Subject: Re: Multia Firmware
To: Curt Sampson <>
From: Tim Atluru <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 11/07/1997 12:24:08
>On Fri, 7 Nov 1997, Tim Atluru wrote:
>> I am trying to net-boot a Multia. I have RTFM. It bitches about firmware
>> incompatabilities. When I try to upgrade (or downgrade) the firmware it
>> doesn't seem to stick. Am I just confused here?
>It would really help if you tell us exactly what you're doing, and
>what the results are. What do you mean when you say an upgrade or
>downgrade of the firmware `doesn't stick'?
Sorry, it was late. :)
THe Multia came to me with a firmware upgrade floppy. (Don't know
the version off the top of my head, I can provide it later if necessary.)
I also have ftpd the last (interim) upgrade image form
When I run either of these (from the ARC->upgrade firmware option) they
seem to do their thing.
When I reboot I get the original firmware version/date back.
When I attempt to network boot the box I get the "Your firmware may
be to old" (not verbose but I know it is from the secondary boot loader)
message. I have also discovered the alpha-port binary for patching the
stage 2 bootstrap for older firmware but do not have another Alpha
to run it on.
I doubt it matters but I am using a FreeBSD box as my tftp/bootp/NFS
server here. I am using the snapshot from 19971027(?) in the 1.3_Alpha