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CVS commit: pkgsrc/lang/nqp/files

Module Name:    pkgsrc
Committed By:   mef
Date:           Wed Mar 12 11:27:43 UTC 2025

Added Files:

Log Message:
(lang/nqp) Add two files, missed at last update

To generate a diff of this commit:
cvs rdiff -u -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/lang/nqp/files/ \

Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.

Added files:

Index: pkgsrc/lang/nqp/files/
diff -u /dev/null pkgsrc/lang/nqp/files/
--- /dev/null   Wed Mar 12 11:27:43 2025
+++ pkgsrc/lang/nqp/files/     Wed Mar 12 11:27:43 2025
@@ -0,0 +1,1635 @@
+use v5.10.1;
+package NQP::Config::_Scoping;
+sub new {
+    my $class  = shift;
+    my $cb     = shift;
+    my %params = @_;
+    my $self   = bless {}, $class;
+    $self->{cb}     = $cb;
+    $self->{params} = \%params;
+    return $self;
+sub DESTROY {
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->{cb}->( %{ $self->{params} } );
+package NQP::Config;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Spec::Unix;
+use File::Basename;
+use FindBin;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use NQP::Macros;
+use IPC::Cmd qw<can_run run run_forked>;
+use Cwd;
+use Carp;
+use ExtUtils::Command;
+$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { confess @_ };
+use base qw<Exporter>;
+our @EXPORT    = qw<rm_l>;
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw<
+  os2platform slash slurp system_or_die run_or_die cmp_rev read_config read_config_from_command
+# Platform names will be incorporated into a regexp.
+# unix will be used as the last resort option and thus will always be tested
+# last.
+my %os_platforms = (
+    'windows' => [qw<MSWin32 os2>],
+    'vms'     => [qw<VMS>],
+    'unix'    => [qw<.*>],
+my %platform_vars = (
+    bat => {
+        windows => '.bat',
+        default => '',
+    },
+    exe => {
+        windows => '.exe',
+        default => '',
+    },
+    cpsep => {
+        windows => ';',
+        default => ':',
+    },
+    tab => {
+        default => "\t",
+    },
+    env_open => {
+        windows => '%',
+        vms     => '%%',
+        unix    => '$',
+    },
+    env_close => {
+        windows => '%',
+        vms     => '%%',
+        unix    => '',
+    },
+    quote => {
+        windows => q<">,
+        default => q<'>,
+    },
+    shebang => {
+        windows => qq<\n>,
+        default => qq<#!/bin/sh\n>,
+    },
+    sh_allparams => {    # All command line params
+        windows => q<%*>,
+        default => q<$@>,
+    },
+sub new {
+    my $self  = shift;
+    my $class = ref($self) || $self;
+    if ( $class eq __PACKAGE__ ) {
+        die "Can't create instance of class " . $class
+          . ", use a language sub-class instead";
+    }
+    my $new_obj = bless { config => {}, }, $class;
+    $new_obj->init(@_);
+    return $new_obj;
+sub init {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my %params = @_;
+    my $config = $self->{config};
+    $self->{quiet} = 0;
+    $self->configure_platform;
+    my $lang = $params{lang} // ( split /::/, ref($self) )[-1];
+    $config->{perl}   = $^X;
+    $config->{slash}  = slash();
+    $config->{shell}  = $^O eq 'solaris' ? '' : "SHELL = " . $self->shell_cmd;
+    $config->{lang}   = $lang;
+    $config->{lclang} = lc $lang;
+    # Num of spaces to indent lists in the Makefile
+    $config->{list_indent} =
+    $config->{filelist_indent} = 4;
+    $self->{backend_prefix} = {
+        moar => 'm',
+        jvm  => 'j',
+        js   => 'js',
+    };
+    # Precompiled files extensions
+    $self->{backend_ext} = {
+        moar => 'moarvm',
+        jvm  => 'jar',
+        js   => 'js',
+    };
+    # Value of nqp --target
+    $self->{backend_target} = {
+        moar => 'mbc',
+        jvm  => 'jar',
+        js   => 'js',
+    };
+    $self->{backends_order} = [qw<moar jvm js>];
+    $self->{options}        = {
+        'silent-build' => 1,
+        'clean'        => 1,
+    };
+    $self->{contexts}  = [];
+    $self->{repo_maps} = {
+        rakudo => [qw<rakudo rakudo>],
+        nqp    => [qw<Raku nqp>],
+        moar   => [qw<MoarVM MoarVM>],
+        roast  => [qw<Raku roast>],
+    };
+    $self->{impls} = {};
+    for my $be ( @{ $self->{backends_order} } ) {
+        $self->backend_config( $be, {} );
+    }
+    return $self;
+sub msg {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return if $self->{quiet};
+    print @_;
+sub mute {
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->{quiet} = @_ ? !!shift : 1;
+sub _gen_msg {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $type = shift;
+    my @msg  = (
+        "===$type===\n",
+        join( "\n", map { "  $_" } split /\n/s, join( "", @_ ) )
+    );
+    return wantarray ? @msg : join( "", @msg );
+sub sorry {
+    my $self    = shift;
+    my (@msg)   = @_;
+    my $message = $self->_gen_msg( 'SORRY!', join( "\n", @msg ), "\n" );
+    die $message unless $self->option('ignore-errors');
+    print $message;
+# Output a note-kind of message:
+# ===TYPE===\n
+#   Text
+sub note {
+    my $self = shift;
+    say $self->_gen_msg(@_);
+sub shell_cmd {
+    $_[0]->is_win ? 'cmd' : 'sh';
+sub batch_file {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my $source = shift;
+    my ( $vol, $dir, $file ) = File::Spec->splitpath($source);
+    my $basename = basename( $file, "." . $self->cfg('bat') );
+    return File::Spec->catpath( $vol, $dir, "$basename" . $self->cfg('bat') );
+sub make_cmd {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $config = $self->{config};
+    my $make = 'make';
+    if ( $self->is_solaris ) {
+        $make = can_run('gmake');
+        unless ($make) {
+            die
+"gmake is required to compile rakudo. Please install by 'pkg install gnu-make'";
+        }
+        $make = 'gmake';
+    }
+    if ( $self->is_bsd ) {
+        $make = can_run('gmake');
+        unless ($make) {
+            # TODO Make sure it is BSD make by trying BSDmakefile
+            $make = 'make';
+        }
+    }
+    if ( $self->is_win ) {
+        my $prefix    = $config->{prefix};
+        my $has_nmake = 0 == system('nmake /? >NUL 2>&1');
+        my $cl_report;
+        my $has_cl = can_run('cl')
+          && ( $cl_report = `cl 2>&1` ) =~ /Microsoft Corporation/;
+        my $has_gmake = 0 == system('gmake --version >NUL 2>&1');
+        my $has_gcc   = 0 == system('gcc --version >NUL 2>&1');
+        if ($has_cl) {
+            if ( $cl_report =~
+                /Microsoft\s.*\sCompiler\s+Version\s+(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/i )
+            {
+                my $actual_version = $1;
+                my $expect_version = "19.0";
+                if ( version->parse($actual_version) < $expect_version ) {
+                    $self->sorry( "Expected Microsoft Compiler version "
+                          . $expect_version
+                          . "+, but got "
+                          . $actual_version );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (
+            -x "$prefix\\bin\\nqp-m.exe"
+            && ( $_ =
+`"$prefix\\bin\\nqp-m.exe" -e "print(nqp::backendconfig()<make>)"`
+            )
+          )
+        {
+            $make = $_;
+        }
+        elsif (
+            -x "$prefix\\bin\\nqp-m.bat"
+            && ( $_ =
+`"$prefix\\bin\\nqp-m.bat" -e "print(nqp::backendconfig()<make>)"`
+            )
+          )
+        {
+            $make = $_;
+        }
+        elsif ( $has_nmake && $has_cl ) {
+            $make = 'nmake';
+        }
+        elsif ( $has_gmake && $has_gcc ) {
+            $make = 'gmake';
+        }
+    }
+    return $make;
+sub options {
+    $_[0]->{options};
+sub option {
+    die "Option name required for option method" unless @_ > 1;
+    $_[0]->{options}{ $_[1] };
+*opt = *option;
+sub has_option {
+    die "Option name required for has_option method" unless @_ > 1;
+    exists $_[0]->{options}{ $_[1] };
+sub validate_backend {
+    my ( $self, $backend, $method ) = @_;
+    $self->sorry( "Unknown backend '$backend'"
+          . ( $method ? " in a call to method '$method'" : "" ) )
+      unless $self->known_backend($backend);
+    return $backend;
+sub known_backends {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return @{ $self->{backends_order} };
+sub known_backend {
+    return exists $_[0]->{backend_prefix}{ $_[1] };
+sub abbr_to_backend {
+    my ( $self, $abbr ) = @_;
+    unless ( $self->{abbr_to_backend} ) {
+        for my $backend ( $self->known_backends ) {
+            $self->{abbr_to_backend}{ $self->{backend_prefix}{$backend} } =
+              $backend;
+        }
+    }
+    die "Unknown backend abbreviation '$abbr' in call to abbr_to_backend"
+      unless $self->{abbr_to_backend}{$abbr};
+    return $self->{abbr_to_backend}{$abbr};
+sub backend_abbr {
+    my ( $self, $backend ) = @_;
+    return $self->{backend_prefix}{ $self->validate_backend($backend) };
+sub backend_ext {
+    my ( $self, $backend ) = @_;
+    return $self->{backend_ext}{ $self->validate_backend($backend) };
+sub backend_target {
+    my ( $self, $backend ) = @_;
+    return $self->{backend_target}{ $self->validate_backend($backend) };
+sub backend_config {
+    my ( $self, $backend ) = ( shift, shift );
+    if (@_) {
+        my %config;
+        if ( @_ == 1 && ref( $_[0] ) eq 'HASH' ) {
+            %config = %{ $_[0] };
+        }
+        elsif ( @_ % 2 == 0 ) {
+            %config = @_;
+        }
+        else {
+            die "Bad configuration hash passed in to backend_config";
+        }
+        @{ $self->{impls}{$backend}{config} }{ keys %config } =
+          values %config;
+    }
+    return $self->{impls}{$backend}{config};
+sub known_abbrs {
+    return values %{ $_[0]->{backend_prefix} };
+sub use_backend {
+    my ( $self, $backend ) = @_;
+    return if $self->active_backend($backend);
+    push @{ $self->{active_backends_order} }, $backend;
+    $self->{active_backends}{ $self->validate_backend($backend) } = 1;
+    $self->{config}{default_backend} ||= $backend;
+    $self->{config}{default_prefix}  ||= $self->backend_abbr($backend);
+sub active_backends {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return () unless $self->{active_backends_order};
+    return @{ $self->{active_backends_order} };
+sub active_backend {
+    my ( $self, $backend ) = @_;
+    return !!$self->{active_backends}{ $self->validate_backend($backend) };
+sub active_abbrs {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return map { $self->backend_abbr($_) } $self->active_backends;
+# Takes a relative path
+sub base_path {
+    my $self     = shift;
+    my @rel_path = @_;
+    if ( @rel_path == 1 ) {
+        return $rel_path[0]
+          if File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute( $rel_path[0] );
+        @rel_path = File::Spec->splitdir( $rel_path[0] );
+    }
+    return File::Spec->catfile( $self->{config}{base_dir}, @rel_path );
+# This one is called by init
+sub configure_platform {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my $config = $self->{config};
+    $config->{OS} //= $^O;
+    $config->{platform} = os2platform( $config->{OS} );
+    for my $var ( keys %platform_vars ) {
+        my $val =
+          $platform_vars{$var}{ $config->{platform} }
+          // $platform_vars{$var}{default} // die(
+            "Config variable '$var' is not defined for $config->{platform}");
+        $config->{$var} = $val;
+    }
+sub configure_paths {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my $config = $self->{config};
+    my $base_dir = $self->nfp($FindBin::Bin);
+    $config->{base_dir}  = $base_dir;
+    $config->{build_dir} = File::Spec->catdir( $base_dir, 'tools', 'build' );
+    $config->{templates_dir} =
+      File::Spec->catdir( $base_dir, 'tools', 'templates' );
+    $config->{configure_script} = File::Spec->canonpath(
+        File::Spec->catfile( $base_dir, $FindBin::Script ) );
+sub configure_jars {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $jars = shift;
+    my $config  = $self->{config};
+    my $options = $self->{options};
+    foreach my $name ( keys %$jars ) {
+        my $path     = $jars->{$name};
+        my $variable = $name;
+        $variable =~ s/-//;
+        if ( $options->{"with-$name"} ) {
+            if ( $options->{"with-$name"} ne '-' ) {
+                $config->{$variable} = $options->{"with-$name"};
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            $config->{$variable} = $self->base_path( @{$path} );
+        }
+        $config->{ $variable . 'file' } =
+          ( File::Spec->splitpath( $config->{$variable} ) )[-1];
+    }
+sub configure_relocatability {
+    my $self = shift;
+    # Relocatability is not supported on AIX and OpenBSD.
+    if ( $^O =~ /^(?:aix|openbsd)$/ && $self->{options}->{relocatable} ) {
+        $self->sorry( 'Relocatability is not supported on '
+              . $^O
+              . ".\nLeave off the --relocatable flag to do a non-relocatable build."
+        );
+    }
+    if (
+        $self->{options}->{relocatable}
+        && (   $self->{options}->{'rakudo-home'}
+            || $self->{options}->{'nqp-home'} )
+      )
+    {
+        $self->sorry(
+"It's not possible to build a relocatable rakudo and use hard coded rakudo-home"
+              . "\nor nqp-home directories. So either don't use the `--relocatable` parameter or don't"
+              . "\nuse the `--perl6-home`, `--rakudo-home`, and `--nqp-home` parameters."
+        );
+    }
+    $self->{config}->{relocatable} =
+      $self->{options}->{relocatable} ? 'reloc' : 'nonreloc';
+# This would prepare git URL config variables for default protocol.
+sub configure_repo_urls {
+    my $self = shift;
+    # Pre-cache repo urls to make them available for makefiles.
+    for my $r ( keys %{ $self->{repo_maps} } ) {
+        $self->repo_url( $r, action => 'pull' );
+        $self->repo_url( $r, action => 'push' );
+    }
+sub configure_commands {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my $config = $self->{config};
+    $config->{make} = $self->make_cmd;
+    my $buf;
+    for (my $retries = 50; $retries; $retries--) {
+        my $ok = run( command => [ $config->{make}, q<-v> ], buffer => \$buf );
+        unless ($ok) {
+            $ok = run( command => [ $config->{make}, q</?> ], buffer => \$buf );
+        }
+        if ( $buf =~ /^GNU Make/s ) {
+            $config->{make_family}       = 'gnu';
+            $config->{make_first_prereq} = '$<';
+            $config->{make_all_prereq}   = '$^';
+            $config->{make_pp_pfx} = '';    # make preprocessor directive prefix
+        }
+        elsif ( $buf =~ /Microsoft/s ) {
+            $config->{make_family}       = 'nmake';
+            $config->{make_first_prereq} = '%s';
+            $config->{make_all_prereq}   = '$**';
+            $config->{make_pp_pfx}       = '!';
+        }
+        elsif ( $self->is_bsd && $config->{make} =~ /\bmake$/ ) {
+            $config->{make_family}       = 'bsd';
+            $config->{make_first_prereq} = '${>:[1]}';
+            $config->{make_all_prereq}   = '$>';
+            $config->{make_pp_pfx}       = '.';
+        }
+        last if defined $config->{make_family};
+    }
+    unless ( defined $config->{make_family} ) {
+        $self->sorry(
+                "Cannot determine the brand of your $config->{make} utility."
+              . "\nIt is reporting itself as:\n"
+              . $buf );
+    }
+    if ( $self->isa_unix ) {
+        $config->{mkpath} = 'mkdir -p --';
+        $config->{chmod}  = 'chmod --';
+        $config->{cp}     = 'cp --';
+        # Symlinking should override destination.
+        $config->{ln_s}   = $self->is_aix
+                            ? '$(PERL5) ' 
+                                . $self->shell_quote_filename(
+                                    File::Spec->catfile(
+                                        $self->cfg('base_dir'),
+                                        'tools', 'build', ''))
+                            : 'ln -nfs --';
+        $config->{rm_f}   = 'rm -f --';
+        $config->{rm_rf}  = 'rm -rf --';
+        $config->{rm_l}   = 'rm -f --';
+        $config->{test_f} = 'test -f --';
+    }
+    else {
+        $config->{mkpath} = '$(PERL5) -MExtUtils::Command -e mkpath';
+        $config->{chmod}  = '$(PERL5) -MExtUtils::Command -e chmod';
+        $config->{cp}     = '$(PERL5) -MExtUtils::Command -e cp';
+        $config->{ln_s}   = '$(PERL5) -MExtUtils::Command -e cp';
+        $config->{rm_f}   = '$(PERL5) -MExtUtils::Command -e rm_f';
+        $config->{rm_rf}  = '$(PERL5) -MExtUtils::Command -e rm_rf';
+        $config->{rm_l} =
+            '$(PERL5) -I'
+          . $self->nfp( $self->cfg('base_dir') . '/3rdparty/nqp-configure/lib' )
+          . ' -MNQP::Config -e rm_l';
+        $config->{test_f} = '$(PERL5) -MExtUtils::Command -e test_f';
+        $config->{test_f} = '$(PERL5) -MExtUtils::Command -e test_f';
+    }
+sub abstract {
+    my @c = caller(1);
+    die "Method $c[3] must be implemented by the language class";
+sub configure_backends {
+    abstract;
+sub configure_misc {
+    my $self        = shift;
+    my $config      = $self->{config};
+    my $make_pp_pfx = $self->cfg('make_pp_pfx');
+    if ( $self->cfg('silent_build') eq 'on' ) {
+        $config->{NOECHO_declaration} = <<NOECHO_DECL;
+${make_pp_pfx}ifdef VERBOSE_BUILD
+    }
+    else {
+        $config->{NOECHO_declaration} = <<NOECHO_DECL;
+${make_pp_pfx}ifdef SILENT_BUILD
+    }
+sub configure_refine_vars {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my $config = $self->{config};
+    $self->{config}{runner_suffix} = $self->{config}{bat};
+    unless ( $config->{prefix} ) {
+        # XXX This is only Unix-friendly way.
+        my $default =
+          defined( $self->option('sysroot') )
+          ? ( $self->option('sysroot') || '/usr' )
+          : File::Spec->catdir( $config->{base_dir}, 'install' );
+        $self->note( "ATTENTION",
+            "No --prefix supplied, building and installing to $default\n" );
+        $config->{prefix} = $default;
+    }
+    $config->{prefix} = File::Spec->rel2abs( $config->{prefix} );
+sub parse_backends {
+    my $self            = shift;
+    my $passed_backends = shift;
+    return uc($passed_backends) eq 'ALL'
+      ? $self->known_backends
+      : map { lc } split /,\s*/, $passed_backends;
+sub backend_error {
+    my $self    = shift;
+    my $backend = shift;
+    $self->{backend_errors}{$backend} //= [];
+    if (@_) {
+        push @{ $self->{backend_errors}{$backend} }, @_;
+    }
+    return !!@{ $self->{backend_errors}{$backend} };
+sub backend_errors {
+    my $errs = $_[0]->{backend_errors}{ $_[1] };
+    return wantarray ? @$errs : $errs;
+sub configure_active_backends {
+    my $self = shift;
+    # Most likely this would never fire. But better stay on the safe side of the
+    # Moon.
+    $self->sorry("No active backends found. Please, use --backends option.")
+      unless $self->active_backends;
+    for my $b ( $self->active_backends ) {
+        $self->{backend_errors}{$b} = [];
+        my $method = "configure_${b}_backend";
+        $self->$method();
+    }
+    $self->post_active_backends;
+sub configure_from_options {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my $config = $self->{config};
+    for my $opt (
+        qw<prefix rakudo-home nqp-home sdkroot sysroot github-user git-protocol
+        rakudo-repo nqp-repo moar-repo roast-repo makefile-timing
+        relocatable git-cache-dir>
+      )
+    {
+        ( my $ckey = $opt ) =~ s/-/_/g;
+        $self->set_key( $ckey, $self->{options}{$opt}, default => '', );
+    }
+    for my $opt ( keys %{ $self->{options} } ) {
+        my $opt_val = $self->{options}{$opt} // '';
+        next if ref($opt_val);
+        ( my $cf_var = $opt ) =~ s/-/_/g;
+        $config->{"opt_$cf_var"} = $opt_val;
+    }
+    if ( $self->{options}{'git-reference'} ) {
+        print "===WARNING!===\n";
+        print "The --git-reference option does not exist anymore.\n";
+        print "Consider using --git-cache-dir instead.\n";
+    }
+    $config->{stagestats} = '--stagestats'
+      if $self->{options}{'makefile-timing'};
+    $config->{silent_build} = $self->option('silent-build') ? "on" : "off";
+    my ( $template, $out );
+    if ( $self->option('expand') ) {
+        $self->mute;
+        $template             = $self->option('expand');
+        $out                  = $self->option('out');
+        $self->{expand_as_is} = 1;
+    }
+    else {
+        $template = 'Makefile';
+        $out      = File::Spec->catfile( $config->{base_dir}, 'Makefile' );
+        $self->{out_header} = "\n# Makefile code generated by\n";
+        $self->{expand_as_is} = 0;
+    }
+    $self->{template} = $template;
+    $self->{out}      = $out if $out && ( $out ne '-' );
+    for ( @{ $self->option('set-var') // [] } ) {
+        if (/^(\w+)=(.*)$/) {
+            $config->{$1} = $2;
+        }
+        else {
+            die "Bad set config variable string: '$_'";
+        }
+    }
+sub expand_template {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $outh;
+    eval {
+        if ( $self->{out} ) {
+            open $outh, '>', $self->{out}
+              or die "Cannot open '$self->{out}' for writing: $!";
+        }
+        else {
+            $outh = \*STDOUT;
+        }
+        print $outh $self->{out_header} if $self->{out_header};
+        $self->fill_template_file(
+            $self->template_file_path( $self->{template}, required => 1 ),
+            $outh, as_is => $self->{expand_as_is} );
+        if ( $self->{out} ) {
+            close $outh
+              or die "Error while writing to '$self->{out}': $!";
+        }
+    };
+    if ($@) {
+        close $outh if $outh;
+        unlink $self->{out};
+        die $@;
+    }
+sub save_config_status {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my $config = $self->{config};
+    # Save options in config.status
+    my $status_file = $self->base_path('config.status');
+    unlink($status_file);
+    if ( open( my $CONFIG_STATUS, '>', $status_file ) ) {
+        my $ckey = $config->{lclang} . "_config_status";
+        print $CONFIG_STATUS "$^X $config->{$ckey} \$*\n";
+        close($CONFIG_STATUS);
+    }
+    else {
+        warn "Can't write to $status_file: $!";
+    }
+sub make_option {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my $opt    = shift;
+    my %params = @_;
+    my $options = $self->{options};
+    state $bool_opt = {
+        map { $_ => 1 }
+          qw<
+          force-rebuild relocatable no-clean ignore-errors silent-build
+          >
+    };
+    my $opt_str = "";
+    if ( $bool_opt->{$opt} ) {
+        $opt_str = "--" . ( $options->{$opt} ? '' : 'no-' ) . "$opt";
+    }
+    elsif ( defined $options->{$opt} ) {
+        my $opt_value =
+          ref( $options->{$opt} )
+          ? join( ",", @{ $options->{$opt} } )
+          : $options->{$opt};
+        if ( $params{no_quote} ) {
+            $opt_str = qq{--$opt=$opt_value};
+        }
+        else {
+            $opt_str = qq{--$opt=} . $self->shell_quote_filename($opt_value);
+        }
+    }
+    return $opt_str;
+# Can be overriden by lang-specific module to modify the list.
+sub ignorable_opts {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $opt  = shift;
+    return qw<gen-moar gen-nqp force-rebuild help make-install expand out
+      prefix backends set-var silent-build clean>;
+# Generate options from the data we have so far.
+sub opts_for_configure {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my @opts = @_;
+    my @subopts;
+    @opts = keys %{ $self->{options} } unless @opts;
+    my @ignorables   = $self->ignorable_opts;
+    my $ignorable_re = '^(?:' . join( '|', map { "$_" } @ignorables ) . ')$';
+    for my $opt ( grep { !/$ignorable_re/ } @opts ) {
+        my $opt_str = $self->make_option($opt);
+        push @subopts, $opt_str if $opt_str;
+    }
+    push @subopts, "--backends=" . join( ",", $self->active_backends );
+    push @subopts,
+      "--prefix=" . $self->shell_quote_filename( $self->cfg('prefix') );
+    push @subopts, "--silent-build" if $self->option('silent-build');
+    return wantarray ? @subopts : join( " ", @subopts );
+sub is_win {
+    state $win = $^O eq 'MSWin32';
+    return $win;
+sub is_solaris {
+    state $solaris = $^O eq 'solaris';
+    return $solaris;
+sub is_bsd {
+    state $bsd = $^O =~ /bsd|dragonfly/;
+    return $bsd;
+sub is_aix {
+    state $aix = $^O =~ /aix/;
+    return $aix;
+sub isa_unix {
+    # The following is a partial OS list taken from Perl::OSType module,
+    # copyright by David Golden. The up-to-date version of that module can
+    # be found at
+    return 1 if grep $^O eq $_, qw/
+      aix       bsdos        beos   bitrig  dgux      dragonfly  dynixptx
+      freebsd   linux        haiku  hpux    iphoneos  irix       darwin
+      machten   midnightbsd  minix  mirbsd  next      openbsd    netbsd
+      dec_osf   nto          svr4   svr5    sco       sco_sv     unicos
+      unicosmk  solaris      sunos  cygwin  msys      os2        interix
+      gnu       gnukfreebsd  nto    qnx     android
+      /;
+    return 0;
+sub is_executable {
+    my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
+    die "File parameter is missing in call to is_executable" if @_ < 2;
+    return $file                                             if -x $file;
+    for my $ext (qw<exe bat>) {
+        my $fname = $file . $self->cfg($ext);
+        return $fname if -x $fname;
+    }
+    return 0;
+sub github_url {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ( $protocol, $user, $repo ) = @_;
+    $protocol = lc( $protocol // 'https' );
+    if ( $protocol eq 'https' || $protocol eq 'git' ) {
+        return sprintf '%s://', $protocol, $user, $repo;
+    }
+    elsif ( $protocol eq 'ssh' ) {
+        return sprintf '', $user, $repo;
+    }
+    else {
+        die "Unknown protocol '$protocol' (fine are: ssh, https, git)";
+    }
+sub repo_url {
+    my $self     = shift;
+    my $repo     = shift;
+    my %params   = @_;
+    my $action   = $params{action} || 'pull';
+    my $protocol = $params{protocol};
+    my $config   = $self->{config};
+    die "Unknown repository type '$repo'" unless $self->{repo_maps}{$repo};
+    die "Bad action type '$action'" unless $action =~ /^(push|pull)$/;
+    my $gproto =
+      $action eq 'push'
+      ? 'ssh'
+      : $protocol || $config->{git_protocol} || 'https';
+    my $ckey     = "${repo}_${action}_url";
+    my $repo_key = $repo . "_repo";
+    # Return user defined repo if there is one
+    if ( $config->{$repo_key} ) {
+        return $config->{$ckey} = $config->{$repo_key};
+    }
+    # Return cached response.
+    return $config->{$ckey} if $config->{$ckey} && !$protocol;
+    my ( $guser, $grepo ) = @{ $self->{repo_maps}{$repo} };
+    $guser = $config->{github_user} if $config->{github_user};
+    my $url = $self->github_url( $gproto, $guser, $grepo );
+    $config->{$ckey} = $url unless $protocol;
+    return $url;
+sub include_path {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my @incs;
+    for my $ctx ( $self->contexts ) {
+        next unless $ctx->{including_file};
+        if (@incs) {
+            push @incs, "\tincluded from $ctx->{including_file}";
+        }
+        else {
+            push @incs, " in file $ctx->{including_file}";
+        }
+    }
+    return join( "\n", @incs );
+sub find_filepath {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my $src    = shift;
+    my %params = @_;
+    my $config = $self->config;
+    return $src if File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($src);
+    my @subdirs;
+    push @subdirs, $params{subdir}       if $params{subdir};
+    push @subdirs, @{ $params{subdirs} } if $params{subdirs};
+    push @subdirs, "" unless $params{subdirs_only};
+    my $ctx_subdir = $self->cfg('ctx_subdir');
+    push @subdirs, $ctx_subdir if $ctx_subdir;
+    my $where     = $params{where} || 'templates';
+    my $where_dir = $self->cfg( "${where}_dir", strict => 1 );
+    my @suffixes;
+    push @suffixes, $params{suffix}        if $params{suffix};
+    push @suffixes, @{ $params{suffixes} } if $params{suffixes};
+    for my $subdir (@subdirs) {
+        my $try_dir = File::Spec->catdir( $where_dir, $subdir );
+        for my $sfx (@suffixes) {
+            # Don't append extension if it's already there.
+            next if $sfx && $src =~ /\Q$sfx\E$/;
+            my $tfile = File::Spec->catfile( $try_dir, $src . $sfx );
+            return $tfile if -e $tfile;
+        }
+    }
+    die "File '$src' not found in base directory $where_dir"
+      . $self->include_path
+      if $params{required};
+    return "";
+sub template_file_path {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return $self->find_filepath(
+        shift,
+        suffixes => [ "." . $self->cfg('platform'), ".in", "" ],
+        @_
+    );
+sub build_file_path {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return $self->find_filepath(
+        shift,
+        where    => 'build',
+        suffixes => [ qw<.pl .nqp .p6>, "" ],
+        @_
+    );
+sub fill_template_file {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ( $infile, $outfile ) = @_;
+    my %params = @_;
+    my $OUT;
+    if ( ref $outfile ) {
+        $OUT = $outfile;
+    }
+    else {
+        $self->msg("\nCreating $outfile ...\n");
+        open( $OUT, '>', $outfile )
+          or die "Unable to write $outfile\n";
+    }
+    my @infiles = ref($infile) ? @$infile : $infile;
+    for my $if (@infiles) {
+        my $ifpath = $self->template_file_path( $if, required => 1, );
+        my $s      = $self->push_ctx(
+            {
+                template_file => $ifpath,
+                configs       => [
+                    {
+                        template_file => $ifpath,
+                    }
+                ],
+            }
+        );
+        my $text = slurp($ifpath);
+        print $OUT "\n# Generated from $ifpath\n" unless $params{as_is};
+        $text = $self->fill_template_text( $text, source => $ifpath );
+        print $OUT $text;
+        print $OUT "\n\n# (end of section generated from $ifpath)\n\n"
+          unless $params{as_is};
+    }
+sub fixup_makefile {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $text = shift;
+    #if ( $self->is_win ) {
+    #    $text =~ s{/}{\\}g;
+    #    $text =~ s{\\\*}{\\\\*}g;
+    #    $text =~ s{(?:git|http):\S+}{ do {my $t = $&; $t =~ s'\\'/'g; $t} }eg;
+    #    $text =~ s/.*curl.*/do {my $t = $&; $t =~ s'%'%%'g; $t}/meg;
+    #}
+    # TODO Timing is better be implemented as a macro
+    if ( $self->cfg('makefile_timing') ) {
+        $text =~ s{ (?<!\\\n)        # not after line ending in '\'
+                        ^                # beginning of line
+                        (\t(?>@?[ \t]*)) # capture tab, optional @, and hspace
+                        (?!-)            # not before - (ignore error) lines
+                        (?!cd)           # not before cd lines
+                        (?!echo)         # not before echo lines
+                        (?=\S)           # must be before non-blank
+                      }
+                      {$1time\ }mgx;
+    }
+    return $text;
+sub fill_template_text {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my $text   = shift;
+    my %params = @_;
+    my $config = $self->config;
+    my $on_fail = sub {
+        my $err = shift;
+        my $msg = ref($err)
+          && $err->isa('NQP::Macros::_Err') ? $err->message : $err;
+        my $src = $params{source} ? " in template $params{source}" : "";
+        $self->sorry("$msg$src");
+    };
+    my $text_out =
+      NQP::Macros->new( config => $self, on_fail => $on_fail )->expand($text);
+    # XXX This is better be handled with makefile macros. Then the whole method
+    # would be easily replaced with Macros->expand()
+    if ( $text_out =~ /nqp::makefile/ ) {
+        $text_out = $self->fixup_makefile($text_out);
+    }
+    $text_out;
+sub reference_dir {
+    my ($self, $name) = @_;
+    my $git_cache_dir = $self->cfg('git_cache_dir');
+    return File::Spec->catdir( $git_cache_dir, $name );
+sub git_checkout {
+    my ( $self, $repo, $dir, $checkout ) = @_;
+    die "Unknown repository '$repo' in call to git_checkout"
+      unless $self->{repo_maps}{$repo};
+    my $config  = $self->config;
+    my $options = $self->{options};
+    my $pwd     = cwd();
+    my $pullurl = $self->repo_url( $repo, action => 'pull' );
+    my $pushurl = $self->repo_url( $repo, action => 'push' );
+    # Clone / fetch git reference repo
+    if ( $config->{git_cache_dir} ) {
+        my $ref_dir =
+          $self->reference_dir( $self->{repo_maps}{$repo}[1] );
+        if ( !-d $ref_dir ) {
+            my @ref_args = ( 'git', 'clone', '--bare' );
+            push @ref_args, "--depth=$options->{'git-depth'}"
+              if $options->{'git-depth'};
+            push @ref_args, $pullurl, $ref_dir;
+            $self->msg("Cloning reference from $pullurl\n");
+            system_or_die(@ref_args);
+        }
+        else {
+            chdir($ref_dir);
+            system_or_die( 'git', 'fetch' );
+            chdir($pwd);
+        }
+    }
+    # get an up-to-date repository
+    if ( !-d $dir ) {
+        my @args = ( 'git', 'clone' );
+        if ( $config->{git_cache_dir} ) {
+            my $ref_dir =
+              $self->reference_dir( $self->{repo_maps}{$repo}[1] );
+            die "Can't find $repo reference directory in $config->{git_cache_dir}"
+              unless $ref_dir;
+            push @args, "--reference=$ref_dir";
+        }
+        push @args, "--depth=$options->{'git-depth'}"
+          if $options->{'git-depth'};
+        push @args, $pullurl, $dir;
+        $self->msg("Cloning from $pullurl\n");
+        system_or_die(@args);
+        chdir($dir);
+        system( 'git', 'config', 'remote.origin.pushurl', $pushurl )
+          if defined $pushurl && $pushurl ne $pullurl;
+    }
+    else {
+        chdir($dir);
+        system_or_die( 'git', 'fetch' );
+        # pre-git 1.9/2.0 `--tags` did not fetch tags in addition to normal
+        # fetch so do it separately
+        system_or_die( 'git', 'fetch', '--tags' );
+    }
+    if ($checkout) {
+        system_or_die( 'git', 'checkout', $checkout );
+        system_or_die( 'git', 'pull' )
+          if slurp('.git/HEAD') =~ /^ref:/;
+    }
+    my $git_describe;
+    if ( open( my $GIT, '-|', "git describe --tags" ) ) {
+        $git_describe = <$GIT>;
+        close($GIT);
+        chomp $git_describe;
+    }
+    chdir($pwd);
+    $git_describe;
+sub _restore_ctx {
+    my %params = @_;
+    my $obj    = $params{obj};
+    my $idx = 0;
+    for my $ctx ( @{ $obj->{contexts} } ) {
+        if ( $ctx == $params{ctx} ) {
+            splice( @{ $obj->{contexts} }, $idx, 1 );
+            return;
+        }
+        ++$idx;
+    }
+sub contexts {
+    my @c = reverse @{ $_[0]->{contexts} };
+sub cur_ctx {
+    return {} unless @{ $_[0]->{contexts} };
+    $_[0]->{contexts}[-1];
+sub push_ctx {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $ctx  = shift;
+    die "Context must be a hash" unless ref($ctx) eq 'HASH';
+    warn "Context has 'config' key. Didn't you mean 'configs'?"
+      if exists $ctx->{config};
+    my @c = caller(1);
+    $ctx->{".ctx"} = {
+        from => {
+            file => $c[1],
+            line => $c[2],
+            sub  => $c[3],
+        },
+    };
+    if ( $ctx->{configs} ) {
+        if ( ref( $ctx->{configs} ) ) {
+            my $is_valid = 1;
+            if ( ref( $ctx->{configs} ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+                for my $cfg ( @{ $ctx->{configs} } ) {
+                    if ( ref($cfg) ne 'HASH' ) {
+                        $is_valid = 0;
+                        last;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                $is_valid = 0;
+            }
+            die "'configs' key of context must be a list of hashes"
+              unless $is_valid;
+        }
+        else {
+            $ctx->{configs} = [ $ctx->{configs} ];
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        $ctx->{configs} = [];
+    }
+    push @{ $self->{contexts} }, $ctx;
+    return NQP::Config::_Scoping->new(
+        \&_restore_ctx,
+        obj => $self,
+        ctx => $ctx
+    );
+sub pop_ctx {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return pop @{ $self->{contexts} };
+# Quick push of a single config hash to the context stack.
+sub push_config {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $ctx_config;
+    if ( @_ == 1 ) {
+        $ctx_config = shift;
+    }
+    else {
+        my %c = @_;
+        $ctx_config = \%c;
+    }
+    die "push_config is expecting a hash variable => value pairs, not a "
+      . ( ref($ctx_config) || 'scalar' )
+      unless ref($ctx_config) eq 'HASH';
+    return $self->push_ctx( { configs => [$ctx_config], } );
+sub set_key {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ( $key, $val, %params ) = @_;
+    $val //= $params{default};
+    return $self->{config}{$key} = $val;
+sub config {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my %params = @_;
+    return $self->{config} if $params{no_ctx};
+    my %config = %{ $self->{config} };
+    for my $ctx ( @{ $self->{contexts} } ) {
+        # Reversing because the first must override the last.
+        for my $ctx_cfg ( reverse @{ $ctx->{configs} } ) {
+            @config{ keys %$ctx_cfg } = values %$ctx_cfg;
+        }
+    }
+    return \%config;
+# Searches for a config variable in contexts (from latest pushed upwards) and
+# then in the main config. If context contains more than one config hash in
+# configs key then they're searched forward, from the first to the last.
+sub cfg {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my $var    = shift;
+    my %params = @_;
+    # Don't use config method for better performance.
+    for my $ctx ( $self->contexts ) {
+        my $configs = $ctx->{configs};
+        for my $config (@$configs) {
+            if ( exists $config->{$var} ) {
+                if ( $params{with_ctx} && wantarray ) {
+                    return ( $config->{$var}, $ctx );
+                }
+                return $config->{$var};
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    die "Can't find configuration variable '$var'"
+      if $params{strict} && !exists $self->{config}{$var};
+    return $self->{config}{$var};
+# Set a configuration variable. Note that by default the variable is set on the
+# root config hash.
+sub set {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my $key    = shift;
+    my $val    = shift;
+    my %params = @_;
+    if ( my $prop = $params{in_ctx} ) {
+        my $ctx;
+        if ( $prop eq -1 ) {
+            $ctx = $self->{contexts}[-1];
+        }
+        else {
+            unless ( $ctx = $self->in_ctx($prop) ) {
+                $self->sorry( "No context '$prop' found"
+                      . " while attemtped to set variable $key" );
+            }
+        }
+        $ctx->{configs}[-1]{$key} = $val;
+    }
+    else {
+        $self->{config}{$key} = $val;
+    }
+    return $self;
+# Same as cfg but looking for a property, i.e. a key on a context or config
+# object itself.
+sub prop {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my $name   = shift;
+    my %params = @_;
+    for my $ctx ( $self->contexts ) {
+        return $ctx->{$name} if exists $ctx->{$name};
+    }
+    die "Can't find property '$name'"
+      if $params{strict} && !exists $self->{$name};
+    return $self->{$name};
+# $config->in_ctx(prop_name => "prop value")
+sub in_ctx {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ( $prop, $val ) = @_;
+    for my $ctx ( $self->contexts ) {
+        return $ctx
+          if exists $ctx->{$prop}
+          && ( !defined($val) || ( $ctx->{$prop} eq $val ) );
+    }
+    return 0;
+sub shell_quote_filename {
+    my $self     = shift;
+    my $filename = shift;
+    my $platform = $self->cfg('platform');
+    my $qchar = $self->cfg('quote');
+    my $out   = $filename;
+    if ( $platform eq 'windows' ) {
+        $filename =~ s{(%)}{$1$1}g;
+        $filename =~ s{(")}{\\$1}g;
+    }
+    elsif ( $platform eq 'unix' ) {
+        $filename =~ s{'}{'\\''}g;
+    }
+    $out = "$qchar$filename$qchar";
+    return $out;
+sub nfp {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ( $vol, $dirs, $file ) = File::Spec->splitpath(shift);
+    my %params   = @_;
+    my $filename = File::Spec->canonpath(
+        File::Spec->catpath(
+            $vol,
+            File::Spec->catdir( File::Spec::Unix->splitdir($dirs) ), $file
+        )
+    );
+    $filename = $self->shell_quote_filename($filename) if $params{quote};
+    return $filename;
+sub c_escape_string {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $str  = shift;
+    $str =~ s{\\}{\\\\}sg;
+    $str =~ s{"}{\\"}sg;
+    return $str;
+sub sq_escape_string {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $str  = shift;
+    $str =~ s{\\}{\\\\}sg;
+    $str =~ s{'}{\\'}sg;
+    return $str;
+### Non-method subs
+sub slash {
+    state $slash = File::Spec->catfile( '', '' );
+    return $slash;
+sub slurp {
+    my $filename = shift;
+    open my $fh, '<', $filename
+      or die "Unable to read file '$filename'\n";
+    local $/ = undef;
+    my $text = <$fh>;
+    close $fh or die $!;
+    return $text;
+sub os2platform {
+    my $os = shift // $^O;
+    # Make unix always be the last tried
+    my @platforms =
+      ( ( grep { $_ ne 'unix' } keys %os_platforms ), 'unix' );
+    my $platform;
+    for my $p (@platforms) {
+        my $p_or = "(?:" . join( "|", @{ $os_platforms{$p} } ) . ")";
+        if ( $os =~ /^$p_or$/ ) {
+            $platform = $p;
+            last;
+        }
+    }
+    $platform;
+# Command line support, similar to ExtUtils::Command
+sub rm_l {
+    ExtUtils::Command::expand_wildcards();
+    for my $link (@ARGV) {
+        my $rc;
+        if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) {
+            $rc = rmdir $link;
+        }
+        else {
+            unlink $link;
+        }
+        die "Can't delete directory $_: $!" unless $rc;
+    }
+sub system_or_die {
+    my @cmd = @_;
+    system(@cmd) == 0
+      or die "Command failed (status $?): @cmd\n";
+# qx{} replacement and process timing out protection.
+sub run_or_die {
+    my ( $cmd, %params ) = @_;
+    my $buf;
+       my $ok = 1;
+       my $reason;
+       my $cmdstr = ref($cmd) eq 'ARRAY' ? join( " ", @$cmd ) : $cmd;
+       if ($params{output_timeout} && IPC::Cmd->can_use_run_forked) {
+               my $last_out_at = time;
+               my $output_timeout = delete $params{output_timeout};
+               my $verbose = delete $params{verbose};
+               my $heartbeat = delete $params{heartbeat};
+               my $description = delete($params{description}) // '... Command `' . $cmdstr . '`';
+               my $on_stdout = sub {
+                       print join("", @_) if $verbose;
+                       $last_out_at = time;
+               };
+               my $on_stderr = sub {
+                       print STDERR join("", @_) if $verbose;
+                       $last_out_at = time;
+               };
+               my $started = time;
+               my $last_heartbeat = time;
+               my $resp = run_forked $cmd, 
+                                       {
+                                               stdout_handler => $on_stdout, 
+                                               stderr_handler => $on_stderr,
+                                               wait_loop_callback => sub {
+                                                       my $now = time;
+                                                       if (($now - $last_out_at) >= $output_timeout) {
+                                                               $reason = "no output from `" . $cmdstr . "` in " . $output_timeout . "sec.";
+                                                               $ok = 0;
+                                                               kill 'HUP', $$;
+                                                       }
+                                                       if (!$verbose && $heartbeat && ($now - $last_heartbeat) >= $heartbeat) {
+                                                               $last_heartbeat = $now;
+                                                               say $description, ", ", ($now - $started), "sec.";
+                                                       }
+                                               },
+                                               terminate_on_signal => 'HUP',
+                                               terminate_on_parent_sudden_death => 1,
+                                               %params
+                                       };
+               $ok &&= !($resp->{killed_by_signal} || $resp->{exit_code});
+               $buf = $resp->{merged};
+       }
+       else {
+               ($ok, $reason) = run( command => $cmd, %params, buffer => \$buf );
+       }
+       unless ($ok) {
+               die "Command failed: " . ($reason || "No reason provided") . "\n";
+       }
+    return $buf;
+sub parse_revision {
+    my $rev       = shift;
+    my $sep       = qr/[_.]/;
+    my $rev_regex = qr/
+        (?<year> \d+)
+        $sep
+        (?<month> \d+)
+        (?:
+            $sep
+            (?<day> \d+)
+        )?
+        (?:
+            -
+            (?:
+                (?<revno> \d+) - g[a-f0-9]*
+                |
+                RC (?<rcno> \d+)
+            )
+        )?
+        $
+    /x;
+    if ( $rev =~ $rev_regex ) {
+        return ( $+{year}, $+{month}, $+{day} // 0, $+{rcno} // 0,
+            $+{revno} // 0 );
+    }
+    else {
+        die "Unrecognized revision specifier '$rev'\n";
+    }
+sub cmp_rev {
+    my ( $a, $b ) = @_;
+    my @a   = parse_revision($a);
+    my @b   = parse_revision($b);
+    my $cmp = 0;
+    for ( 0 .. 4 ) {
+        $cmp = $a[$_] <=> $b[$_] if ( defined $a[$_] && defined $b[$_] );
+        last if $cmp;
+    }
+    $cmp;
+sub read_config_from_command {
+    my $command = shift;
+    my %config  = ();
+    local $_;
+    no warnings;
+    if ( open my $CONFIG, '-|', $command ) {
+        while (<$CONFIG>) {
+            if (/^([^\s=]+)=(.*)/) { $config{$1} = $2 }
+        }
+        close($CONFIG);
+    }
+    return %config;
+sub read_config {
+    my @config_src = @_;
+    my %config     = ();
+    for my $file (@config_src) {
+        if ( !-f $file ) {
+            print STDERR "No pre-existing installed file found at $file\n";
+            next;
+        }
+        %config = read_config_from_command("\"$file\" --show-config");
+        last if %config;
+    }
+    return %config;
+# vim: ft=perl
Index: pkgsrc/lang/nqp/files/
diff -u /dev/null pkgsrc/lang/nqp/files/
--- /dev/null   Wed Mar 12 11:27:43 2025
+++ pkgsrc/lang/nqp/files/     Wed Mar 12 11:27:43 2025
@@ -0,0 +1,1165 @@
+use v5.10.1;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+package NQP::Macros::_Err;
+use Scalar::Util qw<blessed>;
+use Carp qw<longmess>;
+use Data::Dumper;
+our @CARP_NOT = qw<NQP::Macros::_Err>;
+sub new {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $msg   = shift;
+    my $self  = bless {
+        err       => $msg,
+        callstack => longmess(""),
+        @_,
+    }, $class;
+    return $self;
+sub throw {
+    my $self = shift;
+    unless ( blessed($self) ) {
+        if ( ref( $_[0] ) && UNIVERSAL::isa( $_[0], __PACKAGE__ ) ) {
+            $_[0]->throw;
+        }
+        $self = $self->new(@_);
+    }
+    else {
+        my %params = @_;
+        @{$self}{ keys %params } = values %params;
+    }
+    die $self;
+sub message {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $err  = $self->{err};
+    chomp $err;
+    my @msg    = $err;
+    my $level  = 1;
+    my $indent = sub {
+        my $spcs = "  " x $level;
+        return map { $spcs . $_ } split /\n/s, shift;
+    };
+    my $file = "*no file?*";
+    my @contexts =
+      reverse(
+        $self->{contexts}
+        ? @{ $self->{contexts} }
+        : ( $self->{macro_obj} ? ( $self->{macro_obj}->cfg->contexts ) : () )
+      );
+    my @in;
+    for my $ctx (@contexts) {
+        if ( $ctx->{current_macro} ) {
+            push @in,
+                "... in macro "
+              . $ctx->{current_macro} . "("
+              . $ctx->{current_param}
+              . ") at $file";
+        }
+        if ( my $newfile = $ctx->{including_file} || $ctx->{template_file} ) {
+            $file = $newfile;
+        }
+    }
+    for my $msg ( reverse @in ) {
+        push @msg, $indent->($msg);
+        ++$level;
+    }
+    push @msg, $indent->( $self->{callstack} );
+    return join( "\n", @msg );
+package NQP::Macros;
+use Text::ParseWords;
+use File::Spec;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Carp qw<longmess>;
+use IPC::Cmd qw<can_run run>;
+require NQP::Config;
+my %preexpand = map { $_ => 1 } qw<
+  include include_capture nfp nfpl nfpq nfplq q
+  insert insert_capture insert_filelist
+  expand template ctx_template script ctx_script
+  sp_escape nl_escape c_escape sq_escape fixup uc
+  lc abs2rel shquot mkquot chomp if bpv bpm bsv
+  bsm echo use_prereqs
+my %receipe_macro;
+# Hash of externally registered macros.
+my %external;
+sub new {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $self  = bless {}, $class;
+    return $self->init(@_);
+sub init {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my %params = @_;
+    $self->{config_obj} = $params{config};
+    for my $p (qw<on_fail>) {
+        $self->{$p} = $params{$p} if $params{$p};
+    }
+    return $self;
+sub register_macro {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ( $name, $sub, %params ) = @_;
+    $self->throw("Bad macro name '$name'") unless $name && $name =~ /^\w+$/;
+    $self->throw("Macro sub isn't a code ref") unless ref($sub) eq 'CODE';
+    $external{$name}      = $sub;
+    $preexpand{$name}     = !!$params{preexpand};
+    $receipe_macro{$name} = !!$params{in_receipe};
+sub cfg { $_[0]->{config_obj} }
+sub fail {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $err  = shift;
+    if ( ref( $self->{on_fail} ) eq 'CODE' ) {
+        $self->{on_fail}->($err);
+    }
+    my $msg;
+    if ( ref($err) && $err->isa('NQP::Macros::_Err') ) {
+        $msg = $err->message;
+    }
+    else {
+        $msg = $err;
+    }
+    die $msg;
+sub throw {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $err  = shift;
+    if ( ref($err) && $err->isa('NQP::Macros::_Err') ) {
+        $err->throw(@_);
+    }
+    NQP::Macros::_Err->throw(
+        $err,
+        macro_obj => $self,
+        contexts  => [ $self->cfg->contexts ],    # copy the list
+        @_
+    );
+sub execute {
+    my $self       = shift;
+    my $macro      = shift;
+    my $param      = shift;
+    my $orig_param = $param;
+    my %params     = @_;
+    my $cfg        = $self->{config_obj};
+    my $file = $cfg->prop('including_file') || $cfg->prop('template_file');
+    $self->throw("Macro name is missing in call to method execute()")
+      unless $macro;
+    my $s = $cfg->push_ctx(
+        {
+            current_macro => $macro,
+            current_param => $orig_param,
+            configs       => [
+                {
+                    current_macro => $macro,
+                },
+            ],
+        }
+    );
+    my $method;
+    if ( $external{$macro} ) {
+        $method = $external{$macro};
+    }
+    else {
+        $method = $self->can("_m_$macro");
+    }
+    $self->throw("Unknown macro $macro") unless ref($method) eq 'CODE';
+    if ( !$params{no_preexapnd} && $preexpand{$macro} ) {
+        $param = $self->_expand($param);
+    }
+    my $out;
+    eval {
+        my $msub = sub {
+            $out = $self->$method($param);
+        };
+        if ( $receipe_macro{$macro} ) {
+            $self->in_receipe_context($msub);
+        }
+        else {
+            $msub->();
+        }
+    };
+    if ($@) {
+        $self->throw( $@, callstack => longmess("") );
+    }
+    return $out;
+sub expand {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $out;
+    eval { $out = $self->_expand(@_) };
+    if ($@) {
+        $self->fail($@);
+    }
+    return $out;
+sub _expand {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $text = shift;
+    $self->throw("Can't expand undefined value") unless defined $text;
+    return $text if index( $text, '@' ) < 0;
+    my %params = @_;
+    my $cfg    = $self->{config_obj};
+    my $config = $cfg->{config};
+    my $mobj = $self;
+    if ( $params{isolate} ) {
+        $mobj = NQP::Macros->new( config => $cfg );
+    }
+    my $text_out = "";
+    my $last_text = "";
+    # @mfunc()@ @!mfunc()@
+    while (
+        $text =~ / 
+                    (?<eol> \z )
+                  | (?<macro>
+                        (?<msym> (?: @@ | @))
+                        (?:
+                            (?<macro_var> \w [:\w\-]* )
+                          | (?: 
+                              (?: 
+                                  (?<mfunc_noexp> ! )
+                                | (?<mfunc_if_can> \? )
+                              )* 
+                              (?<macro_func> \w [:\w\-]* )
+                              (?>
+                                \(
+                                  (?<mparam>
+                                    (
+                                        (?2)
+                                      | [^\)]
+                                      | \) (?! \k<msym> )
+                                      | (?(?{ $+{msym} eq '@' }) \z (?{ $self->throw( "Can't find closing \)$+{msym} for macro '$+{macro_func}' following <<" . $last_text . ">>" ) }))
+                                    )*
+                                  )
+                                \)
+                              )
+                            )
+                          | \z
+                        )
+                        \k<msym>
+                    )
+                    | (?<esc> \\ (?<eschr> [\\@] ) )
+                    | (?<plain> .*? (?= [\\@] | \z ) )
+                /sgcxp
+      )
+    {
+        $last_text = substr( $last_text . ${^MATCH}, -30 );
+        my %m = %+;
+        if ( defined $m{plain} ) {
+            $text_out .= $m{plain};
+        }
+        elsif ( defined $m{esc} ) {
+            $text_out .= $m{eschr};
+        }
+        elsif ( defined $m{macro} ) {
+            my $chunk;
+            if ( $m{macro_var} ) {
+                $chunk = $cfg->cfg( $m{macro_var} ) // '';
+            }
+            elsif ( $m{macro_func} ) {
+                my %params;
+                $params{no_preexapnd} = !!$m{mfunc_noexp};
+                eval {
+                    $chunk =
+                      $mobj->execute( $m{macro_func}, $m{mparam}, %params );
+                };
+                if ($@) {
+                    $self->throw( $@, force => 1 )
+                      if !$m{mfunc_if_can}
+                      || ( ref($@)
+                        && $@->isa('NQP::Macros::_Err')
+                        && $@->{force} );
+                    $chunk = '';
+                }
+            }
+            if ( defined $chunk ) {
+                $text_out .=
+                    $m{msym} eq '@@'
+                  ? $mobj->_m_mkquot($chunk)
+                  : $chunk;
+            }
+        }
+        elsif ( defined $m{eol} ) {
+            last PARSE;
+        }
+        else {
+            $self->throw("Impossible but can't parse input");
+        }
+    }
+    return $text_out;
+sub inc_comment {
+    my $self    = shift;
+    my $comment = shift;
+    chomp $comment;
+    my $len = length($comment) + 4;
+    my $bar = '#' x $len;
+    return "$bar\n# $comment #\n$bar\n";
+sub cur_file {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $cfg  = $self->{config_obj};
+    return $cfg->prop('including_file') || $cfg->prop('template_file');
+sub is_including {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $file = shift;
+    my $cfg  = $self->{config_obj};
+    for my $ctx ( $cfg->contexts ) {
+        return 1
+          if $ctx->{including_file}
+          && File::Spec->rel2abs( $ctx->{including_file} ) eq
+          File::Spec->rel2abs($file);
+    }
+    return 0;
+sub splitwords {
+    my $str = shift;
+    $str =~ s{\\}{\\\\}sg;    # quote all \ chars for shellwords.
+    return shellwords($str);
+sub include {
+    my $self      = shift;
+    my $filenames = shift;
+    my @filenames = ref($filenames) ? @$filenames : splitwords($filenames);
+    my %params    = @_;
+    my $text      = "";
+    my $cfg       = $self->{config_obj};
+    $params{required} //= 1;
+    my %tmpl_params;
+    for my $p (qw<subdir subdirs subdirs_only>) {
+        $tmpl_params{$p} = $params{$p} if $params{$p};
+    }
+    for my $file ( map { $self->_m_sp_unescape($_) } @filenames ) {
+        next unless $file;
+        $file = $cfg->template_file_path( $file, required => 1, %tmpl_params );
+        my $ctx = $cfg->cur_ctx;
+        $self->throw( "Circular dependency detected on including $file"
+              . $cfg->include_path )
+          if $self->is_including;
+        $ctx->{including_file} = $file;
+        $text .= $self->inc_comment("Included from $file")
+          unless $params{as_is};
+        $text .= $self->_expand( NQP::Config::slurp($file) )
+          unless $params{no_expand};
+        $text .= $self->inc_comment("End of section included from $file")
+          unless $params{as_is};
+    }
+    return $text;
+sub insert_list {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $file = shift;
+    my %params = @_;
+    my $cfg    = $self->{config_obj};
+    my $indent = " " x ( $cfg->{config}{list_indent} || 4 );
+    my $text   = $self->_expand( NQP::Config::slurp($file) );
+    my @list  = grep { length } split /\n+/s, $text;
+    if ($params{cb}) {
+        @list = map { $params{cb}->($_) } @list;
+    }
+    $text = join " \\\n$indent", @list;
+    return $text;
+sub not_in_context {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $cfg  = $self->{config_obj};
+    my ( $ctx_name, $ctx_prop ) = @_;
+    if ( $cfg->prop($ctx_prop) ) {
+        my $tip = "";
+        if ( $cfg->in_ctx( current_macro => 'include' ) ) {
+            $tip =
+              " Perhaps you should use ctx_include macro instead of include?";
+        }
+        $self->throw("Re-entering $ctx_name context is not allowed.$tip");
+    }
+sub is_in_context {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ( $ctx_name, $ctx_prop ) = @_;
+    my $cfg = $self->{config_obj};
+    unless ( $cfg->prop($ctx_prop) ) {
+        $self->throw("Required '$ctx_name' context not found.");
+    }
+# Execute callback in a custom context.
+sub do_in_context {
+    my $self  = shift;
+    my $cb    = shift;
+    my %props = @_;
+    my $ctx = $props{ctx}
+      or $self->throw("do_in_context requires 'ctx' named parameter");
+    if ( ref($ctx) ) {
+        $self->throw(
+            "do_in_context requires 'ctx' named parameter to be a hash")
+          unless ref($ctx) eq 'HASH';
+    }
+    else {
+        $ctx = { $ctx => 1 };
+    }
+    my $configs = ( $props{config} && [ $props{config} ] ) || $props{configs};
+    $ctx->{configs} = $configs;
+    my $s = $self->cfg->push_ctx($ctx);
+    return $cb->();
+# Execute a callback in receipe context
+sub in_receipe_context {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my $cb     = shift;
+    my %config = (
+        prereqs => $self->cfg->cfg('make_all_prereq'),
+        @_
+    );
+    $self->do_in_context(
+        $cb,
+        ctx    => '.make_receipe',
+        config => \%config
+    );
+# Set a config variable in receipe context.
+sub set_in_receipe {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ($var, $val) = @_;
+    $self->cfg->set($var, $val, in_ctx => '.make_receipe');
+sub backends_iterate {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $cfg  = $self->{config_obj};
+    $self->not_in_context( backends => 'backend' );
+    my $cb = shift;
+    for my $be ( $cfg->active_backends ) {
+        my $babbr  = $cfg->backend_abbr($be);
+        my %config = (
+            ctx_subdir     => $be,
+            backend_subdir => $be,
+            backend        => $be,
+            backend_abbr   => $babbr,
+            backend_prefix => $babbr,
+            bp             => uc($babbr) . "_",
+            bext           => $cfg->backend_ext($be),
+            btarget        => $cfg->backend_target($be),
+        );
+        my %iprops = %{ $cfg->{impls}{$be} };
+        delete $iprops{config};
+        my $be_ctx = {
+            %iprops,
+            backend => $be,
+            configs => [ $cfg->{impls}{$be}{config}, \%config ],
+        };
+        my $s = $cfg->push_ctx($be_ctx);
+        $cb->(@_);
+    }
+sub find_filepath {
+    my $self      = shift;
+    my $filenames = shift;
+    my %params    = @_;
+    my @filenames = splitwords($filenames);
+    my $cfg       = $self->{config_obj};
+    my @out;
+    my $where = $params{where} // 'templates';
+    delete $params{where};
+    for my $src (@filenames) {
+        if ( $where eq 'build' ) {
+            push @out, $cfg->build_file_path( $src, required => 1, %params );
+        }
+        else {
+            push @out, $cfg->template_file_path( $src, required => 1, %params );
+        }
+    }
+    return join " ", @out;
+# include(file1 file2)
+# Include a file. Parameter is expanded first, then the result is used a the
+# file name. File content is expanded.
+# Multiple filenames are split by spaces. If file path contains a space in it it
+# must be quoted with \
+sub _m_include {
+    shift->include(shift);
+# insert(file1 file2)
+# Similar to include() but insert files as-is, no comments added.
+sub _m_insert {
+    shift->include( shift, as_is => 1 );
+# ctx_include(file1 file2)
+# Same as include but only looks in the current context subdir.
+sub _m_ctx_include {
+    shift->include( shift, subdirs_only => 1 );
+# ctx_insert(file1 file2)
+# Same as insert but only looks in the current context subdir.
+sub _m_ctx_insert {
+    shift->include( shift, as_is => 1, subdirs_only => 1 );
+# for_backends(text)
+# Iterates over active backends and expands text in the context of each backend.
+sub _m_for_backends {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $text = shift;
+    my $out = "";
+    my $cb = sub {
+        $out .= $self->_expand($text);
+    };
+    $self->backends_iterate($cb);
+    return $out;
+sub _m_for {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ($var, $text) = split " ", shift, 2;
+    my $cfg = $self->{config_obj};
+    my $var_text = $cfg->cfg( $self->_expand($var) );
+    my $out = "";
+    foreach my $item (split " ", $var_text) {
+        # @_@
+        my $s = $cfg->push_config(
+            '_' => $item,
+            '_item_' => $item,
+        );
+        $out .= $self->_expand($text);
+    }
+    return $out;
+# expand(text)
+# Simply expands the text. Could be useful when:
+# @expand(@!nfp(@build_dir@/@macro(...)@)@)@
+# In this case under windows @!nfp()@ will result in @build_dir@\@macro(...)@
+# line.  @expand()@ will then finish the expansion. This is important because
+# @build_dir@ under Windows will already have backslashes in the path.
+# NOTE that the input of expand() is pre-expanded first. So, use with extreme
+# care!
+sub _m_expand {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $text = shift;
+    my $out  = $self->_expand($text);
+# template(file1 file2)
+# Finds corresponding template file for file names in parameter. Templates are
+# been searched in templates_dir and possibly ctx_subdir if under a context.
+sub _m_template {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return $self->find_filepath( shift, where => 'template', );
+# ctx_template(file1 file2)
+# Similar to template but looks only in the current context subdir
+sub _m_ctx_template {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return $self->find_filepath(
+        shift,
+        where        => 'template',
+        subdirs_only => 1,
+    );
+# script(file1 file2)
+# Similar to the template above but looks in tools/build directory for files
+# with extensions .pl, .nqp, .p6.
+sub _m_script {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return $self->find_filepath( shift, where => 'build', );
+# ctx_script(file1 file2)
+# Similar to script but looks only in the current context subdir
+sub _m_ctx_script {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return $self->find_filepath( shift, where => 'build', subdirs_only => 1, );
+# include_capture(command line)
+# Captures output of the command line and includes it.
+sub _m_include_capture {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $text = $self->_m_insert_capture(@_);
+    return
+        "\n"
+      . $self->inc_comment("Included from `$_[0]`")
+      . $text
+      . $self->inc_comment("End of section included from `$_[0]`");
+# insert_capture(command line)
+# Captures output of the command line and inserts it.
+sub _m_insert_capture {
+    my $self     = shift;
+    my $cfg      = $self->{config_obj};
+    my $cmd_line = shift;
+    my $cmd      = ( splitwords($cmd_line) )[0];
+    $self->throw("No executable '$cmd' found") unless can_run($cmd);
+    my $out;
+    my ( $ok, $err ) = run( command => $cmd_line, buffer => \$out );
+    $self->throw("Failed to execute '$cmd_line': $err\nCommand output:\n$out")
+      unless $ok;
+    return $self->_expand($out);
+# fixup(makefile rules)
+# Fixup input makefile rules. I.e. changes dir separators / for current OS and
+# install timing measure where needed.
+sub _m_fixup {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $text = shift;
+    return $self->{config_obj}->fixup_makefile($text);
+# insert_list(filename)
+# Inserts a list from file filename. File content is expanded first, then split
+# by newlines into single items. Empty lines are thrown away. Each items in the
+# list will be indented by @list_indent@ spaces except for the first one.
+sub _m_insert_list {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my $cfg    = $self->{config_obj};
+    my $file   = $cfg->template_file_path( shift, required => 1 );
+    return $self->insert_list($file);
+# insert_filelist(filename)
+# Similar to the insert_list macro but each item is nfp-normalized
+sub _m_insert_filelist {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my $cfg    = $self->{config_obj};
+    my $file   = $cfg->template_file_path( shift, required => 1 );
+    return $self->insert_list(
+        $file,
+        cb => sub { $cfg->nfp(shift) });
+# sp_escape(a string)
+# Escapes all spaces in a string with \
+# Implicitly called by @@ macros
+sub _m_sp_escape {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $str  = shift;
+    $str =~ s{([\\\h])}{\\$1}g;
+    $str;
+# nl_escape(a string)
+# Escapes all newlines in a string with \.
+sub _m_nl_escape {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $str  = shift;
+    $str =~ s{(\n)}{\\$1}g;
+    $str;
+# c_escape(text)
+# Escaping for c string literals.
+sub _m_c_escape {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $str  = shift;
+    $str =~ s{\\}{\\\\}sg;
+    $str =~ s{"}{\\"}sg;
+    return $str;
+# sq_escape(text)
+# Escaping single quotes and backslashes.
+# Can e.g. be used in a Perl '' string.
+sub _m_sq_escape {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $str  = shift;
+    $str =~ s{\\}{\\\\}sg;
+    $str =~ s{'}{\\'}sg;
+    return $str;
+# sp_unescape(a\ st\ring)
+# Simple unescaping horizontal whitespaces from backslashes.
+sub _m_sp_unescape {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $str  = shift;
+    $str =~ s/\\([\\\h])/$1/g;
+    return $str;
+# Iterate over whitespace separated list and execute callback for non-ws elems.
+sub _iterate_ws_list {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $cb   = shift;
+    $self->throw("_iterate_filelist callback isn't a code ref")
+      unless ref($cb) eq 'CODE';
+    my @elems = split /((?:(?<!\\)\s)+)/s, shift;
+    my $out   = "";
+    while (@elems) {
+        my ( $file, $ws ) = ( shift @elems, shift @elems );
+        if ($file) {    # If text starts with spaces $file will be empty
+            $file = $self->_m_sp_unescape($file);
+            $file = $cb->($file);
+        }
+        $out .= $file . ( $ws // "" );
+    }
+    return $out;
+# nfpl(dir1/file1 dir2/file2)
+# Normalizes a Unix-style file path for the current OS. Also quotes path if it
+# contains spaces or $ or % on *nix/Windows. Non-separating whitespaces must be
+# quoted with \
+sub _m_nfpl {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $cfg  = $self->cfg;
+    return $self->_iterate_ws_list(
+        sub {
+            $cfg->nfp( $_[0] );
+        },
+        shift
+    );
+# nfp(dir/file)
+# Similar to nfpl but expects only one path as input and doesn't require
+# escaping of whitespaces.
+sub _m_nfp {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return $self->cfg->nfp(shift);
+sub _m_nfplq {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $cfg  = $self->cfg;
+    return $self->_iterate_ws_list(
+        sub {
+            $cfg->nfp( $_[0], quote => 1 );
+        },
+        shift
+    );
+sub _m_nfpq {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return $self->cfg->nfp( shift, quote => 1 );
+# shquot(text)
+# Escaping and quoting for shell command line.
+sub _m_shquot {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return $self->cfg->shell_quote_filename(shift);
+# mkquot(text)
+# Escaping for current make utility
+sub _m_mkquot {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my $text   = shift;
+    my $family = $self->cfg->cfg('make_family');
+    my $out;
+    if ( $family =~ /^(?:gnu|bsd)$/ ) {
+        $out = $self->_m_sp_escape($text);
+    }
+    elsif ( $family eq 'nmake' ) {
+        $out = qq<"$text"> unless $text =~ /^".*"$/;
+    }
+    else {
+        $self->throw("Don't know how to escape for $family make utility");
+    }
+    return $out;
+sub _m_q {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $q    = $self->cfg->cfg('quote');
+    return $q . shift . $q;
+# echo(str)
+# Produces echo command for Makefile. Takes special care of Windows oddities.
+sub _m_echo {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $text = shift;
+    return '@echo '
+      . (
+          $self->cfg->is_win
+        ? $text
+        : $self->cfg->shell_quote_filename($text)
+      );
+# use_prereqs(str)
+# Records prerequisites to be used to buid current target in a makefile rule
+# Allows a target to depend on more prerequisites than directly used to build
+# it.
+sub _m_use_prereqs {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $text = shift;
+    $self->cfg->set( 'prereqs', $text, in_ctx => '.make_receipe' );
+    return $text;
+# abs2rel(file1 file2)
+# Converts absolute file path into relative to @base_dir@
+sub _m_abs2rel {
+    my $self     = shift;
+    my $cfg      = $self->cfg;
+    my $base_dir = $cfg->cfg('base_dir');
+    return $self->_iterate_ws_list(
+        sub {
+            $cfg->nfp(
+                File::Spec->abs2rel(
+                    File::Spec->rel2abs( $_[0], $base_dir ), $base_dir
+                )
+            );
+        },
+        shift
+    );
+# uc(str)
+# Converts string to all uppercase
+sub _m_uc {
+    uc $_[1];
+# lc(str)
+# Converts string to all lowercase
+sub _m_lc {
+    lc $_[1];
+# envvar(VARNAME1 VARNAME2)
+# Generates OS-specific environment variable syntax. I.e. $VARNAME1 for *ix,
+# %VARNAME1% for Win, %%VARNAME1%% for VMS.
+sub _m_envvar {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $cfg    = $self->cfg;
+    my $eopen  = $cfg->cfg('env_open');
+    my $eclose = $cfg->cfg('env_close');
+    return $self->_iterate_ws_list( sub { "${eopen}$_[0]${eclose}" }, shift );
+# setenv(VAR)
+# Generates variable assignment construct valid for the current platform.
+sub _m_setenv {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $var  = shift;
+    my $p = $self->cfg->cfg('platform');
+    my $out = "";
+    if ( $p eq 'windows' ) {
+        $out = "@ SET $var=";
+    }
+    else {
+        $out = "$var=";
+    }
+    $out;
+# exec(cmd)
+# Generates exec call for current platform. '@ cmd' for Windows, 'exec cmd' by
+# default.
+sub _m_exec {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $cmd  = shift;
+    my $p = $self->cfg->cfg('platform');
+    my $out = "";
+    if ( $p eq 'windows' ) {
+        $out = "@ $cmd";
+    }
+    else {
+        $out = "exec $cmd";
+    }
+    $out;
+# chomp(text)
+# See perlfunc for chomp
+sub _m_chomp {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $text = shift;
+    chomp($text);
+    return $text;
+# nop(text)
+# Returns the text as-is
+sub _m_nop {
+    return $_[1];
+# @configure_opts()@
+# Returns options to be passed to
+sub _m_configure_opts {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return $self->cfg->opts_for_configure;
+# perl(code)
+# Executes a Perl code snippet and returns what the snipped returned or what
+# it's left in $out variable.
+sub _m_perl {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $code = shift;
+    my $sub  = eval <<CODE;
+sub {
+    my \$macros = shift;
+    my \$cfg = \$macros->cfg;
+    my \%config = %{ \$cfg->config };
+    my \$out = "";
+    $code
+    return \$out;
+    $self->throw($@) if $@;
+    return $sub->($self);
+# if(var[(==|!=)value] text)
+# Inserts text if config variable is defined or compares to a value.
+sub _m_if {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $text = shift;
+    my $out = "";
+    if ( $text =~ /^(?<cond>\S+)(?<ws>\s)(?<text>.*)/s ) {
+        my $cond = $+{cond};
+        my $ws   = $+{ws};
+        # Prepend back any non-space whitespace to the text. Mostly useful for
+        # preserving \t in makefiles.
+        $text = ( $ws eq ' ' ? '' : $ws ) . $+{text};
+        my $matches = 0;
+        if ( $cond =~ /^(?<var>\w(?:\w|:\w)*)(?:(?<op>[=\!]=)(?<val>.*))?$/ ) {
+            if ( $+{op} ) {
+                my $val      = $+{val};
+                my $var      = $+{var};
+                my $conf_val = $self->cfg->cfg($var);
+                my $op       = $+{op} eq '==' ? 'eq' : 'ne';
+                $matches = defined($conf_val)
+                  && eval "\$self->cfg->cfg(\$var) $op \$val";
+            }
+            else {
+                $matches = defined $self->cfg( $+{var} );
+            }
+        }
+        elsif ( $cond =~ /^!(?<var>\w(?:\w|:\w)*)$/ ) {
+            $matches = !defined $self->cfg->cfg( $+{var} );
+        }
+        else {
+            $self->throw("Malformed condition of macro 'if': '$cond'");
+        }
+        $out = $text if $matches;
+    }
+    else {
+        $self->throw("Invalid input of macro 'if': '$text'");
+    }
+    return $out;
+# bpv(MAKE_VAR)
+# Produces prefixed makefile variable name based on MAKE_VAR -> @bp@MAKE_VAR
+sub _m_bpv {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $var  = shift;
+    $self->is_in_context( backends => 'backend' );
+    return uc( $self->cfg->cfg('backend_prefix') ) . "_" . $var;
+# bsv(MAKE_VAR)
+# Produces suffixed makefile variable name based on MAKE_VAR -> MAKE_VAR_@uc(@backend@)@
+sub _m_bsv {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $var  = shift;
+    $self->is_in_context( backends => 'backend' );
+    return $var . "_" . uc( $self->cfg->cfg('backend') );
+# bpm(MAKE_VAR)
+# Produces prefixed makefile macro name based on MAKE_VAR -> $(@bp@MAKE_VAR)
+sub _m_bpm {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $var  = shift;
+    $self->is_in_context( backends => 'backend' );
+    return '$(' . uc( $self->cfg->cfg('backend_abbr') ) . "_" . $var . ')';
+# bsm(MAKE_VAR)
+# Produces suffixed makefile macro name based on MAKE_VAR -> $(MAKE_VAR_@uc(@backend@)@)
+sub _m_bsm {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $var  = shift;
+    $self->is_in_context( backends => 'backend' );
+    return '$(' . $var . "_" . uc( $self->cfg->cfg('backend') ) . ')';
+# varinfo(var1 var2 ...)
+# Dumps information about the context where the variable is defined.
+sub _valstr { defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : '*undef*' }
+sub _varinfo {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my $param  = shift;
+    my %params = @_;
+    my @vars   = splitwords($param);
+    my $max_key_length = 10;
+    my $rep = sub {
+        my ( $key, $val ) = @_;
+        $max_key_length = length $key if length $key > $max_key_length;
+        return [ $key, _valstr($val) ] unless ref($val);
+        local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
+        my @lines = split /\n/s, Dumper($val);
+        my @rc    = [ $key, _valstr( shift @lines ) ];
+        push @rc, map { [ '', _valstr($_) ] } @lines;
+        return @rc;
+    };
+    my $out = "\n";
+    my @report;
+    for my $var (@vars) {
+        my ( $val, $ctx ) = $self->cfg->cfg( $var, with_ctx => 1 );
+        push @report, "*** Variable $var", [ VALUE => $val ];
+        if ($ctx) {
+            my $from = $ctx->{'.ctx'}{from};
+            push @report,
+                "*** Containting context created by "
+              . "$from->{sub} "
+              . "at $from->{file}:$from->{line}", "*** Context keys:";
+            for my $ckey ( sort keys %$ctx ) {
+                next if $ckey =~ /^(?:configs|\.ctx)$/;
+                push @report, $rep->( $ckey, $ctx->{$ckey} );
+            }
+            push @report, "*** Context configuration variables:";
+            for my $config ( @{ $ctx->{configs} } ) {
+                for my $ckey ( sort keys %$config ) {
+                    push @report, $rep->( $ckey, $config->{$ckey} );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            push @report, "*** Not from a context ***";
+        }
+        push @report, "*** End of variable $var";
+    }
+    for my $rline (@report) {
+        my $line;
+        if ( ref($rline) ) {
+            $line = sprintf( "%-${max_key_length}s: %s", @$rline );
+        }
+        else {
+            $line = $rline;
+        }
+        $out .= "# $line\n";
+    }
+    print $out if $params{console};
+    return $out;
+sub _m_varinfo {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return $self->_varinfo(shift);
+sub _m_print_varinfo {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return $self->_varinfo( shift, console => 1 );
+# vim: ft=perl

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