Subject: xntpd under NetBSD/alpha: bug and fix
To: None <>
From: None <gdt@BBN.COM>
List: port-alpha
Date: 01/09/1996 15:25:35
I compiled xntp3_4y for NetBSD/alpha.
ntpq and ntpdate seemed to work fine.
xntpd complained of ridiculous tick values:

Jan  9 13:27:14 gigabit2 xntpd[26690]: xntpd version=3.4y-gdt (beta multicast, time surveying, tick counter, other); Mon Jan  8 10:16:45 PST 1996 (1)
Jan  9 13:27:14 gigabit2 xntpd[26690]: tick value of 171798692816 is unreasonably large

Note that:
40 * 2^32 + 976 = 171798692816
This is the result of reading two adjacent ints as a long.

I then made the following changes which makes the type for the kernel
variables match the kernel (int which is 4, not long which is 8), and
all seems well:

Jan  9 14:57:14 gigabit2 xntpd[411]: tickadj = 40, tick = 976, tvu_maxslew = 40920

After all this, the machine appears to run 1000 ppm slow.

My questions are:

Has anyone ever run xntp3 on an alpha before?  
Did it work?
Is tick a long on OSF/1?

	Greg Troxel

Index: ntp_unixclock.c
RCS file: /usr/CVS/ntp/xntpd/ntp_unixclock.c,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -c -r1.5 ntp_unixclock.c
*** ntp_unixclock.c	1996/01/04 14:41:10	1.5
--- ntp_unixclock.c	1996/01/09 20:03:40
*** 94,100 ****
  extern long sys_clock;
! static	void	clock_parms	P((u_long *, u_long *));
   * init_systime - initialize the system clock support code, return
--- 94,108 ----
  extern long sys_clock;
! #ifdef __alpha__
! typedef unsigned int kernel_tickadj_t;
! typedef unsigned int kernel_tick_t;
! #else
! typedef unsigned long kernel_tickadj_t;
! typedef unsigned long kernel_tick_t;
! #endif
! static	void	clock_parms	P((kernel_tickadj_t *, kernel_tick_t *));
   * init_systime - initialize the system clock support code, return
*** 118,125 ****
! 	u_long tickadj;
! 	u_long tick;
  	u_long hz;
--- 126,133 ----
! 	kernel_tickadj_t tickadj;
! 	kernel_tick_t tick;
  	u_long hz;
*** 243,250 ****
  static void
  clock_parms(tickadj, tick)
! 	u_long *tickadj;
! 	u_long *tick;
  	static struct nlist nl[] = {
  #define N_TICKADJ 0
--- 251,258 ----
  static void
  clock_parms(tickadj, tick)
! 	kernel_tickadj_t *tickadj;
! 	kernel_tick_t *tick;
  	static struct nlist nl[] = {
  #define N_TICKADJ 0
*** 357,364 ****
  static void
  clock_parms(tickadj, tick)
! 	u_long *tickadj;
! 	u_long *tick;
  	register int i;
  	int kmem;
--- 365,372 ----
  static void
  clock_parms(tickadj, tick)
! 	kernel_tickadj_t *tickadj;
! 	kernel_tick_t *tick;
  	register int i;
  	int kmem;
*** 456,463 ****
! 	*tickadj = (u_long)vars[K_TICKADJ];
! 	*tick = (u_long)vars[K_TICK];
  #undef	K_TICKADJ
  #undef	K_TICK
--- 464,471 ----
! 	*tickadj = (kernel_tickadj_t)vars[K_TICKADJ];
! 	*tick = (kernel_tick_t)vars[K_TICK];
  #undef	K_TICKADJ
  #undef	K_TICK