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Re: pkgsrc NetBSD 6.0/x86_64 2013-06-05 09:18

Aleksej Saushev <> writes:

> writes:
>>> Just a reminder, this is not pkgsrc, this is WIP.
>> If we keep looking at pkgsrc-wip like that,
>> it's not going to help what's here become less WIP faster.
> Whatever you do, VCS-based packages are not going into pkgsrc,
> but if you start treating them as if they are meant for generic
> consumption you're going to slow developers down. Now try to figure
> what is more beneficial to users.
> If you want to help, you'd rather address the real problem in the
> package under discussion which is
>>>> => Creating binary package
>>> /dsk3/pbulk/packages/xen5/All/objfw-gitnb20130608.tgz
> As you can easily see here, the package doesn't have version number.

I would say that a date-based package should have a version number,
which is more or less what upstream would call a point development
release.  So if 0.3 is current, and they are working to 0.4, then I'd
call it

PKGREVISION is an abuse, because it's meant to denote changes in
packaging, not changes in upstream content

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