Subject: Re: netboot multia
To: Victor Gold <>
From: Wilko Bulte <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 12/01/1998 21:42:09
As Victor Gold wrote...

> Isn't it likely that Digital/Compaq wouldn't really care if it put out?

You'd think so, but I got a firm statement: we are not going to release
any new firmware for Multia. This makes the chances of getting this firmware
out of the Compaq door almost NULL. 

> After all, its utility is going to be appreciated by only a select few.

I'm afraid that is not sufficient..

> The secrets of Vietnam have, after all this time, now mostly leaked out...

It's not really the issue of it being secret, it's more that it seems
people don't want to be remembered of Multia ;-)

> Victor
> At 08:09 PM 12/1/98 +0100, Wilko Bulte wrote:
> >As Nathan Gelbard wrote...
> >> I can bootp and load the netboot file (1st stage). Then it complains the
> >> file just loaded didnt contain an ethernet address, and I should consult
> >> setnetbootinfo(8) to fix this. I cannot find this man page on my i386
> >> system.
> >> 
> >> I tried the tc=.cynic trick (changing hostnames, of course) in the
> >> alpha/faq, but to no avail.
> >> 
> >> thoughts?
> >
> >I have yet to see an *officially released* SRM console for Multia that
> >does netbooting correctly... I had an 'Internal Use Only' version that
> >worked OK. Tried to talk the former Multia people into releasing that one
> >into the field but they refused. Multia is a bit like the Vietnam of Digital
> >(eh Compaq) it seems :-(
> >
> >Wilko
> >_     ______________________________________________________________________
> > |   / o / /  _  Bulte 				  email: 
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> >
> Victor Gold
> Peritek Corp
> 5550 Redwood Road
> Oakland, CA  94619
> (510) 531-6500
> FAX (510) 530-8563
> email:

_     ______________________________________________________________________
 |   / o / /  _  Bulte 				  email: 
 |/|/ / / /( (_) Arnhem, The Netherlands          WWW  :
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