Subject: Re: spamwar rules of engagement [ was printer supplies ]
To: Greg A. Woods <>
From: Crossfire <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 11/05/2000 01:25:56
Oh, and furthermore, ORBS RBL are also inadvisable due to their draconian
and inappropriate handling of Australian ISPs which would result in all of
.au's dialup and ISP populous not being able to post.
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> I don't know about port-alpha because I've not kept track of it
> explicitly, but I've had about 10 or more spams in the various tech-*
> groups over just the past few days, with eight of them still in my inbox
> (and I regularly see at least two or three per day on average). Most of
> them would have been stopped by employing the various MAPS RBLs (and
> IIRC they all would have been blocked if the ORBS RBL had been added to
> the mix).