Subject: Re: Boot netbsd 2.0 on RiscPC
To: Peter Teichmann <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-acorn32
Date: 03/29/2005 00:26:09
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On Mon, 28 Mar 2005, Peter Teichmann wrote:

> Am Samstag, 26. M=E4rz 2005 02:13 schrieb David Brownlee:
>>   So to clarify - both the 2.0 !BtNetBSD using boot32, and
>>   direct use of the 2.0 boot32 fail for you, but work with
>>   an earlier BtNetBSD?
> They do not work with boot32 as supplied with NetBSD 2.0 (well, they work
> sometimes, but very seldom, maybe 1 out of 30 tries), and do work with
> btnetbsd, both v1.4 2004/0/24 as supplied with 2.0, and 1.5 2002/03/24 as
> supplied with the btnetbsd-0.99a archive (both did never fail).

 =09The 2.0 !BtNetBSD should be using boot32 internally. Maybe it is
 =09some of its additional setup that is avoiding the problem.

>>   That is very strange. Could you look at the messages boot32
>>   gives (load an invalid kernel - README works quite well :)
>>   and see if they are any different between one of C/D and
>>   one of A/B?
> It could be that one difference beetween the SIMMs is that one could be E=
> and the other FPM, but I do not know which is what. The 64MB ones are qui=
> sure EDO. Would that make a difference?

 =09possibly, though if it works with !BtNetBSD I would expect not.

> Could you give me a hint where I can find "load an invalid kernel - READM=
E"? I
> guess I can find there information how to preserve the boot32 messages,
> because they go away too fast if booting works.

 =09If you set a random file (such as README) to filetype NBKernel
 =09then doubel click it you should get a good set of messages.
 =09=09David/absolute       -- No hype required --