Subject: Apache 2.0.28 + PHP 4.1.1 + MySQL 3.23.47
To: None <>
From: Randy Arabie <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 01/28/2002 14:38:12
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to install Apache 2.0.28 + PHP 4.1.1 + AP-PHP 4.1.1 +
MySQL 3.23.47 on an AlphaStation 255 running NetBSD 1.5.2
Has anyone had any luck with this combo?
I'm not. I can't get ap-php4 to build. It says Apache was not
built with DSO support. I did have to edit the apache Makefile
to add that in, --enable-module=so.
However, that still doesn't work.