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apache-arrow: Update to 12.0.0

Module Name:	pkgsrc-wip
Committed By:	Matthew Danielson <>
Pushed By:	matthewd
Date:		Thu Jun 1 09:51:24 2023 -0700
Changeset:	d2469b0bd07b464fba3012b83b5f2e0bd1812c53

Modified Files:

Log Message:
apache-arrow: Update to 12.0.0

Apache Arrow 12.0.0 (2023-04-30 07:00:00)
Bug Fixes
GH-14779 - [C++] Compiling failed on Mac M1
GH-14917 - [C++] Error out when GTest is compiled with a C++ standard lower than 17 (#34765)
GH-14923 - [C++][Parquet] Fix DELTA_BINARY_PACKED problem on reading the last block with malford bit-width (#15241)
GH-15054 - [C++] Change s3 finalization to happen after arrow threads finished, add pyarrow exit hook (#33858)
GH-15098 - [C++] fix util::EqualityComparable to compile on clang 15 (#33940)
GH-15102 - [C++] Could not decompress arrow stream sent from Java arrow SDK (#15194)
GH-15109 - [Python] Allow creation of non empty struct array with zero field (#33764)
GH-15137 - [C++][CI] Fix ASAN error in streaming JSON reader tests (#33772)
GH-15139 - [C++] Improve bzip2 static library path detection for arrow.pc (#33712)
GH-15173 - [C++][Parquet] Fixing ByteStreamSplit Standard broken (#34140)
GH-15212 - [C++] fix sliced list array writing in ORC (#15213)
GH-15247 - [R] Error when trying to save a data.frame with NULL column names (#34798)
GH-15256 - [C++][Dataset] Add support for writing with Partitioning::Default() (#33674)
GH-28074 - [C++][Dataset] Handle NaNs correctly in Parquet predicate push-down (#15125)
GH-31880 - [Python] Table.filter with expression now preserves order with use_threads=True (#34766)
GH-31905 - [DevTools] Add linting to Cython files (#14662)
GH-32512 - [Docs][R] Update conda install command (#34298)
GH-32954 - [Java][FlightRPC] Remove FlightTestUtil#getStartedServer and bind to port 0 directly (#34357)
GH-33287 - [R] Cannot read_parquet on http URL (#34708)
GH-33336 - [C++][Parquet] Avoid UB on unaligned load (#14488)
GH-33466 - [Go][Parquet] Add support for Dictionary arrays to pqarrow (#34342)
GH-33501 - [Packaging][Release] Add a post-release script to add a new version to conan (#34022)
GH-33566 - [C++] Add support for nullary and n-ary aggregate functions (#15083)
GH-33600 - [Go][Parquet] Panic in bitmap writer (#14989)
GH-33616 - [C++] Reorder group_by so that keys/segment keys come before aggregates (#34551)
GH-33689 - [Python][CI] Re-enable fsspec tests on dask nightly tests (#34925)
GH-33697 - [CI][Python] Nightly test for PySpark 3.2.0 fail with AttributeError on numpy.bool (#33714)
GH-33699 - [C++] Increase timeout of c++ tests when running under valgrind and shorten long tests (#33886)
GH-33701 - [C++] Add support for LTO (link time optimization) build (#33847)
GH-33709 - [R] Remove suffix argument from semi_join and anti_join (#34030)
GH-33717 - [Go] Flight SQL Server handle StreamChunk errors (#33718)
GH-33721 - [CI][R] Disable sccache on test-r-install-local macOS (#34713)
GH-33726 - [CI][Go] Set host name in Go benchmarks (#33728)
GH-33727 - [Python] array() errors if pandas categorical column has dictionary as string not object (#34289)
GH-33754 - [CI] Install brewfile dependencies for verification task jobs on M1 (#33755)
GH-33767 - [Go] Clear out parameter in ArrowArrayStream.get_next (#33768)
GH-33777 - [R] Nightly builds failing due to dataset test not being skipped on builds without datasets module (#33778)
GH-33779 - [R] Nightly builds (R 3.5 and 3.6) failing due to field refs test (#33780)
GH-33782 - [Release] Vote email number of issues is querying JIRA and producing a wrong number (#33791)
GH-33783 - [C#] Update release verification to use .NET 7.0 (#33799)
GH-33786 - [C++] Ignore old system xsimd (#33811)
GH-33796 - [C++] Fix wrong arrow-testing.pc config with system GoogleTest (#33812)
GH-33801 - [Python] Expose C++ ExtensionTypes/ExtensionArrays in pyarrow (#33802)
GH-33813 - [CI][GLib] Use Ruby 3.2 to update bundled MSYS2 (#33815)
GH-33816 - [CI][Conan] Use TARGET_FILE for portability (#33817)
GH-33820 - [CI][Release] Don’t libxsimd-dev on Ubuntu 20.04 (#33821)
GH-33824 - [C++] Improve error message on diescovery failure (#33848)
GH-33830 - Clarify handling of Null values in REE encoding (#33831)
GH-33849 - [C++] Fix builds with ARROW_BUILD_SHARED=OFF and ARROW_BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON (#34350)
GH-33864 - [Go] Don’t directly coerce cgo.Handle to unsafe.Pointer (#33865)
GH-33876 - [C++][Windows] Use different .pc path for each config (#33907)
GH-33882 - [C++] Don’t find .pc files with ARROW_BUILD_STATIC=OFF (#34019)
GH-33887 - [Go] cdata package leaks handles, difficult debugging (#33889)
GH-33904 - [R] improve behavior of s3_bucket - work-around (#34009)
GH-33911 - [C++] Add missing std::forward to Result::ValueOrElse (#33912)
GH-33914 - [Release] Force brew install build-from-source to not install from API (#33915)
GH-33920 - [C++][CI] Disable Flight SQL in sanitizer job (#34014)
GH-33932 - [Go] Fix build RecordBuilder with non-nullable items map field (#33906)
GH-33934 - [Packaging][Linux] Enable Flight for arm64 (#34717)
GH-33953 - [Java] Pass custom headers on every request (#33967)
GH-33954 - [C++][Parquet] Preserve field-id for nested type (#33955)
GH-33963 - [C++] add missing arrow/engine headers (#33964)
GH-33970 - [C#] Make schema field names case sensitive (#33978)
GH-33971 - [C++] Fix AdaptiveIntBuilder to always populate data buffer (#33994)
GH-33973 - [Python][Docs] Update documentation for Parquet filter keyword (#33974)
GH-34023 - [Docs] Version warning about viewing old docs doesn’t work for versions >= 10 (#34178)
GH-34029 - [Docs] Add Ninja to packages to install (#34040)
GH-34035 - [C++] Internal header file included from public one breaks build of external projects (#34036)
GH-34037 - [Python][Docs] Fix Table.drop docstring (#34038)
GH-34044 - [Go] Fix build with noasm tag (#34045)
GH-34047 - [C++][FlightRPC] Make DoAction warning less prominent (#34182)
GH-34076 - [C#] Allow schema fields with duplicate names (#34125)
GH-34080 - [Python] Add support for round_binary to python (#34084)
GH-34082 - [Packaging][deb] Follow Debian bookworm image change (#34091)
GH-34086 - [C++][Parquet] Fix writing num_rows to data page v2 (#34096)
GH-34088 - [Python] : Fix typo in get_writer (#34089)
GH-34092 - [R] open_csv_dataset() error if schema supplied and col_names left as TRUE (the default) (#34217)
GH-34098 - [Python][Docs] Fix dataset docstring (#34099)
GH-34101 - [Go][Parquet] NewSchemaManifest creates wrong schema field (#34127)
GH-34104 - [Python] update deduplicate_objects default in docs to match implementation (#34128)
GH-34106 - [C++][Parquet] Fix updating page stats for WriteArrowDictionary (#34107)
GH-34138 - [C++][Parquet] Fix parsing stats from min_value/max_value (#34112)
GH-34143 - [Python][Docs] Add fill_null back to API reference (#34144)
GH-34148 - [C++] Revert zstd back to 1.5.2 (#34190)
GH-34150 - [C++] Fix error due to improper initialization of conversion option defaults (#34209)
GH-34150 - [C++][Python] Fix improper initialization of ConversionOptions (#34156)
GH-34163 - [C++][CI] Ensure using the same Zstandard with bundled ORC (#34164)
GH-34165 - [Python] Extension array data type should default to the storage type if to_pandas_dtype is not implemented (#34559)
GH-34175 - [Docs] Remove Jira from .github/ (#34205)
GH-34188 - [C++][Benchmark] Add missing BENCHMARK_STATIC_DEFINE for bundled gbenchmark (#34194)
GH-34191 - [C++] Ensure using the same ProtoBuf in bundled ORC (#34192)
GH-34206 - [C++] Don’t let jemalloc defines affect unity builds (#34185)
GH-34210 - [C++] Make casting timestamp and duration zero-copy when TimeUnit matches (#34270)
GH-34211 - [R] Make sure Arrow arrays are unmaterialized before attempting to access the underlying ChunkedArray (#34489)
GH-34214 - [C++] Pass OPENSSL_ROOT_HINT to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH for bundled AWS (#34215)
GH-34228 - [R] Add LIB_DIR when Arrow is found via pkg-config (#34229)
GH-34230 - [Java] Call allocation listener on BaseAllocator#wrapForeignAllocation (#34231)
GH-34238 - [C++][Python] Segfault when calling groupby on table with misaligned chunks
GH-34241 - [C++] Fix ExecSpanIterator to properly initialize empty dictionary arrays (#34246)
GH-34244 - [Go][FlightRPC] SQLite example report Transactions support (#34245)
GH-34256 - [Dev] Update release scripts with main as new default branch (#34413)
GH-34269 - [C++] Fix include file name (#34285)
GH-34271 - [C++] Remove Thrift GitHub archive source url (#34273)
GH-34283 - [Python] Add types_mapper support to index for to_pandas (#34445)
GH-34284 - [Java][FlightRPC] Fixed issue with prepared statement getting sent twice (#34358)
GH-34296 - [C++][CI] Force appveyor builds to use conda-forge and ignore defaults channel (#34297)
GH-34301 - [CI][Packaging][RPM][arm64] Use closer.lua to download KEYS (#34302)
GH-34303 - [CI][Packaging][deb] Use system Meson on Debian GNU/Linux bookworm (#34304)
GH-34306 - [CI][Packaging][RPM] Don’t install utf8proc-devel on CentOS Stream 8 (#34307)
GH-34308 - [CI][C++] Use str(“”) to reset std::stringstream for old g++ (#34317)
GH-34309 - [C++] Disable LTO for aws_lc and s2n-tls (#34349)
GH-34324 - [CI][C++] Specify set element type explicitly for old g++ (#34325)
GH-34326 - [C++][Parquet] Page null_count is incorrect if stats is disabled (#34327)
GH-34366 - [R] Don’t getFromNamespace() the dplyr:::check_name() helper (#34369)
GH-34367 - [Java] Fix build error from sequential merges (#34368)
GH-34381 - [Dev] Retrieve committers from arrow-site committers.yml instead of relying on author_association (#34557)
GH-34385 - [Go] Read IPC files with compression enabled but uncompressed buffers (#34476)
GH-34395 - [Python] Add support for symbolic linked Arrow related include directories (#34674)
GH-34404 - [Python] Failing tests because pandas.Index can now store all numeric dtypes (not only 64bit versions) (#34498)
GH-34410 - [Python] Allow chunk sizes larger than the default to be used (#34435)
GH-34432 - [Java] NoCompressionCodec throws for unsupported codec type (#34580)
GH-34446 - [C++][Parquet] Fix RecordReaderPrimitveTypeTests test (#34447)
GH-34464 - [R] Missing rlang import - inform (#34465)
GH-34467 - [R] Disable DuckDB tests on R versions < 4.0.0 (#34468)
GH-34472 - [Go][FlightRPC] Drain result of DoAction in Flight SQL client (#34473)
GH-34474 - [C++] Detect and raise an error if a join will need too much key data (#35087)
GH-34479 - [Java] java-jars failing due to conflicting slf4j bindings (#34480)
GH-34492 - [Go] Fix missing boolean plain encoder state update (#34493)
GH-34496 - [C++][Parquet] fix parquet unittest in MakePages when num_values = 0 (#34497)
GH-34513 - [CI][Python] Remove unused imports from _acero.pyx to fix linting failures (#34514)
GH-34519 - [C++][R] Fix dataset scans that project the same name as a field (#34576)
GH-34539 - [C++] Fix throttled scheduler to avoid stack overflow in dataset writer (#35075)
GH-34540 - [C++] Removed set but unused variable (#34541)
GH-34546 - [C++] Support casting from large string to string scalar (#34549)
GH-34568 - [C++][Python] Expose Run-End Encoded arrays in Python Arrow (#34570)
GH-34579 - [Python][Docs] TableGroupBy.aggregate options (#34759)
GH-34597 - [Packaging][RPM] Don’t use glog (#34598)
GH-34603 - [Go][Parquet] Problem writing dictionary with empty strings (#34709)
GH-34605 - [C++] Don’t use std::move when passing shared_ptr to named table … (#34606)
GH-34619 - [C++] Add extension array handling to ArraySpan conversion (#34684)
GH-34621 - [GLib] Don’t use “g_strdup(XXX->ToString().c_str())” (#34624)
GH-34622 - [CI][GLib] Use “meson setup …” (#34623)
GH-34629 - [Go] Fix transpose_ints to work on riscv64-freebsd (#34647)
GH-34633 - [C++][Parquet] Fix StreamReader to read decimals (#34720)
GH-34639 - [C++] Support RecordBatch::FromStructArray even if struct array has nulls/offsets (#34691)
GH-34641 - [CI][Python] Mark test_scan on to require dataset (#34642)
GH-34643 - [CI] Fix files used for testing uncompressible data (#34646)
GH-34653 - [CI][C++] Fix for arrow-dataset-file-json-test segfault on alpine-linux-cpp (#35047)
GH-34655 - [CI][C++] arrow-compute-internals-test fails with `No function registered with name: equal` on test-cuda-cpp
GH-34661 - [CI][C#] Update Ubuntu C# jobs to use image with .NET 7.0 (#34662)
GH-34667 - [C++][Parquet] Test DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder with invalid inputs (#34668)
GH-34670 - [Packaging][C++] Add support for customizing GDB plugin install directory (#34672)
GH-34696 - [C++] Check REE arrays have no null buffer in Validate() (#34697)
GH-34731 - [Python] Release GIL when creating RecordBatchReader (#34732)
GH-34743 - [Python] Relax condition in flaky Flight test (#34747)
GH-34753 - [C++] Nightly builds failing with EnsureAlignment (#34754)
GH-34771 - [C++] Add support for compiling on FreeBSD/amd64 (#34772)
GH-34786 - [C++] Fix output schema calculated by Substrait consumer for AggregateRel (#34904)
GH-34801 - [C++] Remove needless “Requires.private: libcurl openssl” from arrow.pc (#34810)
GH-34807 - [Go] Handle io.EOF when reading parquet footer size and magic bytes (#34808)
GH-34823 - [C++][ORC] Fix ORC CHAR type mapping (#34836)
GH-34831 - [C++] Check REE child buffers are valid before other checks (#34833)
GH-34843 - [R] Fix R build failed caused by Acero refactor (#34844)
GH-34862 - [C++] Fix ArrowDataset dependencies (#34866)
GH-34869 - [C++] Configure alpine linux nightly job to build gtest from source (#34870)
GH-34871 - [C++] Fixed the add_dataset_test function to properly refer to the test file (#34872)
GH-34906 - [C++] Return invalid status instead of segfault if reading from a closed ArrayStreamBatchReader (#35016)
GH-34933 - [Python] Raise minimum cython version (#34935)
GH-34937 - [R] Minimal build failing due to new test which relies on snappy being installed (#34938)
GH-34944 - [Python] Fix crash when converting non-sequence object with getitem in pa.array() (#34958)
GH-34953 - [Ruby] Change null selection behavior in Table.slice to :drop (#34954)
GH-34960 - [C++] test util Fixing arrow Random Generator for lost nullable info (#34961)
GH-34973 - [CI][Packaging] Fix script path in wheel-clean (#34974)
GH-34977 - [C++] Fix “Requires” format in arrow-dataset.pc (#34978)
GH-34983 - [C++] Preserve map values nullability on C Data Interface import (#35013)
GH-34988 - [C#] Fix Windows-specific test issue in CDataSchemaPythonTest (#34989)
GH-34995 - [C++] Improve available GTest check for SYSTEM case (#34997)
GH-35008 - [C++] Add printers for REETestData and PageIndexReaderParam to placate Valgrind (#35011)
GH-35014 - [Python] Make sure unit tests can run without acero (#35017)
GH-35018 - [CI][Java][C++] Use ARROW_ZSTD_USE_SHARED=OFF for LLVM (#35023)
GH-35021 - [Python][CI] Use conda’s gdb in test-conda-python (#35024)
GH-35029 - [CI][C#] Install python on ubuntu-csharp image to fix nuget CI build (#35030)
GH-35038 - [R] argument order in arrow_table affects object return type (#35039)
GH-35056 - [Python][CI] Don’t install gdb on Windows (#35057)
GH-35060 - [C#][CI] Update dotnet download link regex (#35061)
GH-35062 - [Go][CI] Fix verification failures (#35077)
GH-35063 - [CI] Fix Python requirement in C# tests (#35091)
GH-35066 - [CI][Packaging][Linux] Free more disk space (#35128)
GH-35069 - [Archery][Release] Remove retrieving ARROW issue from migration comment on Archery release (#35070)
GH-35073 - [R] Minimal build is failing (acero symbol not defined) (#35074)
GH-35086 - [Java][CI] Upgrade CycloneDX Maven plugin version (#35092)
GH-35089 - [CI][C++][Flight] Test failures in macos release verification nightlies (#35090)
GH-35115 - [C++] Moved from acero to compute (#35117)
GH-35133 - [Go] fix for math.MaxUint32 overflows int error in 32-bit arch (#35159)
GH-35143 - [R][C++] Fixed shape tensor causes broken build on OSX (#35154)
GH-35170 - [CI][Packaging][Conan] Build grpc-proto (#35203)
GH-35181 - [R] Bump R package version number in versions.json (#35132)
GH-35186 - [CI][C++] Improve GoogleTest detection on Windows + vcpkg (#35200)
GH-35187 - [CI][C++] Use the latest arrow-testing (#35227)
GH-35192 - [Docs] Switch from logo to logo_url to support sphinx >= 6 (#35194)
GH-35205 - [C++][Gandiva] Don’t find system Zstandard when we use bundled one (#35220)
GH-35206 - [C++] Look for Conda OpenSSL in Windows verification (#35225)
GH-35235 - [CI][Python] Pandas upstream_devel and nightlies are failing (#35248)
GH-35252 - [C++] Use FindGTestAlt.cmake by ArrowTesting (#35253)

Features and Improvements

GH-14863 - [C++] Add appender functions to array builders that can take optionals (#24372)
GH-14866 - [C++] Remove internal GroupBy implementation (#14867)
GH-14912 - [Java] Remove usage of PlatformDependent in arrow-vector, arrow-jdbc and arrow-algorithm (#14913)
GH-14939 - [C++] Support Table lookups in FieldRef and FieldPath (#34537)
GH-15059 - [C++][Acero] populate guarantee columns from expression intstead of fragment (#15129)
GH-15070 - [Python][CI] Update pandas test for empty columns dtype change in pandas 2.0.1 (#35031)
GH-15070 - [Python][CI] Compatibility with pandas 2.0 (#34878)
GH-15107 - [C++][Parquet] Parquet Encoder: Support RLE for Boolean (#34526)
GH-15164 - [C++][Parquet] Implement current version of BloomFilter spec (#33776)
GH-15171 - [C++] Pass std::string_view by value (#33684)
GH-15193 - [C++][Parquet] Parquet FuzzReader add some fixed batch size (#33942)
GH-15195 - [C++][FlightRPC][Python] Add ToString/Equals for Flight types (#15196)
GH-15203 - [Java] Implement writing compressed files (#15223)
GH-15209 - [C++][Gandiva] Add abs function (#15208)
GH-15231 - [C++][Benchmarking] Add new memory pool metrics and track in benchmarks (#33731)
GH-15280 - [C++][Python][GLib] add libarrow_acero containing everything previously in compute/exec (#34711)
GH-15280 - [C++] Refactor to reorganize dependencies as a prequel to moving acero out of libarrow (#34518)
GH-15284 - [C++] Use DeclarationToExecBatches in Acero plan tests (#15288)
GH-15285 - [GLib] Add GArrowMatchSubstringOptions (#34725)
GH-15286 - [GLib] Add GArrowIndexOptions (#34679)
GH-15287 - [Ruby] Merge column and add suffix in Table#join (#33654)
GH-15483 - [C++] Add a Fixed Shape Tensor canonical ExtensionType (#8510)
GH-18481 - [C++] prefer casting literal over casting field ref (#15180)
GH-18487 - [R] Read Text (CSV/JSON) from character vector (#33968)
GH-18818 - [R] Create a field ref to a field in a struct (#19706)
GH-20117 - [Dev] Ask INFRA to switch default branch to main
GH-20272 - [C++] Bump version of bundled AWS SDK (#33808)
GH-20351 - [C++] Kernel input type matcher for run-end encoded types (#34503)
GH-20407 - [Go] Array Builder for REE arrays (#14114)
GH-20408 - [Go] Implement Encode and Decode functions for REE (#34534)
GH-20415 - [Go] Kernel Input Type for RLE (#14146)
GH-20484 - [Swift] Initial Arrow implementation (#14561)
GH-21429 - [GLib] Add GArrowDenseUnionArrayBuilder (#34981)
GH-21430 - [GLib] GArrowSparseUnionArrayBuilder (#34992)
GH-25163 - [C#] Support half-float arrays. (#34618)
GH-25986 - [C++] Enable external material and rotation for encryption keys (#34181)
GH-29705 - [Python] Remove deprecated pyarrow.serialization functionality (#34926)
GH-30774 - [Python] Remove deprecated use_async (#34034)
GH-31148 - [Dev] Update URLs in the repo to point to main (#34218)
GH-31506 - [Python] Address docstrings in Streams and File Access (Factory Functions) (#33609)
GH-31507 - [Python] Address docstrings in Streams and File Access (Stream Classes) (#33698)
GH-31548 - [Python] Test that zoneinfo timezones are accepted during type inference (#34394)
GH-31715 - [Python] Improving Classes and Methods Docstrings - Streams and File access
GH-31809 - [Docs] Add instructions on how to collect the produced telemetry data (#33873)
GH-31868 - [C++] Support concatenating extension arrays (#14463)
GH-31910 - [C++] Add support for Substrait cast expression (#34050)
GH-32050 - [C++] Implement Rank kernel on chunked arrays (#33846)
GH-32104 - [C++] Add support for Run-End encoded data to Arrow (#33641)
GH-32105 - [C++] Encode and decode Run-End Encoded vectors (#34195)
GH-32240 - [C#] Add new Apache.Arrow.Compression package to implement IPC decompression (#33893)
GH-32240 - [C#] Support decompression when reading an IPC stream from ReadOnlyMemory (#34108)
GH-32240 - [C#] Support decompression of IPC format buffers (#33603)
GH-32292 - [R][Packaging] Use binaries built on CentOS 7 for Ubuntu < 22.04 (#34048)
GH-32338 - [C++] Add IPC support for Run-End Encoded Arrays (#34550)
GH-32613 - [C++] Simplify IPC writer for dense unions (#33822)
GH-32619 - [Python][Docs] Include options for PyArrow build explicitly (#34463)
GH-32653 - [C++] Cleanup error handling in execution engine (#15253)
GH-32747 - [C++] Substrait To Arrow Emit feature testing (#14174)
GH-32801 - [C++][Docs] Delete outdated .md files (#33829)
GH-32804 - [Dev] Remove “master” from default_branch property of Target class in after migration to “main” as the default Git branch
GH-32916 - [C++][Python] User-defined tabular functions (#14682)
GH-32946 - [Go] Implement REE Array and Compare (#14111)
GH-32947 - [Go] Implement Concatenate for REE Array (#14126)
GH-32949 - [Go] REE Array IPC read/write (#14223)
GH-33024 - [C++][Parquet] Add DELTA_LENGTH_BYTE_ARRAY encoder to Parquet writer (#14293)
GH-33115 - [C++] Parquet Implement crc in reading and writing Page for DATA_PAGE (v1) (#14351)
GH-33143 - [C++] Naming and doc/test changes for local_time compute kernel (#34263)
GH-33143 - [C++] Kernel to convert timestamp with timezone to wall time (#34208)
GH-33209 - [C++] Support for reading JSON Datasets (#33732)
GH-33215 - [Dev] Replace hard-coded string “master” with “main” in dev/archery/archery/crossbow/ after default branch migration
GH-33243 - [Plasma] Remove (#34718)
GH-33317 - [C++] Utility method to ensure an array object meetings an alignment requirement (#14758)
GH-33377 - [Python] Table.drop should support passing a single column (#33810)
GH-33439 - [CI] Substrait Integration Testing (#14596)
GH-33580 - [C++] Support emit info in Substrait extension-multi and AsOfJoin (#14799)
GH-33588 - [Substrait] Add Substrait→Acero mapping for round operationMajor: (#33775)
GH-33596 - [C++][Parquet] Parquet page index read support (#14964)
GH-33621 - [Documentation][Developer Tools] Add CODEOWNERS file (#33622)
GH-33631 - [R] Rewrite Jira ticket numbers in pkgdown documents to GitHub issue numbers (#34260)
GH-33640 - [C++] Add backpressure to asof join node (#33648)
GH-33652 - [C++][Parquet] Add interface total_compressed_bytes_written (#33897)
GH-33655 - [C++][Parquet] Fix occasional failure in TestArrowReadWrite.MultithreadedWrite (#33739)
GH-33655 - [C++][Parquet] Write parquet columns in parallel (#33656)
GH-33659 - [Developer Tools] Add definition of Breaking Change and Critical Fix (#33660)
GH-33673 - [C++] Standardize as-of-join convention for past and future tolerance (#33676)
GH-33679 - [JS] Update dependencies (#33680)
GH-33681 - [JS] Update flatbuffers (#33682)
GH-33723 - [C++] re2::RE2::RE2() result must be checked (#33806)
GH-33724 - [Doc] Update the substrait conformance doc with the latest support (#33725)
GH-33734 - [Go] make compatible with grpc < 1.45 (#33735)
GH-33737 - [C++] simplify exec plan tracing (#33738)
GH-33741 - [Python] Address docstrings in Data Types Factory Functions (#33785)
GH-33742 - [Python] Address docstrings in Data Types classes (#34380)
GH-33746 - [R] Update for 11.0.0 (#33748)
GH-33750 - [GLib] Add garrow_table_batch_reader_set_max_chunk_size() (#34601)
GH-33760 - [R][C++] Handle nested field refs in scanner (#33770)
GH-33787 - [C++] Suppress unused-value warning from LinuxParseCpuFlags() on s390x (#33828)
GH-33789 - [Go] Add Err() to RecordReader (#33792)
GH-33794 - [Go] Add SetRecordReader to PreparedStatement (#33795)
GH-33800 - [Packaging] Drop support for Ubuntu 18.04 (#34020)
GH-33825 - [Python] Expose pyarrow.dataset.get_partition_keys publicly (get key/value from partition expression) (#33862)
GH-33835 - [Doc][Release] Improvements to release guide instructions (#33836)
GH-33840 - [Go] Improve SQLite Flight SQL Example and provide mainprog (#33841)
GH-33850 - [C++] Allow Substrait’s default extension provider to be configured (fix) (#34075)
GH-33850 - [C++] Allow Substrait’s default extension provider to be configured (#34042)
GH-33851 - [C++] Update bundled boost version (#33890)
GH-33852 - [Go] Return a catalog/schema from Flight SQL example server (#33853)
GH-33859 - [C++][Java] Bump Apache ORC to v1.8.2 (#33860)
GH-33867 - [Go][FlightSQL] Allow passing grpc call options to PreparedStatement methods (#33868)
GH-33872 - [C++] Remove hacky shared_ptr construction in AppendScalar (#33866)
GH-33874 - [Java] Ensure custom headers are included during JDBC auth handshake (#33946)
GH-33875 - [Go] Handle writing LargeString and LargeBinary types (#33965)
GH-33892 - [R] Map dplyr::n() to count_all kernel (#33917)
GH-33895 - [Release] Add a script to add new owner of our RubyGems (#33896)
GH-33899 - [C++] Add NamedTapRel relation as a Substrait extension (#33909)
GH-33901 - [Go] Add a malloc-based allocator (#33902)
GH-33923 - [Docs] Tensor canonical extension type specification (#33925)
GH-33924 - [Format] Fixed shape Tensor as a canonical extension type
GH-33926 - [Python] DataFrame Interchange Protocol for pyarrow.RecordBatch (#34294)
GH-33935 - [Go][FlightRPC] Implement Flight SQL extensions (#34039)
GH-33936 - [Go] C Data Interface: export dummy buffer for nil buffers (#33951)
GH-33957 - [C++] Add Rank chunked array benchmarks (#34602)
GH-33972 - [C++] Pass in metadata to ParquetReader (#34015)
GH-33977 - [Dev] PR Workflow automation bot (#34161)
GH-33990 - [C++] I know NAN != NAN but shouldn’t literal(NAN) == literal(NAN)?
GH-33993 - [Java] Let OS assign port in tests while creating Flight server (#33992)
GH-33998 - [R] Update vignettes to reference the new open_*_dataset functions (#34710)
GH-34003 - [C++][nodiscard] (#34006)
GH-34004 - [C++] Add a benchmarks-maximal CMake preset (#34005)
GH-34007 - [C++] Add an array_span_mutable interface to ExecResult (#34008)
GH-34011 - [Doc] Ensure substrait is enabled on complete doc build (#34024)
GH-34011 - [Python][Doc] Add pyarrow.substrait to pyarrow’s API reference docs (#34012)
GH-34051 - [C++] GcsFileSystem lazily starts sequential reads (#34052)
GH-34053 - [C++][Parquet] Write parquet page index (#34054)
GH-34055 - [Go][CI] Add test run in CI that uses noasm tag (#34167)
GH-34056 - [C++] Add Utility function to simplify converting any row-based structure into an arrow::RecordBatchReader or an arrow::Table (#34057)
GH-34059 - [C++] Add a fetch node based on a batch index (#34060)
GH-34063 - [C++] Avoid waste in GcsFileSystem::ReadAt() (#34065)
GH-34074 - [GLib][FlightRPC] Add support for authentication (#34090)
GH-34077 - [Go] Implement RunEndEncoded Scalar (#34079)
GH-34078 - [C++][Parquet] Minor API improvements for BloomFilter (#33995)
GH-34094 - [C++] Increase Boost minimum version for clang >= 16 (#34100)
GH-34113 - [C++][Thirdparty] Bump zstd to v1.5.4 (#34114)
GH-34118 - [C++][Python] Make # of S3 event loop threads configurable (#34134)
GH-34119 - [C#] operator to Schema (#34126)
GH-34122 - [C++] Allow calling function registry functions without requiring a Substrait mapping (#34288)
GH-34136 - [C++] Add a concept of ordering to ExecPlan (#34137)
GH-34142 - [C++][Parquet] Fix record not to span multiple pages (#34193)
GH-34147 - [C++][Parquet] Support crc count and checking on DICTIONARY_PAGE (#34254)
GH-34154 - [Python] Add is_nan method to Array and Expression (#34184)
GH-34157 - [C++] Configure bundled AWS SDK to use aws-lc instead of OpenSSL (#34159)
GH-34171 - [Go][Compute] Implement “Unique” kernel (#34172)
GH-34174 - [Docs][Release] Add Twitter to post-release tasks (#34202)
GH-34186 - [Go] Add arrow.MapOfWithMetadata to support (#34207)
GH-34197 - [R][CI] Add previous R package versions to backwards compatibility CI jobs (#34198)
GH-34199 - [R] Increment R package version in (#34200)
GH-34219 - [Go][FlightRPC] Add Transactions to Sqlite FlightSQL example (#34220)
GH-34242 - [C++][Parquet] Optimize comment and move for shared_ptr in parquet schema (#34243)
GH-34248 - [Python] Expose the order_by node (#34654)
GH-34248 - [C++] Add an order_by node (#34249)
GH-34257 - [Docs] Update git links/branches from master to main for external projects (#34502)
GH-34262 - [C++][ORC] Support union type (#34416)
GH-34266 - [C++] Add a pivot_longer node (#34267)
GH-34278 - [C++] Expose schema in named table provider (#34279)
GH-34280 - [C++][Python] Clarify meaning of row_group_size and change default to 1Mi (#34281)
GH-34322 - [C++][Parquet] Encoding Microbench for ByteArray (#34323)
GH-34330 - [Go][Parquet] : Add Extension type support (#34631)
GH-34332 - [Go][FlightRPC] Add driver for database/sql framework (#34331)
GH-34334 - [Go][CSV] Support list fields (#34343)
GH-34335 - [C++][Parquet] Optimize Decoding DELTA_LENGTH_BYTE_ARRAY (#34955)
GH-34339 - [R] Add skip_rows_after_names option to read_csv_arrow’s options (#34340)
GH-34359 - [Python] Add select method to pyarrow.RecordBatch (#34360)
GH-34361 - [C++] Fix the handling of logical nulls for types without bitmaps like Unions and Run-End Encoded (#34408)
GH-34382 - [C++] Support more types in run_end_encode and run_end_decode functions (#34761)
GH-34388 - [C++] Build core compute kernels unconditionally (#34295)
GH-34398 - [R] Update for (#34399)
GH-34405 - [C++] Add support for custom names in QueryOptions. Wire this up to Substrait (#34406)
GH-34411 - [Python] Change array constructor to accept pyarrow array (#34275)
GH-34417 - [C++][Flight] Upgrade OpenTelemetry SemanticConventions header (#34419)
GH-34421 - [R] Let GcsFileSystem take a path for json_credentials (#34524)
GH-34422 - [R] Expose GcsFileSystem$options (#34477)
GH-34425 - [GLib] Add GArrowRankOptions (#34458)
GH-34428 - [Python][Docs] Add docsstring for make_fragment (#34429)
GH-34437 - [R] Use FetchNode and OrderByNode (#34685)
GH-34440 - [Ruby] Add support for RecordBatch{File,Stream}Reader#each without block (#34441)
GH-34442 - [Ruby][FlightRPC] Add ArrowFlight::RecordBatchReader#each (#34444)
GH-34453 - [Go] Support Builders for user defined extensions (#34454)
GH-34481 - [CI] Migrate ARM jobs from Travis to self-hosted runners (#34482)
GH-34499 - [R] Bump version in following release (#34500)
GH-34536 - [Parquet][C++] Overwrite default config for DeltaBitPackEncoder (#34632)
GH-34543 - [CI] Self-hosted ARM workflows improvements (#34512)
GH-34547 - [C++][ORC] Remove deprecated ORC_UNIQUE_PTR (#34548)
GH-34552 - [C++][Parquet] Sync parquet.thrift from upstream (#34553)
GH-34561 - [C++] Implement RunEndEncodedBuilder::AppendEmptyValues() (#34562)
GH-34564 - [Python][C++] Update code to compile with cython 3 (#34726)
GH-34565 - [C++] Teach dataset_writer to accept custom filename functor (#34984)
GH-34572 - [Go][CSV] Add binary support for CSV (#34558)
GH-34581 - [C++][Java] Bump Apache ORC to v1.8.3 (#34582)
GH-34584 - [Go][CSV] Add extension types support (#34585)
GH-34590 - [C++][ORC] Fix timestamp type mapping between orc and arrow (#34591)
GH-34595 - [C++] Update google-cloud-cpp to v2.8.0 (#34707)
GH-34615 - [CI][C++] Add CI job for basic format support without ARROW_COMPUTE (#34617)
GH-34626 - [C++] Add ordered/segmented aggregation Substrait extension (#34627)
GH-34630 - [C++] Second block of refactoring to move acero out of libarrow (#34575)
GH-34638 - [C++][Docs] Add documentation for minimal build flags (#34693)
GH-34644 - [C++] Prefer unsafe casting by default in Substrait (#34645)
GH-34650 - [GLib] Add GArrowFilterNodeOptions (#34663)
GH-34659 - [C++] Review the validation processes around Run-End Encoded arrays to improve the Python integration (#34628)
GH-34665 - [Parquet][C++] Allow Reading BloomFilter (#34728)
GH-34669 - [Packaging][Conda] Update arrow feedstock dependencies (#34652)
GH-34673 - [C++][Parquet] Add Boolean Encoding benchmark for parquet (#34676)
GH-34686 - [Python] Add RunEndEncodedScalar class (#34924)
GH-34687 - [CI][Python] Create job to remove old nightly wheels from gemfury (#34705)
GH-34692 - [Java] Expose Location.toSocketAddress (#34648)
GH-34700 - [Packaging][RPM] Use lz4-libs instead of lz4 on AlmaLinux 8+ (#34716)
GH-34703 - [Python] Set copy=False explicitly when creating a pandas Series (#34593)
GH-34737 - [C#] C Data interface for schemas and types (#34133)
GH-34742 - [Java] Split flight-sql-jdbc-driver to facilitate reuse (#34678)
GH-34768 - [C++][Gandiva] Remove LLVM<16 pin (#34922)
GH-34768 - [C++][Gandiva] Accept LLVM 16 (#34916)
GH-34778 - [Java] Only apply ServerInterceptorAdapter logic to Flight service requests (#34815)
GH-34790 - [Go] : Add array.Edits.UnifiedDiff (#34827)
GH-34790 - [Go] : Add array.Diff() (#34806)
GH-34796 - [C++] Add FromTensor, ToTensor and strides methods to FixedShapeTensorArray (#34797)
GH-34802 - [C++][Parquet] Allow passing pool to decoder (#34803)
GH-34805 - [CI][Python] Cython test is failing in conda packaging builds
GH-34812 - [Packaging][Python] Use self-hosted arm64 Linux runner instead of Travis CI for Linux arm64 wheels (#34835)
GH-34813 - [C++] Improve GoogleTest detection (#34920)
GH-34819 - [Ruby] Add Slicer::ColumnCondition#match_substring (#34902)
GH-34821 - [DOC][ORC] Update documentation for ORC (#34822)
GH-34832 - [Go] Add Record SetColumn method (#34794)
GH-34837 - [GLib][Ruby] Add Arrow::{Sparse,Dense}UnionArray#get_value (#34838)
GH-34839 - [Go] Build compute without noasm for non-amd64 GOARCH (#34840)
GH-34853 - [Go] Add TotalRecordSize, TotalArraySize (#34854)
GH-34855 - [Go] Add GetValue function to Metadata (#34856)
GH-34863 - [Go] Pow method for Decimal DataTypes (#34864)
GH-34879 - [Python][CI] Nightly integration tests with latest dask are failing (test_null_partition_pyarrow)
GH-34880 - [Python][CI] Fix Windows tests failing with latest pandas 2.0 (#34881)
GH-34882 - [Python] Binding for FixedShapeTensorType (#34883)
GH-34888 - [C++][Parquet] Writer supports adding extra kv meta (#34889)
GH-34893 - [C++] Fix run-end encoded array iterator issues that manifest on backwards iteration (#34896)
GH-34899 - [C++] Dependency: bump zstd to v1.5.5 (#34900)
GH-34914 - [Packaging][Linux] Add support for Acero (#34915)
GH-34945 - [C++][Docs] Add missing cmake_minimum_required() to example (#34969)
GH-34946 - [Ruby] Remove DictionaryArrayBuilder related omissions (#34947)
GH-34951 - [Ruby] Add methods using MatchSubStringFamilyCondition (#34952)
GH-34956 - [Docs][Python] Add to docs the usage of the FixedShapeTensorType (#34957)
GH-34962 - [Go] Make GetOneForMarshal public on Array interface (#34964)
GH-34968 - [C++] Add Equal Options to RecordBatch (#34970)
GH-35025 - [Python] Remove use of deprecated pandas.Categorical fastpath keyword (#35026)
GH-35042 - [Go][FlightSQL driver] Add TLS configuration (#35051)
GH-35078 - [Python][CI] Tests on windows are running very slow
GH-35218 - [R] Update NEWS for the R component/version 12.0.0 (#35219)
PARQUET-2201 - [parquet-cpp] Add stress test for RecordReader ReadRecords and SkipRecords. (#14879)
PARQUET-2225 - [C++][Parquet] Allow reading dense with RecordReader (#17877)
PARQUET-2232 - [C++] Add an api to ColumnChunkMetaData to indicate if the column chunk uses a bloom filter (#33736)
PARQUET-2250 - [C++][Parquet] Expose column descriptor through RecordReader (#34318)

To see a diff of this commit:;a=commitdiff;h=d2469b0bd07b464fba3012b83b5f2e0bd1812c53

Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.

 apache-arrow/Makefile   |  1 +
 apache-arrow/PLIST      | 89 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 apache-arrow/distinfo   |  6 ++--
 apache-arrow/ |  2 +-
 apache-arrow/ |  2 +-
 5 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diff --git a/apache-arrow/Makefile b/apache-arrow/Makefile
index 792e4c2637..77396d5c87 100644
--- a/apache-arrow/Makefile
+++ b/apache-arrow/Makefile
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ CMAKE_ARGS+=	-DARROW_CUDA=OFF
 # For finding deps
diff --git a/apache-arrow/PLIST b/apache-arrow/PLIST
index 3ce51f812e..8ae5c2b7d0 100644
--- a/apache-arrow/PLIST
+++ b/apache-arrow/PLIST
@@ -1,6 +1,29 @@
 @comment $NetBSD$
@@ -9,6 +32,7 @@ include/arrow/array/array_decimal.h
@@ -16,6 +40,7 @@ include/arrow/array/builder_decimal.h
@@ -38,35 +63,17 @@ include/arrow/compute/api_scalar.h
@@ -87,6 +94,7 @@ include/arrow/dataset/discovery.h
@@ -94,11 +102,11 @@ include/arrow/dataset/pch.h
@@ -225,6 +233,7 @@ include/arrow/util/config.h
@@ -253,8 +262,10 @@ include/arrow/util/pcg_random.h
@@ -272,6 +283,7 @@ include/arrow/util/trie.h
@@ -320,6 +332,7 @@ include/parquet/arrow/schema.h
@@ -330,6 +343,7 @@ include/parquet/encryption/encryption.h
@@ -349,7 +363,6 @@ include/parquet/level_comparison_inc.h
@@ -365,6 +378,7 @@ include/parquet/type_fwd.h
@@ -379,6 +393,10 @@ lib/cmake/Arrow/Findre2Alt.cmake
@@ -389,17 +407,22 @@ lib/cmake/Parquet/ParquetTargets-release.cmake
@@ -408,8 +431,8 @@ lib/pkgconfig/arrow-json.pc
-@pkgdir share/gdb/auto-load/home/matthew/pkgsrc/install.20221225/lib
+@pkgdir share/gdb/auto-load/home/matthew/pkgsrc/install.20230507/lib
diff --git a/apache-arrow/distinfo b/apache-arrow/distinfo
index 087e12b5f1..a9da048167 100644
--- a/apache-arrow/distinfo
+++ b/apache-arrow/distinfo
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ $NetBSD$
 BLAKE2s (9.0.1.tar.gz) = a785e1ad5fd5df76c95e7cf9a6eadeb86ffbc46ea4342f49f19381434bd0f78c
 SHA512 (9.0.1.tar.gz) = ed56287f608ccdf5bc5d5fc2918e313e7c4cecdd9ef2c9993a72ea900d9ff662c57ac5326c7a809eb11505c6f39d4599f3f161b97b6e03c65783b824b8d700d2
 Size (9.0.1.tar.gz) = 215065 bytes
-BLAKE2s (apache-arrow-11.0.0.tar.gz) = ee159d17a2ce4daea917a054e5f3faed538042fe80f4bb7bea0246adeb61f9f8
-SHA512 (apache-arrow-11.0.0.tar.gz) = 46df4fb5a703d38d0a74fde9838e9f9702b24b442cb225517516c335a5ab18955699000bf0b2fc7d1698ada6d2e890ba3860933b6280f5160b0fce8a07484d0e
-Size (apache-arrow-11.0.0.tar.gz) = 19956186 bytes
+BLAKE2s (apache-arrow-12.0.0.tar.gz) = f62dfc339d31f4bc19a70fe09184d81cf27ec21c0e45c7412e37ab87aeec985c
+SHA512 (apache-arrow-12.0.0.tar.gz) = f815be4fb20b6001ba5525270765fe239b5468708a7be34b93b60ee0ce63464727d183c9756fbc33bffd199019e1f06a7fddd306ce8388435cea7771070a2ca9
+Size (apache-arrow-12.0.0.tar.gz) = 20159048 bytes
 BLAKE2s (jemalloc-5.3.0.tar.bz2) = 285e6145b9d3b575b1ec5cfdae8af40b461149085f001839d64685c0d56e2689
 SHA512 (jemalloc-5.3.0.tar.bz2) = 22907bb052096e2caffb6e4e23548aecc5cc9283dce476896a2b1127eee64170e3562fa2e7db9571298814a7a2c7df6e8d1fbe152bd3f3b0c1abec22a2de34b1
 Size (jemalloc-5.3.0.tar.bz2) = 736023 bytes
diff --git a/apache-arrow/ b/apache-arrow/
index 801d0cae7c..e3233f67ea 100644
--- a/apache-arrow/
+++ b/apache-arrow/
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ MAKE_ENV+=	PYARROW_WITH_PARQUET=1
 .if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mpython)
 .include "../../math/py-numpy/"
 .include "../../lang/python/"
 .if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Msnappy)
diff --git a/apache-arrow/ b/apache-arrow/
index a99e65faaa..ee62bf1560 100644
--- a/apache-arrow/
+++ b/apache-arrow/
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
 # $NetBSD$

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