Subject: RE: md5-encrypted password file with NetBSD?
To: Rik van Mierlo <>
From: Bill Dorsey <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 03/28/2000 13:21:37
Rik wrote:
>I suppose that my previous e-mail wasn't very clear on what I wanted to
>do, and I should probably post this question to netbsd-users, but here
>it is again:
>I need to be able to paste md5-encrypted passwords into the
>master.passwd file of my NetBSD machine. Is this possible?
>I already got two answers saying that I should just try it, and that it
>should work. It didn't. Am I screwing up here? Did I miss something?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there is no way this is going
to work.  NetBSD uses the traditional Unix DES-based encryption scheme
to encrypt user passwords, salting the result and storing it in the
password file after converting to ascii using a process not unlike

Any non-traditional (read: non-DES-based) password encryption scheme
will be incompatible with NetBSD (and other versions of Unix like
Solaris or Linux that use the standard DES-based algorithm).  Insofar
as being able to cut and paste entries between the two types of
password files, it's just not possible.

An alternative scheme you might consider is to use a network-based
authentication process such as yellow pages or Kerberos.  These will
allow you to have a single password file on a master machine which
will allow access to any machine in the network configured to use

Bill Dorsey