Subject: Re: Multia Firmware
To: Tim Atluru <>
From: Wilko Bulte <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 11/08/1997 10:10:12
As Tim Atluru wrote...
> >under <>. If you run into problems,
> >post exactly what you tried to do, and what happens, and I'll help
> >you out.
> Quick refresh: I am trying to net-boot a DEC Alpha Multia using a
> FreeBSD server, TFTP, bootpd, and NFS. I am using NetBSD kernel,
> userland, and toolkit from the 1.3_Alpha directory dated 19971027(?).
> The Alpha reaches the point of telling me that my firmware may need to
> be upgraded or I may need to rebuild the second stage boot loader using
> setnetbootinfo. Given this I know everything is working to the point
> of failure of the secondary loader.
I'm currently trying to do exactly the same only in my case I don't
even get netboot running. Tftp does not even start.
> My current firmware version...from startup message.
> Multia SRM Console BL5 V3.8-3, built on Aug 10 1995 at 03:22:55
> (hand typed, forgive errors)
This is also what is now in my Multia. *After* the upgrade that is..
I had something newer before. This makes me wonder if the image
on gatekeeper may be a wrong one.
I'll have a chat with my colleagues in the repair dept (I work for DEC)
to see if they can tell me more about this.
_ ______________________________________________________________________
| / o / / _ Bulte email:
|/|/ / / /( (_) Arnhem, The Netherlands - Do, or do not. There is no 'try'
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