Subject: Hackathon from Dec 27 to Dec 29
To: None <,>
From: Joerg Sonnenberger <>
List: pkgsrc-users
Date: 12/23/2006 00:36:46
Hi all,
those of you which read the 2006Q4 announcement or follow the website
should be aware of the upcoming hackathon. The aim of it is to identify
relevant PRs and other isssues in pkgsrc and concentrate on fixing as
many as possible.

I'm currently working on checking the list of non-closed PRs and
classifying them as:
(a) Old issues which can be closed as the circumstances don't apply
(b) Issues which should be fixed and don't require a huge development
(c) Issues which need further discussion and decision making.
(d) Issues which need testing whether they still apply.
(e) Anything else.

I still have 1100 PRs to check, but I expect to have a good list to
start over Christmas holidays. I'll arrive in Berlin on Dec 27 around
12:00 UTC, depending on the queue I'll be online from around 14:00 UTC.
I'm looking forward to see as many of you in #pkgsrc as possible. I'd
especially ask users and developers with access to Sparc, Alpha, PPC,
Irix and Solaris to attend as many of the older issues apply to such
