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CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/ode

Module Name:    pkgsrc
Committed By:   wiz
Date:           Tue Mar 11 07:52:38 UTC 2025

Modified Files:
        pkgsrc/devel/ode: Makefile PLIST distinfo

Log Message:
ode: update to 0.16.5.

Update provided by Anthony Mallet on pkgsrc-users.

        * dJointAddPUTorques() was added to replace orphaned declaration of
        * Fixed wrong face index being returned in convex-trimesh libCCD
          collision check routine.
        * Fixed use of potentially outdated AABBs in GIIMPACT cylinder-trimesh
          collision check routine.
        * dGeomBoxPointDepth implementation was fixed for locations outside of
          the box.
        * A fault on method call from within Joint class destructor in Python
          bindings fixed (by Tyler Limkemann)
        * A threaded job data race fixed on job release (issue #70).
        * GIMPACT math macros were changed to use standard floating point math
          rather than custom "optimized" implementations.
        * libCCD configuration description strings have been added for
          use with dGetConfiguration() and dCheckConfiguration().
        * dWorldAttachQuickStepDynamicIterationStatisticsSink public function
          was added to allow dynamic step count adjustment monitoring for
          world instances.
        * Dynamic step count adjustment was implemented for dWorldQuickStep
          with dWorldSetQuickStepDynamicIterationParameters and
          dWorldGetQuickStepDynamicIterationParameters new API functions
          to control the feature.
        * x86 targets have been changed to generate SSE2 code for calculations
          by default with possibility to explicitly configure back for FPU.
        * An incorrect optimization to Jacobian Copy building code from #1938
          that resulted in corrupt data in multi-threaded execution mode was
        * CMake support for project file generation has been added.
        * dxHashSpace::collide() has been changed to fault host program
          if scene gets too large and causes integer overflow.
        * Introduction of cooperative algorithms API.
          L*D*LT cooperative factorization and linear equation system
          cooperative solving have been implemented.
        * Project generation options have been changed to have built-in
          multithreaded threading implementation enabled by default.
        * dWorldStep threaded implementation has been extended to the final
          steps of constraint force applications and body position updates
          after the LCP solving. Note that body callbacks (if set) may be
          called from multiple threads if threaded execution is enabled.
        * OU atomicord32 type has been fixed to be unsigned on all supported
        * dGeomTriMeshDataPreprocess2() public function has been added to
          replace dGeomTriMeshDataPreprocess(). Face angles pre-computation
          for triangle meshes has been implemented.
        * dGeomTriMeshDataGetBuff and dGeomTriMeshDataSetBuff have been marked
          deprecated and their functionality implemented via
          dGeomTriMeshDataGet and dGeomTriMeshDataSet. Extra function variant
          dGeomTriMeshDataGet2() has been added to allow returning data size.
        * The implementation of OPCODE TriMesh data pre-processing
          (dGeomTriMeshDataPreprocess()) has been optimized to only contain
          a sort and a single pass over edges (used to be a sort and O(N^2)).
        * dGeomTriMeshDataPreprocess() public function has been changed to
          return a boolean status (it can fail in low memory conditions).
        * The correct handling of dJOINT_REVERSE mode for AngularMotor Joint
          implemented (issue #37).
        * A bug fixed with HashSpace calling big boxes collision twice
          (both straight and reverse geometries order) since revision #1831.
        * dJointSetHinge2Axes public function has been added and
          dJointSetHinge2Axis1/2 have been marked deprecated due to being
        * ICE Container class allocation strategy fixed to avoid reserving
          excess memory with large collections.
        * dSafeNormalize3 and dSafeNormalize4 functions changed to leave the
          parameter intact instead of replacing it with the X-axis unit in case
          of fault.
        * A function to create a self-threaded threading implementation object
          has been moved back to public headers as there could be a use for it
          while running several worlds in parallel threads.
        * Hinge2 joint corected to avoid faulting asserts when the axes get
          temporarily invalid during assignments (suggested by David Mansolino)
        * An invalid memory access fixed in dxSAPSpace::BoxPruning() in case
          if there were NaN values in AABBs to be sorted.
        * Unexpected joint mode assignment (instead of comparison) fixed within
          an dUASSERT in dJointSetTransmissionAxis2() of transmission joint
        * Convex-Trimesh collider added (libccd+GIMPACT only)(by Piotr Piastucki)
        * dCreateConvex() and dGeomSetConvex() public APIs changed to expect
          their parameter arrays as const pointers
        * OPCODE mesh colliders' input coordinates have been offset to
          mesh-relative frames to decrease potential computational errors
          (suggested by luckytrashsc2@g***
        * Implemented change to return highest depth contacts subset for GIMPACT
          in cases if contacts count exceeds requested maximum (as suggested in
          the issue #36 by Piotr Piastucki)
        * Added support for using libccd from the system (if found via
        * Floating point division by zero in capsule-ray collision routine
          in case if the ray axis was parallel the cylinder and the ray started
          from within it fixed (issue #26)
        * Threading support has been extended to complete implementation
          of QuickStep
        * Added dJointSetDBallDistance
        * Built-in threading implementation compilation fixed for OSX
          (clock_gettime() is missing from the system - reported by Bram)
        * Declarations of dWorld[Get/Set]AutoDisableLinearAverageThreshold and
          dWorld[Get/Set]AutoDisableAngularAverageThreshold have been removed
          from public headers (were orphaned since rev.1052)
        * Added dODE_VERSION macro to public headers (issue #24).

To generate a diff of this commit:
cvs rdiff -u -r1.18 -r1.19 pkgsrc/devel/ode/Makefile
cvs rdiff -u -r1.5 -r1.6 pkgsrc/devel/ode/PLIST
cvs rdiff -u -r1.11 -r1.12 pkgsrc/devel/ode/distinfo

Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.

Modified files:

Index: pkgsrc/devel/ode/Makefile
diff -u pkgsrc/devel/ode/Makefile:1.18 pkgsrc/devel/ode/Makefile:1.19
--- pkgsrc/devel/ode/Makefile:1.18      Sun Jan 26 17:31:01 2020
+++ pkgsrc/devel/ode/Makefile   Tue Mar 11 07:52:38 2025
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.18 2020/01/26 17:31:01 rillig Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.19 2025/03/11 07:52:38 wiz Exp $
-DISTNAME=      ode-0.13
+DISTNAME=      ode-0.16.5
 CATEGORIES=    devel
-EXTRACT_SUFX=  .tar.bz2

Index: pkgsrc/devel/ode/PLIST
diff -u pkgsrc/devel/ode/PLIST:1.5 pkgsrc/devel/ode/PLIST:1.6
--- pkgsrc/devel/ode/PLIST:1.5  Sun Jul 24 01:28:37 2016
+++ pkgsrc/devel/ode/PLIST      Tue Mar 11 07:52:38 2025
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.5 2016/07/24 01:28:37 kamil Exp $
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.6 2025/03/11 07:52:38 wiz Exp $
@@ -6,10 +6,12 @@ include/ode/collision_trimesh.h
@@ -25,5 +27,6 @@ include/ode/rotation.h

Index: pkgsrc/devel/ode/distinfo
diff -u pkgsrc/devel/ode/distinfo:1.11 pkgsrc/devel/ode/distinfo:1.12
--- pkgsrc/devel/ode/distinfo:1.11      Tue Oct 26 10:15:58 2021
+++ pkgsrc/devel/ode/distinfo   Tue Mar 11 07:52:38 2025
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.11 2021/10/26 10:15:58 nia Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.12 2025/03/11 07:52:38 wiz Exp $
-BLAKE2s (ode-0.13.tar.bz2) = e7a1726a1031e9d10ba176d182b4af45adfcb664a12f553ca39333c700cf2049
-SHA512 (ode-0.13.tar.bz2) = d30c5228e10df5784802ceaea08353a3fd1088450b2ba69ad1da840b8aad2224484e5642145820621e105e08aa6da6f3e9957780d4c3b047647558b1abc32780
-Size (ode-0.13.tar.bz2) = 2008288 bytes
+BLAKE2s (ode-0.16.5.tar.gz) = fe309e712c85ab19d0671287fef0281a4b8d7d4d87283ce29139c6be566cd209
+SHA512 (ode-0.16.5.tar.gz) = 61f9b72e4871df0c6c69f34058ecdcefd3c8d79b29e6019889b9d505d49a5f966fcc3f7f5caf72f1136508a5d487d0af7fc6e18a77b41f3e6f46094743890bf9
+Size (ode-0.16.5.tar.gz) = 2629150 bytes

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