Subject: Re: Corrupted 20011221-1.5ZA Snapshot
To: Curt Sampson <>
From: James Sharp <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 02/27/2002 22:23:04
> Leaving this kind of thing around is problamatic. For example, a
> recent customer of mine and I lost about eight hours trying to get
> this snapshot installed on one of this machines, at a cost to him
> of about $1200. Needless to say, we're running Linux on those alphas
> now, and he will never touch NetBSD on any machine ever again.
I always thought it was caveat emptor...snapshots are likely to blow chow
at any given moment...don't trust real data on them...burning ring of fire
& all that.
Just curious...or maybe what i've been told about snapshots is wrong.