Subject: Re: down striped version of mplayer
To: Emmanuel Decitre <>
From: Geert Hendrickx <>
List: pkgsrc-users
Date: 09/30/2006 09:48:40
On Sat, Sep 30, 2006 at 09:15:40AM +0200, Emmanuel Decitre wrote:
> I try to generate a reduced version of mplayer decoding only raw rgb
> files and rendering them using aalib.  I would like to use it on an old
> 486 laptop.
> Unfortunately a make PKG_OPTIONS.aalib=ncurses PKG_OPTIONS.mplayer=aalib
> PKG_OPTIONS.mplayer-share=aalib within "multimedia/mplayer" generated the
> entire mplayer, with the full set of libs.

With PKG_OPTIONS.mplayer you only add things to the existing default set of
options.  Try to start with PKG_OPTIONS.mplayer=-* and then add the things
you want.  Run "make show-options" or "make supported-options-message" to
see exactly which options you'll be using.
