Subject: RE: printer supplies
To: '' <>
From: David Woyciesjes <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 11/02/2000 09:55:57
Is there someone in the NetBSD organistion that can get ahold of these
morons and tell them that we did not pay for nor request commercials in our
dialy programming on this list?
--- David A Woyciesjes
--- C & IS Support Specialist
--- Yale University Press
--- (203) 432-0953
--- ICQ # - 905818
-> -----Original Message-----
-> From: []
-> Sent: Saturday, November 01, 1997 7:36 PM
-> To:
-> Subject: printer supplies
-> Cartridge Depot
-> Order Line: 1-888-222-0400 or 1-888-248-2015
-> Fax Line: 1-888-977-1577
-> E-mail removal: 1-888-248-4930
-> Order by Fax or Phone
-> Laser Printer Toner Cartridges,Fax and Copier Cartridges
-> We accept Government, School & University Purchase Orders
-> Just Leave you PO# with correct Billing & Shipping Address
-> Current Prices are as follows:
-> For hewlett packard printers
-> 4L,4p,1100 and series 2 cartridges are now 49 dollars
-> 2p cartridges are 54
-> 3si cartridges are 75
-> 4000 and 2100 cartridges are 79
-> 5000 and 8100 cartrdidges are 135
-> 5p,6p,5mp and 6mp cartridges are 59
-> for Aplle printers
-> pro 600 or 16-600 cartridges are now 69 dollars
-> laser writer select 300,320 and 360 cartridges are 69
-> laser writer 300 and 320 cartridges are 54
-> laser writer nt,2nt,2f,2g and LS cartridges are 54
-> laser writer personal 12-640 cartridges are 79
-> for hewlett packard laser fax machines
-> our laserfax 500,700,5000,7000,fx1 and fx2 cartridges are now 59
-> our laserfax fx3 cartridges are 69
-> our laserfax fx4 cartridges are 79
-> for lexmark and ibm printers
-> optra 4019 and 4029 are now 125
-> optra r,r+ and optra s cartrisges are 135
-> optra e cartridges are 59
-> for canon copiers
-> pc 3, 6re, 7 and 11 (A30) are now 69
-> pc 300,320,700,720 and 760 (E-40) are 89
-> Please include your Phone number, Company Name, Shipping Address,
-> items
-> needed with quantities, method of payment (COD or Credit Card)
-> and credit
-> card information. We ship UPS Ground (Add $4.5). Our standard
-> exchange
-> policy is 90 days. (All Cartridges are oem compatible)