Subject: Re: Off-Topic: Goodbye to
To: David Woyciesjes <>
From: nierveze <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 05/15/2002 00:05:29
I have 9go of free disk on the windows partition of my pc ...,I downloaded
all the 'vms'dir of gatekeeper. can put it on a cd.
I'll continue tomorrow morning.....
good bye
-----Message d'origine-----
De : David Woyciesjes <>
Ā : NetBSD/Alpha Mail List (E-mail) <>; NetBSD/Vax Mail
List (E-mail) <>
Date : mardi 14 mai 2002 23:27
Objet : RE: Off-Topic: Goodbye to

> Aww damn... Hopefully someone else is grabbing
>, and
> You know, it figures. Give Windows a little work to do, and what
>happens? It pukes all over your new shoes!
> Looks like I'm losing my whole Windows hard drive. It's acting way
>too funny... I'm going to have to bow out of this "rescue effort"...
>---   David A Woyciesjes
>---   C & IS Support Specialist
>---   Yale University Press
>---   (203) 432-0953
>---   ICQ # - 905818
>Mac OS X 10.1 - Darwin Kernel Version 5
>Running since 01/22/2002 without a crash