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Review wip/wicd (GNU/Linux)


If someone has pkgsrc with linux,  try to install wicd and see if it works.

I have tested using linux from scratch 6.7 with pkgsrc/pkgsrc wip and it
works fine here.

(tested packages)

net-tools-1.60 (already installed)

I put dhcpcd net-tools wireless-tools as optional to install via
PKG_OPTIONS.wicd, since is very usual that those packages exists as a
base on severals distros.

Thing to try:

1) If compile and installs via pkgsrc wip.

2) (wicd needs to be started before playing with it)
/usr/pkg/share/examples/rc.d/wicd start

3) Common errors on /var/log/wicd/wicd.log
2011/01/05 14:12:15 :: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: 
org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied: Connection ":1.9" is not allowed to 
own the service "org.wicd.da
emon" due to security policies in the configuration file

Make sure that you have wicd.conf /usr/pkg/etc/dbus-1/system.d/wicd.conf and 
dbus has reload its policy configuration.

4) When started, try to play using ncurses via wicd-curses, or using gtk (most 
common) launching wicd-client --no-tray, test if wired or wifi works as 

To use wicd-cursers or wicd-client (gtk), wicd daemon need to be started before.

Thank you!


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