Subject: Documentation quality of pkgsrc
To: pkgsrc-users <>
From: Ulrich Habel <>
List: pkgsrc-users
Date: 04/25/2007 16:59:40
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I worked alot with pkgsrc the last time and tried to improve some of the
mechanisms for building packages (well at least for me and the one I
provided on pkgsrc has changed alot over the past
months and not everything is documented in the user guide.

For example:

The documentation didn't mention the scripts mkbinarykit or
mkbootstrapkit - do you know what they are for? (yes, I know it -

This is a very easy example, the sandbox scripts might be a good
example, too, however the mksandbox script is mentioned in the
documentation. There is no description on updating your packages in a
practical way, etc.

What I think is that the pkgsrc documentation/user guide should be
improved - are there any ideas about this? Actually I really would like
to volunteer for a small "project" - maybe something like a docathon.

This would lead to further questions - what is the source of the user
guide, where can it be found, etc..

Any feedback?


A: Yes.
>Q: Are you sure?
>>A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>>Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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