Subject: Re: Problem with CUPS
To: Greg Troxel <>
From: =?UTF-8?Q?C=C3=A9sar_Catri=C3=A1n_Carre=C3=B1o?= <>
List: pkgsrc-users
Date: 04/06/2007 12:03:27
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On Mon, 02 Apr 2007 08:15:21 -0400
Greg Troxel <> wrote:
> I've added a patch to disable the use of the back channel.  If you've
> tried cups 1.2.x and failed to print on a USB printer, please update and
> try again, and let me know if this helps.  I don't want to report this
> upstream until we have more confidence that we understand what's going
> on.

I've tried the patch and now I can print with CUPS 1.2.10 .

Note that there are some lost features; the status of the printer is not pulled
out to the web interface as before (ie. printer shown as ready to work, when it
is turned off), and I don't know if "Plug and print" works neither because my
printer wasn't detected since the beginning.

Thanks a lot.

César Catrián Carreño

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