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wip/TODO maintainence

Below is the script that simplifies maintainence of wip/TODO file.
It requires wip/runawk and wip/awk-pkgsrc-dewey and
works like the following:

    0 cheusov>check_wip_TODO
    No wip/chromium. What to do?
    No wip/gnome-commander. What to do?
    No wip/mpich2. What to do?
    No wip/ortp. What to do?
    No wip/rezound. What to do?
    No wip/sflphone. What to do?
    No wip/tripwire. What to do?
    No wip/ufraw. What to do?
    No wip/vinagre. What to do?
    wip/aircrack-ng is already up-to-date (1.0 vs. 1.0 )
    wip/bakery is already up-to-date (2.6.3 vs. 2.6.3 )
    wip/bubbros is already up-to-date (1.6 vs. 1.6 )
    wip/ccrypt is already up-to-date (1.9 vs. 1.9 )
    wip/cdogs is already up-to-date (0.4 vs. 0.4 )
    wip/firebird is already up-to-date (2.1.1nb2 vs. 2.0.3 )
    wip/gajim is already up-to-date (0.12.1 vs. 0.12 )
    wip/gallery is already up-to-date (1.5.10 vs. 1.5.10 )
    wip/geant is already up-to-date (4.9.2 vs. 4.9.2 )
    wip/grass is already up-to-date (6.3.0nb1 vs. 6.2.3 )
    wip/grisbi is already up-to-date (0.5.9 vs. 0.5.8 )
    wip/icecat is already up-to-date (3.5.3 vs. 3.5.3 )
    wip/libgdata is already up-to-date (0.4.0 vs. 0.4.0 )
    wip/libpthread-stubs is already up-to-date (1.0nb6 vs. 0.2 )
    wip/pdnsd is already up-to-date (1.2.7 vs. 1.2.7 )
    wip/sendmailX is already up-to-date ( vs. )
    wip/swftools is already up-to-date (0.9.0 vs. 0.9.0 )
    wip/xmonad is already up-to-date (0.8.1 vs. 0.8 )
    0 cheusov>

It can realatively easily be adapted to support MUCH BIGGER doc/TODO.


export LC_ALL=C

get_pkgs_tobeupdated (){
    awk '
    /^Suggested.*updates/, /^Suggested ready to import packages/ {
        if ($1 == "o") print $2
    }' $TODO_fn | sort

pkgs=`get_pkgs_tobeupdated "$@"`

for i in $pkgs; do
    pkgbase=`echo $i | sed 's|-[^-]*$||'`
    if test -d ${PKGSRCDIR}/wip/$pkgbase; then
        tobeupdated="$tobeupdated $i"
        echo "No wip/$pkgbase. What to do?" 1>&2

get_pkgname (){
    ( cd $PKGSRCDIR/$1 && $BMAKE show-var VARNAME=PKGNAME; )

uptodate (){
    runawk -f pkgsrc-dewey.awk -v b1="$1" -v b2="$2" -e '
    BEGIN {
        sub(/-[^-]*$/, "", pkgbase)
        sub(/.*-/, "", b1)
        sub(/.*-/, "", b2)
        if (dewey_test(b1, b2, ">=") ){
            print "wip/" pkgbase " is already up-to-date (" b1 " vs. " b2 " )" 
> "/dev/stderr"

for i in $tobeupdated; do
    pkgpath=wip/`echo $i | sed 's|-[^-]*$||'`
    act_pkgname=`get_pkgname $pkgpath`
#    echo $i $act_pkgname
    uptodate $act_pkgname $i

Best regards, Aleksey Cheusov.

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