Subject: Re: netboot multia
To: Nathan Gelbard <>
From: Wilko Bulte <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 12/01/1998 20:09:27
As Nathan Gelbard wrote...
> I can bootp and load the netboot file (1st stage). Then it complains the
> file just loaded didnt contain an ethernet address, and I should consult
> setnetbootinfo(8) to fix this. I cannot find this man page on my i386
> system.
> I tried the tc=.cynic trick (changing hostnames, of course) in the
> alpha/faq, but to no avail.
> thoughts?

I have yet to see an *officially released* SRM console for Multia that
does netbooting correctly... I had an 'Internal Use Only' version that
worked OK. Tried to talk the former Multia people into releasing that one
into the field but they refused. Multia is a bit like the Vietnam of Digital
(eh Compaq) it seems :-(

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 |   / o / /  _  Bulte 				  email: 
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