Subject: Re: Under compat_osf1, can Netscape connect to internet directly ?
To: Sung-Won Chung <>
From: Andrew Hobgood <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 03/10/2001 06:17:30
> And I executed netscape 4.76 for True64 Unix.
> I worked but, It could resolve hostname.
> (other version of netscape also failed in resolving hostname)
> Since I set up correctly my host as DNS client,
> mozilla can resolve hostname.

I believe you need to put /emul/osf1/etc/svc.conf to contain something
like below:

[ /emul/osf1/etc/svc.conf ]

# *****************************************************************
# *                                                               *
# *    Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1991, 1996    *
# *                                                               *
# *   All Rights Reserved.  Unpublished rights  reserved  under   *
# *   the copyright laws of the United States.                    *
# *                                                               *
# *   The software contained on this media  is  proprietary  to   *
# *   and  embodies  the  confidential  technology  of  Digital   *
# *   Equipment Corporation.  Possession, use,  duplication  or   *
# *   dissemination of the software and media is authorized only  *
# *   pursuant to a valid written license from Digital Equipment  *
# *   Corporation.                                                *
# *                                                               *
# *   RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND   Use, duplication, or disclosure  *
# *   by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions  as  set  *
# *   forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii)  of  DFARS  252.227-7013,  *
# *   or  in  FAR 52.227-19, as applicable.                       *
# *                                                               *
# *****************************************************************
# Fri Nov  8 20:42:59 EST 1996 u-ben
#	changed hosts from bind,local to local,bind
# WARNING: This file is MANDATORY !
# Setup recommendation: As you add distributed services to database
#	entries, it is recommended that "local" is the first service.
#	For example:
#			passwd=local,yp
# Note: White space allowed only after commas or newlines.
# File Format
# -----------
# database=service,service
# The database can be:
#	aliases
#	group
#	hosts
#	netgroup
#	networks
#	passwd
#	protocols
#	rpc
#	services
# The service can be:
#	local
#	yp
#	bind (hosts ONLY)

SECLEVEL=BSD   # for backwards compatibility ONLY