Subject: Re: New NetBSD/alpha NetBSD-1.5_ALPHA2 snapshot
To: None <>
From: Duane Eddingfield <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 08/14/2000 01:05:53
Jason R Thorpe wrote:
> Folks...
> I have build a new NetBSD-1.5_ALPHA2 snapshot. It is available at:
> It has support for the DEC DE422 Ethernet (hi there, Jensen owners!)
> Please install this on your Jensen if you have one, and report back
> to me if the network works (e.g. use the SRM to boot the disk image
> from a disk, then attempt to mount root over the network).
You are indeed doing wonderfull work here :) My problem is in two
first my Jensen has a DE425 NIC and it is not easy for me to make
CD-ROMs.. So I am
forced to netboot which has not gone well.
I used the netboot file from the 1.4.x distribution which loads but
stops with a
*** Unexpected Interrupt *** message and a register dump. The netboot
I get from the 'Unofficial NetBSD" site is much smaller and fails after
loading. Also
my Jensen will not boot from tape.
FYI its an AXP 150, 96 MB RAM, 1742 disk controller, Compaq Qvision
video, DE425
network card and two SCSI hard disks and 2.88 MB floppy (SRM can't boot
that either).
I may be able to get another one of these machines in about a month
if NetBSD starts
to work for me.
Suggestions welcome,
| Duane Eddingfield | Linux is a foreign terrorist plot to take |
| | money away from true America companies like |
| | like Microsoft. |