Subject: Re: Multia secondary boot stage failure
To: Ross Harvey <>
From: Jon Lindgren <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 02/18/1999 20:35:40
> If that happened to me, I suppose I would boot the install floppy again,
> fsck -f/dev/rsd0a, mount /dev/sd0a on /mnt, and ls -ls /mnt/netbsd, just
> to make sure I (or sysinst) had d/l'ed and unpacked kern.tgz correctly.
> I might even just unpack it by hand again into /mnt.
> But if all that checks out we may need to get the exact console error
> printout from you to be of any more help. You might want to unplug your
> keyboard and use a serial console to capture that.
Yeah, I tried it by hand, and everything looks okay. I'll try to get that
screen dump.