Subject: ALphaServer 1000 SIMSs!!
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 01/23/2002 15:14:33
I installed 4 32MB + 4 16MB SIMM taken from a AS1000 into my DEC3000/M300
and they works perfectly!

Digital Equipment Corporation
System conducting power up tests

Devnam           Devstat
--------         -------
     CPU          OK KN16-AA -V6.8-S86D-I212-sV2.0-DECchip 21064  P3.0
     OSC          150 MHz
    ASIC          OK
     MEM          OK 192MB
     NVR          OK
     CXT          OK
     SCC          OK ptr(0) = Not Present  keybd(2) = Not Present
      NI          OK Ethernet Address: 08-00-2B-3D-DD-23 , TENBT
    SCSI          OK
    ISDN          OK
   FEROM          OK

anyone know a program to test heavily the memory modules?

