Subject: Re: Xorg 6.9.0 problem on amd64 =?utf-8?b?KFhfQ3JlYXRlV2luZG93L0JhZA==?=
To: Blair Sadewitz <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: pkgsrc-users
Date: 04/26/2006 23:03:55
On Wed, 26 Apr 2006, it was written:

> Yes, this is correct.  I can display the root window, but X dies on any 
> attempt to create a new window, i.e. run any program that wants to 
> access the display. And yes, it fails if I try to run the xterm on a 
> different console and set DISPLAY=:0.

This is what happens to me when I ran the xorg-server from freedesktop CVS 
on DragonFly. X server would work and I could see the distinctive X 
background and could move my pointer, but once I started an Xterm, it 
would crash.

But this was on i386 and was not using pkgsrc.

I posted details about it to DragonFly and xorg lists.

> P.S. Xorg 6.8.2 from 2006-01-18 pkgsrc works without a problem.  I would 
> try building modular Xorg from CVS but I cannot figure 
> out how to do so properly. :(

I can help you. It is a little confusing because some of the components 
are in CVS and some are in GIT.

Or you can use the many, many tarballs from But that will 
take a long time.

Or please try the packages from pkgsrc-wip (see wip/xorg-server). They 
need work and I need testers.

 Jeremy C. Reed

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