Subject: Re: Alpha 3000/800 Netbooting problems...
To: Toru Nishimura <>
From: Wilko Bulte <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 06/25/1998 19:06:33
As Toru Nishimura wrote...
> > Uh, I'm not quite sure what you were trying to say, but...
> >
> > I've never seen a SCSI floppy in _any_ Alpha whatsoever.  I'm sure
> > they exist, but they aren't particularly common, as far as I'm aware.
> Sorry for my poor English.  Model 300 has an option to install RX26
> SCSI floppy inside (our site once had 200 of RX26).  Other models did
> not have the room.

You might want to keep an open eye for trash cans /dumpsters with
DECstations in them. From what I've seen they were more common there than in
AXP machines. I've got a unit like that, truly handy. Even used it to
boot a Jensen from ;-)

_     ______________________________________________________________________
 |   / o / /  _  Bulte 				  email: wilko @ 
 |/|/ / / /( (_) Arnhem, The Netherlands          WWW:
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