Subject: Testers needed for the new Xfce 4.4 desktop
To: None <,>
From: Martti Kuparinen <>
List: pkgsrc-users
Date: 07/18/2006 15:12:37

I have created packages for Xfce 4.4 beta2. Please update your pkgsrc/wip
directory [1] and do something like this:

[ remove all your xfce 4.2.x packages ]
# pkg_delete -r libxfce4util
# pkg_info | grep xfce
[ remove remaining *xfce* packages ]

[ build the new 4.4 beta2 packages ]
# cd /usr/pkgsrc/wip/xfce4
# make update

Now try to find bugs and report them back to the Xfce people. I have
already filed one bug [2].

Some things to do (taken from pkgsrc/wip/xfce4/TODO):

* fix xfce4-thunar and xfce4-mousepad
* use --sysconfdir
* what to do with xfce4-icon-theme and the autogenerated(?) icon-theme.cache.
   Should it be added to PLIST or not?

Have fun (and feel free to fix issues with my packages if you have write
access to pkgsrc-wip),

