x8102ffff (0x10000) MX[B](B)
        [9] -1  0x80000000 - 0x807fffff (0x800000) MX[B](B)
        [10] -1 0x80800000 - 0x80ffffff (0x800000) MX[B](B)
        [11] -1 0x81000000 - 0x8101ffff (0x20000) MX[B](B)
        [12] -1 0xffffffff - 0xffffffff (0x1) IX[B]
        [13] -1 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
        [14] -1 0x00008000 - 0x000080ff (0x100) IX[B]E
        [15] -1 0x00008100 - 0x000081ff (0x100) IX[B]E
        [16] -1 0x00000374 - 0x00000377 (0x4) IX[B]E
        [17] -1 0x00000170 - 0x0000017f (0x10) IX[B]E
        [18] -1 0x000090a0 - 0x000090bf (0x20) IX[B]E
        [19] -1 0x000003f4 - 0x000003f7 (0x4) IX[B]E
        [20] -1 0x000001f0 - 0x000001ff (0x10) IX[B]E
        [21] -1 0x00009000 - 0x0000907f (0x80) IX[B]E
        S3VProbe begin
(II) resource ranges after probing:
        [0] -1  0xffffffff - 0xffffffff (0x1) MX[B]
        [1] -1  0x00000000 - 0x00000000 (0x1) MX[B]
        [2] -1  0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
        [3] -1  0x81041000 - 0x81041fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
        [4] -1  0x81040000 - 0x81040fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
        [5] -1  0x81150000 - 0x81150fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
        [6] -1  0x81140000 - 0x8114ffff (0x10000) MX[B]E
        [7] -1  0x81151000 - 0x81151fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
        [8] -1  0x81020000 - 0x8102ffff (0x10000) MX[B](B)
        [9] -1  0x80000000 - 0x807fffff (0x800000) MX[B](B)
        [10] -1 0x80800000 - 0x80ffffff (0x800000) MX[B](B)
        [11] -1 0x81000000 - 0x8101ffff (0x20000) MX[B](B)
        [12] 0  0x000a0000 - 0x000affff (0x10000) MS[B]
        [13] 0  0x000b0000 - 0x000b7fff (0x8000) MS[B]
        [14] 0  0x000b8000 - 0x000bffff (0x8000) MS[B]
        [15] -1 0xffffffff - 0xffffffff (0x1) IX[B]
        [16] -1 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
        [17] -1 0x00008000 - 0x000080ff (0x100) IX[B]E
        [18] -1 0x00008100 - 0x000081ff (0x100) IX[B]E
        [19] -1 0x00000374 - 0x00000377 (0x4) IX[B]E
        [20] -1 0x00000170 - 0x0000017f (0x10) IX[B]E
        [21] -1 0x000090a0 - 0x000090bf (0x20) IX[B]E
        [22] -1 0x000003f4 - 0x000003f7 (0x4) IX[B]E
        [23] -1 0x000001f0 - 0x000001ff (0x10) IX[B]E
        [24] -1 0x00009000 - 0x0000907f (0x80) IX[B]E
        [25] 0  0x000003b0 - 0x000003bb (0xc) IS[B]
        [26] 0  0x000003c0 - 0x000003df (0x20) IS[B]
(II) Setting vga for screen 0.
(**) GLINT(0): Depth 24, (--) framebuffer bpp 32
(==) GLINT(0): RGB weight 888
(==) GLINT(0): Default visual is TrueColor
(==) GLINT(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
(==) GLINT(0): Using HW cursor
(--) GLINT(0): Not using Linux framebuffer device
(--) GLINT(0): Chipset: "ti_pm2"
(--) GLINT(0): Linear framebuffer at 0x80000000
(--) GLINT(0): MMIO registers at 0x81000000
(WW) checkDevMem: failed to mmap /dev/mem (Invalid argument)
(II) Machine needs sparse mapping
(--) GLINT(0): VideoRAM: 8192 kByte
(--) GLINT(0): FIFO Size is 256 DWORDS
(==) GLINT(0): Min pixel clock is 16 MHz
(--) GLINT(0): Max pixel clock is 110 MHz
(II) GLINT(0): Acorn 17'': Using hsync range of 31.50-79.00 kHz
(II) GLINT(0): Acorn 17'': Using vrefresh range of 50.00-90.00 Hz
(II) GLINT(0): Clock range:  16.25 to 110.00 MHz
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "320x175" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "320x200" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "360x200" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "320x240" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "320x240" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "320x240" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "320x240" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "400x300" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "400x300" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "400x300" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "400x300" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "400x300" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "1024x768" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "512x384" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "512x384" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "512x384" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "512x384" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "512x384" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "576x432" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "640x480" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "1280x960" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "640x480" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "640x512" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "1280x1024" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "640x512" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "1280x1024" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "640x512" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "1600x1200" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "1600x1200" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "1600x1200" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "1600x1200" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "1600x1200" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "1792x1344" (insufficient memory for mode)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "896x672" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "1792x1344" (insufficient memory for mode)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "896x672" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "1856x1392" (insufficient memory for mode)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "928x696" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "1856x1392" (insufficient memory for mode)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "928x696" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "1920x1440" (insufficient memory for mode)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "960x720" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "1920x1440" (insufficient memory for mode)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "960x720" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "1400x1050" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "700x525" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "1400x1050" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "700x525" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(II) GLINT(0): Not using default mode "800x512" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)
(--) GLINT(0): Virtual size is 1280x1024 (pitch 1280)
(**) GLINT(0): Default mode "1280x1024": 108.0 MHz, 64.0 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) GLINT(0): Modeline "1280x1024"  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync
(**) GLINT(0): Default mode "1024x768": 94.5 MHz, 68.7 kHz, 85.0 Hz
(II) GLINT(0): Modeline "1024x768"   94.50  1024 1072 1168 1376  768 769 772 808 +hsync +vsync
(**) GLINT(0): Default mode "800x600": 56.3 MHz, 53.7 kHz, 85.1 Hz
(II) GLINT(0): Modeline "800x600"   56.30  800 832 896 1048  600 601 604 631 +hsync +vsync
(**) GLINT(0): Default mode "640x480": 36.0 MHz, 43.3 kHz, 85.0 Hz
(II) GLINT(0): Modeline "640x480"   36.00  640 696 752 832  480 481 484 509 -hsync -vsync
(**) GLINT(0): Default mode "640x400": 31.5 MHz, 37.9 kHz, 85.1 Hz
(II) GLINT(0): Modeline "640x400"   31.50  640 672 736 832  400 401 404 445 -hsync +vsync
(==) GLINT(0): DPI set to (75, 75)
(II) GLINT(0): I2C bus "DDC" initialized.
(II) GLINT(0): I2C bus "Video" initialized.
(--) Depth 24 pixmap format is 32 bpp
(II) resource ranges after preInit:
        [0] 0   0x80000000 - 0x807fffff (0x800000) MX[B]
        [1] 0   0x80800000 - 0x80ffffff (0x800000) MX[B]
        [2] 0   0x81000000 - 0x8101ffff (0x20000) MX[B]
        [3] -1  0xffffffff - 0xffffffff (0x1) MX[B]
        [4] -1  0x00000000 - 0x00000000 (0x1) MX[B]
        [5] -1  0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
        [6] -1  0x81041000 - 0x81041fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
        [7] -1  0x81040000 - 0x81040fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
        [8] -1  0x81150000 - 0x81150fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
        [9] -1  0x81140000 - 0x8114ffff (0x10000) MX[B]E
        [10] -1 0x81151000 - 0x81151fff (0x1000) MX[B]E
        [11] -1 0x81020000 - 0x8102ffff (0x10000) MX[B](B)
        [12] -1 0x80000000 - 0x807fffff (0x800000) MX[B](B)
        [13] -1 0x80800000 - 0x80ffffff (0x800000) MX[B](B)
        [14] -1 0x81000000 - 0x8101ffff (0x20000) MX[B](B)
        [15] 0  0x000a0000 - 0x000affff (0x10000) MS[B](OprD)
        [16] 0  0x000b0000 - 0x000b7fff (0x8000) MS[B](OprD)
        [17] 0  0x000b8000 - 0x000bffff (0x8000) MS[B](OprD)
        [18] -1 0xffffffff - 0xffffffff (0x1) IX[B]
        [19] -1 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
        [20] -1 0x00008000 - 0x000080ff (0x100) IX[B]E
        [21] -1 0x00008100 - 0x000081ff (0x100) IX[B]E
        [22] -1 0x00000374 - 0x00000377 (0x4) IX[B]E
        [23] -1 0x00000170 - 0x0000017f (0x10) IX[B]E
        [24] -1 0x000090a0 - 0x000090bf (0x20) IX[B]E
        [25] -1 0x000003f4 - 0x000003f7 (0x4) IX[B]E
        [26] -1 0x000001f0 - 0x000001ff (0x10) IX[B]E
        [27] -1 0x00009000 - 0x0000907f (0x80) IX[B]E
        [28] 0  0x000003b0 - 0x000003bb (0xc) IS[B](OprD)
        [29] 0  0x000003c0 - 0x000003df (0x20) IS[B](OprD)
And then i need to powercycle... no response nothing!

End of this message!
