Subject: Re: SCSI status ?
To: Jan-Uwe Finck <>
From: Mike Pumford <>
List: port-acorn32
Date: 01/21/2002 20:16:27
> Anybody successfully using any sort of SCSI ?
> I can't boot with a Connect32 card (the machine stands forever in 
> waiting 2 seconds for the devices to settle),
This sounds very similar to a problem on the acorn SCSI card that got fixed 
just before 1.5 was release. Basically the SCSI code changed to do the SCSI 
bus scan with interrupts on instead of polled. I'll see if I can correlate the 
fix for the Acorn card with the code for the connect32. Can you build a kernel 
if I produce a patch?

ISTR the problem was that in interrupt driven mode a certain error was not 
being passed back to the machine independent SCSI layer so it can't tell 
at which ID's there is no device.

> and my CumanaII seems broken, I can't it to run under neither RiscOS
> nor NetBSD.
Sounds like the cards busted or it needs reflashing.

> So, does anybody out there have more luck ?
Acorn SCSI seems to work at least with CD-ROMs.
