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CVS commit: pkgsrc/sysutils/podman

Module Name:    pkgsrc
Committed By:   maya
Date:           Mon Jun  3 02:07:44 UTC 2024

Modified Files:
        pkgsrc/sysutils/podman: Makefile distinfo
        pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches: patch-pkg_machine_qemu_machine.go
Added Files:
        pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches: patch-pkg_machine_qemu_stubber.go

Log Message:
podman: update to 5.0.3

Tested only on netbsd/amd64, probably a regression for others, but newer VMs
don't work with old podman.
NOTE: if you have old config files, you will probably want to delete them.
Newer podman fails to read them.
I personally deleted my ~/.config/containers/podman

# Release Notes

## 5.0.3
### Security
- This release addresses CVE-2024-3727, a vulnerability in the containers/image library which allows attackers to trigger authenticated registry access on behalf of the victim user.

### Bugfixes
- Fixed a bug where `podman machine start` would fail if the machine had a volume with a long target path ([#22226](
- Fixed a bug where `podman machine start` mounted volumes with paths that included dashes in the wrong location ([#22505](

### Misc
- Updated Buildah to v1.35.4
- Updated the containers/common library to v0.58.3
- Updated the containers/image library to v5.30.1

## 5.0.2
### Bugfixes
- Fixed a bug that could leak IPAM entries when a network was removed ([#22034](
- Fixed a bug that could cause the rootless network namespace to not be cleaned up on if an error occurred during setup resulting in errors relating to a missing resolv.conf being displayed 
- Fixed a bug where Podman would use rootless network namespace logic for nested containers ([#22218](
- Fixed a bug where writing to volumes on a Mac could result in EACCESS failures when using the `:z` or `:Z` volume mount options on a directory with read only files 

### API
- Fixed a bug in the Compat List endpoint for Networks which could result in a server crash due to concurrent writes to a map ([#22330](

## 5.0.1
### Bugfixes
- Fixed a bug where rootless containers using the Pasta network driver did not properly handle localhost DNS resolvers on the host leading to DNS resolution issues 
- Fixed a bug where Podman would warn that cgroups v1 systems were no longer supported on FreeBSD hosts.
- Fixed a bug where HyperV `podman machine` VMs required an SSH client be installed on the system ([#22075](
- Fixed a bug that prevented the remote Podman client's `podman build` command from working properly when connecting from a rootless client to a rootful server 

### Misc
- The HyperV driver to `podman machine` now fails immediately if admin privileges are not available (previously, it would only fail when it reached operations that required admin privileges).

## 5.0.0
### Security
- Fixed [CVE-2024-1753]( in Buildah and `podman build` which allowed a user to write files to the `/` directory of the host machine if 
selinux was not enabled.

### Features
- VMs created by `podman machine` can now use the native Apple hypervisor (`applehv`) when run on MacOS.
- A new command has been added, `podman machine reset`, which will remove all existing `podman machine` VMs and relevant configurations.
- The `podman manifest add` command now supports a new `--artifact` option to add OCI artifacts to a manifest list.
- The `podman create`, `podman run`, and `podman push` commands now support the `--retry` and `--retry-delay` options to configure retries for pushing and pulling images.
- The `podman run` and `podman exec` commands now support a new option, `--preserve-fd`, which allows passing a list of file descriptors into the container (as an alternative to `--preserve-fds`, 
which passes a specific number of file descriptors).
- Quadlet now supports templated units ([#17744](
- The `podman kube play` command can now create image-based volumes using the `` annotation.
- Containers created with `podman kube play` can now include volumes from other containers (similar to the `--volumes-from` option) using a new annotation, `io.podman.annotations.volumes-from` 
- Pods created with `podman kube play` can now set user namespace options through the the `io.podman.annotations.userns` annotation in the pod definition 
- Macvlan and ipvlan networks can adjust the name of the network interface created inside containers via the new `containers.conf` field `interface_name` 
- The `--gpus` option to `podman create` and `podman run` is now compatible with Nvidia GPUs ([#21156](
- The `--mount` option to `podman create` and `podman run` supports a new mount option, `no-dereference`, to mount a symlink (instead of its dereferenced target) into a container 
- Podman now supports a new global option, `--config`, to point to a Docker configuration where we can source registry login credentials.
- The `podman ps --format` command now supports a new format specifier, `.Label` ([#20957](
- The `uidmapping` and `gidmapping` options to the `podman run --userns=auto` option can now map to host IDs by prefixing host IDs with the `@` symbol.
- Quadlet now supports systemd-style drop-in directories.
- Quadlet now supports creating pods via new `.pod` unit files ([#17687](
- Quadlet now supports two new keys, `Entrypoint` and `StopTimeout`, in `.container` files ([#20585]( and 
- Quadlet now supports specifying the `Ulimit` key multiple times in `.container` files to set more than one ulimit on a container.
- Quadlet now supports setting the `Notify` key to `healthy` in `.container` files, to only sdnotify that a container has started when its health check begins passing 

### Breaking Changes
- The backend for the `podman machine` commands has seen extensive rewrites. Configuration files have changed format and VMs from Podman 4.x and earlier are no longer usable. `podman machine` VMs 
must be recreated with Podman 5.
- The `podman machine init` command now pulls images as OCI artifacts, instead of using HTTP. As a result, a valid `policy.json` file is required on the host. Windows and Mac installers have been 
changed to install this file.
- QEMU is no longer a supported VM provider for `podman machine` on Mac. Instead, the native Apple hypervisor is supported.
- The `ConfigPath` and `Image` fields are no longer provided by the `podman machine inspect` command. Users can also no longer use `{{ .ConfigPath }}` or `{{ .Image }}` as arguments to `podman 
machine inspect --format`.
- The output of `podman inspect` for containers has seen a number of breaking changes to improve Docker compatibility, including changing `Entrypoint` from a string to an array of strings and 
StopSignal from an int to a string.
- The `podman inspect` command for containers now returns nil for healthchecks when inspecting containers without healthchecks.
- The `podman pod inspect` command now outputs a JSON array regardless of the number of pods inspected (previously, inspecting a single pod would omit the array).
- It is no longer possible to create new BoltDB databases; attempting to do so will result in an error. All new Podman installations will now use the SQLite database backend. Existing BoltDB 
databases remain usable.
- Support for CNI networking has been gated by a build tag and will not be enabled by default.
- Podman will now print warnings when used on cgroups v1 systems. Support for cgroups v1 is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. The `PODMAN_CGROUPSV1_WARNING` environment variable can 
be set to suppress warnings.
- Network statistics sent over the Docker API are now per-interface, and not aggregated, improving Docker compatibility.
- The default tool for rootless networking has been swapped from `slirp4netns` to `pasta` for improved performance. As a result, networks named `pasta` are no longer supported.
- The `--image` option replaces the now deprecated `--image-path` option for `podman machine init`.
- The output of `podman events --format "{{json .}}"` has been changed to improve Docker compatibility, including the `time` and `timeNano` fields 
- The name of `podman machine` VMs and the username used within the VM are now validated and must match this regex: `[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*`.
- Using multiple filters with the List Images REST API now combines the filters with AND instead of OR, improving Docker compatibility ([#18412](
- The parsing for a number of Podman CLI options which accept arrays has been changed to no longer accept string-delineated lists, and instead to require the option to be passed multiple times. These 
options are `--annotation` to `podman manifest annotate` and `podman manifest add`, the `--configmap`, `--log-opt`, and `--annotation` options to `podman kube play`, the `--pubkeysfile` option to 
`podman image trust set`, the `--encryption-key` and `--decryption-key` options to `podman create`, `podman run`, `podman push` and `podman pull`, the `--env-file` option to `podman exec`, the 
`--bkio-weight-device`, `--device-read-bps`, `--device-write-bps` `--device-read-iops`, `--device-write-iops`, `--device`, `--label-file`, `--chrootdirs`, `--log-opt`, and `--env-file` options to 
`podman create` and `podman run`, and the `--hooks-dir` and `--module` global options.

### Changes
- The `podman system reset` command no longer waits for running containers to gracefully stop, and instead immediately sends SIGKILL ([#21874](
- The `podman network inspect` command now includes running containers using the network in its output ([#14126](
- The `podman compose` command is now supported on non-AMD64/ARM64 architectures.
- VMs created by `podman machine` will now pass HTTP proxy environment variables into the VM for all providers.
- The `--no-trunc` option to the `podman kube play` and `podman kube generate` commands has been deprecated. Podman now complies to the Kubernetes specification for annotation size, removing the need 
for this option.
- The `DOCKER_HOST` environment variable will be set by default for rootless users when podman-docker is installed.
- Connections from `podman system connection` and farms from `podman farm` are now written to a new configuration file called `podman-connections.conf`. As a result, Podman no longer writes to 
`containers.conf`. Existing connections from `containers.conf` will still be respected.
- Most `podman farm` subcommands (save for `podman farm build`) no longer need to connect to the machines in the farm to run.
- The `podman create` and `podman run` commands no longer require specifying an entrypoint on the command line when the container image does not define one. In this case, an empty command will be 
passed to the OCI runtime, and the resulting behavior is runtime-specific.
- The default SELinux label for content mounted from the host in `podman machine` VMs on Mac is now `system_u:object_r:nfs_t:s0` so that it can be shared with all containers without issue.
- Newly-created VMs created by `podman machine` will now share a single SSH key key for access. As a result, `podman machine rm --save-keys` is deprecated as the key will persist by default.

### Bugfixes
- Fixed a bug where the `podman stats` command would not show network statistics when the `pasta` network mode was used.
- Fixed a bug where `podman machine` VMs using the HyperV provider could not mount shares on directories that did not yet exist.
- Fixed a bug where the `podman compose` command did not respect the `--connection` and `--url` options.
- Fixed a bug where the `podman stop -t -1` command would wait for 0 seconds, not infinite seconds, before sending SIGKILL ([#21811](
- Fixed a bug where Podman could deadlock when cleaning up a container when the `slirp4netns` network mode was used with a restart policy of `always` or `unless-stopped` or `on-failure` and a user 
namespace ([#21477](
- Fixed a bug where uninstalling Podman on Mac did not remove the `docker.sock` symlink ([#20650](
- Fixed a bug where preexisting volumes being mounted into a new container using a path that exists in said container would not be properly chowned 
- Fixed a bug where the `podman image scp` command could fail if there was not sufficient space in the destination machine's `/tmp` for the image 
- Fixed a bug where containers killed by running out of memory (including due to a memory limit) were not properly marked as OOM killed in `podman inspect` 
- Fixed a bug where `podman kube play` did not create memory-backed emptyDir volumes using a tmpfs filesystem.
- Fixed a bug where containers started with `--rm` were sometimes not removed after a reboot ([#21482](
- Fixed a bug where the `podman events` command using the remote Podman client did not display the network name associated with network events 
- Fixed a bug where the `podman farm build` did not properly handle the `--tls-verify` option and would override server defaults even if the option was not set by the user 
- Fixed a bug where the `podman inspect` command could segfault on FreeBSD ([#21117](
- Fixed a bug where Quadlet did not properly handle comment lines ending with a backslash ([#21555](
- Fixed a bug where Quadlet would sometimes not report errors when malformed quadlet files were present.
- Fixed a bug where Quadlet could hang when given a `.container` file with certain types of trailing whitespace ([#21109](
- Fixed a bug where Quadlet could panic when generating from Kubernetes YAML containing the `bind-mount-options` key ([#21080](
- Fixed a bug where Quadlet did not properly strip quoting from values in `.container` files ([#20992](
- Fixed a bug where the `--publish-all` option to `podman kube play` did not function when used with the remote Podman client.
- Fixed a bug where the `podman kube play --build` command could not build images whose Dockerfile specified an image from a private registry with a self-signed certificate in a `FROM` directive 
- Fixed a bug where container remove events did not have the correct exit code set ([#19124](

### API
- A new API endpoint, `/libpod/images/$name/resolve`, has been added to resolve a (potential) short name to a list of fully-qualified image references Podman which could be used to pull the image.
- Fixed a bug where the List API for Images did not properly handle filters and would discard all but the last listed filter.
- Fixed a bug in the Docker Create API for Containers where entries from `/etc/hosts` were copied into create containers, resulting in incompatibility with network aliases.
- Fixed a bug in the Libpod and Docker Exec APIs for Containers which caused incorrect header values to be set when upgrading a connection for an interactive exec session.
- The API bindings have been refactored to reduce code size, leading to smaller binaries ([#17167](

### Misc
- Failed image pulls will now generate an event including the error.
- The gzip compression library used for sending build contexts, improving performance for remote `podman build`.
- Updated Buildah to v1.35.0
- Updated the containers/image library to v5.30.0
- Updated the containers/storage library to v1.53.0
- Updated the containers/common library to v0.58.0
- Updated the libhvee library to v0.7.0

## 4.9.3
### Features
- The `podman container commit` command now features a `--config` option which accepts a filename containing a JSON-encoded container configuration to be merged in to the newly-created image.

## 4.9.2
### Security
- This release addresses a number of Buildkit vulnerabilities including but not limited to: [CVE-2024-23651](, 
[CVE-2024-23652](, and [CVE-2024-23653](

### Misc
- Updated Buildah to v1.33.5
- Updated the containers/common library to v0.57.4

## 4.9.1
### Bugfixes
- Fixed a bug where the `--rootful` option to `podman machine set` would not set the machine to use the root connection ([#21195](
- Fixed a bug where podman would crash when running in a containerized environment with `euid != 0` and capabilities set ([#20766](
- Fixed a bug where the `podman info` command would crash on if called multiple times when podman was running as `euid=0` without `CAP_SYS_ADMIN` 
- Fixed a bug where `podman machine` commands were not relayed to the correct machine on AppleHV ([#21115](
- Fixed a bug where the `podman machine list` and `podman machine inspect` commands would not show the correct `Last Up` time on AppleHV ([#21244](

### Misc
- Updated the Mac pkginstaller QEMU to v8.2.1
- Updated Buildah to v1.33.4
- Updated the containers/image library to v5.29.2
- Updated the containers/common library to v0.57.3

## 4.9.0
### Features
- The `podman farm` suite of commands for multi-architecture builds is now fully enabled and documented.
- Add a network recovery service to Podman Machine VMs using the QEMU backend to detect and recover from an inoperable host networking issues experienced by Mac users when running for long periods of 

### Bugfixes
- Fixed a bug where the HyperV provider for `podman machine` did not forward the API socket to the host machine.
- Fixed a bug where improperly formatted annotations passed to `podman kube play` could cause Podman to panic.
- Fixed a bug where `podman system reset` could fail if non-Podman containers (e.g. containers created by Buildah) were present.

### Misc
- Containers run in `podman machine` VMs now default to a PID limit of unlimited, instead of 2048.

## 4.8.3
### Security
- Fixed [GHSA-45x7-px36-x8w8]( CVE-2023-48795 by vendoring v0.17.0.

## 4.8.2
### Bugfixes
- Fixed a bug in the MacOS pkginstaller where Podman machine was using a different QEMU binary than the one installed using the installer, if it existed on the system 
- Fixed a bug on Windows (WSL) with the first-time install of user-mode networking when using the init command, as opposed to set ([#20921](

### Quadlet
- Fixed a bug where Kube image build failed when starting service with missing image ([#20432](

## 4.8.1
### Bugfixes
- Fixed a bug on Windows (WSL) where wsl.conf/resolv.conf was not restored when user-mode networking was disabled after being enabled ([#20625](
- Fixed a bug where currently if user specifies `podman kube play --replace`, the pod is removed on the client side, not the server side 
- Fixed a bug where `podman machine rm -f` would cause a deadlock when running with WSL.
- Fixed `database is locked` errors with the new sqlite database backend ([#20809](
- Fixed a bug where `podman-remote exec` would fail if the server API version is older than 4.8.0 ([#20821](
- Fixed a bug where Podman would not run any command on systems with a symlinked $HOME ([#20872](

## 4.8.0
### Features
- Podman machine now supports HyperV as a provider on Windows. This option can be set via the `CONTAINERS_MACHINE_PROVIDER` environment variable, or via containers.conf. HyperV requires Powershell to 
be run as Admin. Note that running WSL and HyperV machines at the same time is not supported.
- The `podman build` command now supports Containerfiles with heredoc syntax.
- The `podman login` and `podman logout` commands now support a new option, `--compat-auth-file`, which allows for editing Docker-compatible config files 
- The `podman machine init` and `podman machine set` commands now support a new option, `--usb`, which sets allows USB passthrough for the QEMU provider 
- The `--ulimit` option now supports setting -1 to indicate the maximum limit allowed for the current process ([#19319](
- The `podman play kube` command now supports the `BUILDAH_ISOLATION` environment variable to change build isolation when the `--build` option is set 
- The `podman volume create` command now supports `--opt o=size=XYZ` on tmpfs file systems ([#20449](
- The `podman info` command for remote calls now reports client information even if the remote connection is unreachable
- Added a new field, `privileged`, to containers.conf, which sets the defaults for the `--privileged` flag when creating, running or exec'ing into a container.
- The `podman kube play` command now supports setting DefaultMode for volumes ([#19313](
- The `--opt` option to the `podman network create` command now accepts a new driver specific option, `vrf`, which assigns a VRF to the bridge interface.
- A new option `--rdt-class=COS` has been added to the `podman create` and `podman run` commands that enables assigning a container to a Class Of Service (COS). The COS has to be pre-configured based 
on a pseudo-filesystem created by the *resctrl* kernel driver that enables interacting with the Intel RDT CAT feature.
- The `podman kube play` command now supports a new option, `--publish-all`, which exposes all containerPorts on the host.
- The --filter option now supports `label!=`, which filters for containers without the specified label.

### Upcoming Deprecations
- We are beginning development on Podman 5.0, which will include a number of breaking changes and deprecations. We are still finalizing what will be done, but a preliminary list is below. Please note 
that none of these changes are present in Podman 4.8; this is a preview of upcoming changes.
- Podman 5.0 will deprecate the BoltDB database backend. Exact details on the transition to SQLite are still being decided - expect more news here soon.
- The containers.conf configuration file will be broken up into multiple separate files, ensuring that it will never be rewritten by Podman.
- Support for the CNI network backend and Cgroups V1 are being deprecated and gated by build tags. They will not be enabled in Podman builds by default.
- A variety of small breaking changes to the REST API are planned, both to improve Docker compatibility and to better support `containers.conf` settings when creating and managing containers.

### Changes
- Podman now defaults to sqlite as its database backend. For backwards compatibility, if a boltdb database already exists on the system, Podman will continue using it.
- RHEL Subscriptions from the host now flow through to* images.
- The `--help` option to the `podman push` command now shows the compression algorithm used.
- The remote Podman client’s `commit` command now shows progress messages ([#19947](
- The `podman kube play` command now sets the pod hostname to the node/machine name when hostNetwork=true in k8s yaml ([#19321](
- The `--tty,-t` option to the `podman exec` command now defines the TERM environment variable even if the container is not running with a terminal 
- Podman now also uses the `helper_binaries_dir` option in containers.conf to lookup the init binary (catatonit).
- Podman healthcheck events are now logged as notices.
- Podman machines no longer automatically update, preventing accidental service interruptions ([#20122](
- The amount of CPUs a podman machine uses now defaults to available cores/2 ([#17066](
- Podman machine now prohibits using provider names as machine names. `applehv`, `qemu`, `wsl`, and `hyperv` are no longer valid Podman machine names

### Quadlet
- Quadlet now supports the `UIDMap`, `GIDMap`, `SubUIDMap`, and `SubGIDMap` options in .container files.
- Fixed a bug where symlinks were not resolved in search paths ([#20504](
- Quadlet now supports the `ReadOnlyTmpfs` option.
- The VolatileTmpfs option is now deprecated.
- Quadlet now supports systemd specifiers in User and Group keys.
- Quadlet now supports `ImageName` for .image files.
- Quadlet now supports a new option, `--force`, to the stop command.
- Quadlet now supports the `oneshot` service type for .kube files, which allows yaml files without containers.
- Quadlet now supports podman level arguments ([#20246](
- Fixed a bug where Quadlet would crash when specifying non key-value options ([#20104](
- Quadlet now removes anonymous volumes when removing a container ([#20070](
- Quadlet now supports a new unit type, `.image`.

### Bugfixes
- Fixed a bug where mounted volumes on Podman machines on MacOS would have a max open files limit ([#16106](
- Fixed a bug where setting both the `--uts` and `--network` options to `host` did not fill /etc/hostname with the host's name ([#20448](
- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client’s `build` command would incorrectly parse https paths ([#20475](
- Fixed a bug where running Docker Compose against a WSL podman machine would fail ([#20373](
- Fixed a race condition where parallel tagging and untagging of images would fail ([#17515](
- Fixed a bug where the `podman exec` command would leak sessions when the specified command does not existFixed a bug where the `podman exec` command would leak sessions when the specified command 
does not exist ([#20392](
- Fixed a bug where the `podman history` command did not display the size of certain layers ([#20375](
- Fixed a bug where a container with a custom user namespace and `--restart always/on-failure` would not correctly cleanup the netnsm on restart, resulting in leaked ips and network namespaces 
- Fixed a bug where remote calls to the `podman top` command would incorrectly parse options ([#19176](
- Fixed a bug where the `--read-only-tmpfs` option to the `podman run` command was incorrectly handled when the `--read-only` option was set 
- Fixed a bug where creating containers in parallel may cause a deadlock if both containers attempt to use the same named volume ([#20313](
- Fixed a bug where a container restarted by the Podman service would occasionally not mount its storage ([#17042](
- Fixed a bug where the `--filter` option to the `podman images` command would not correctly filter ids, digests, or intermediates ([#19966](
- Fixed a bug where setting the `--replace` option to the `podman run` command would print both the old and new container ID. Now, only the new container ID is printed.
- Fixed a bug where the `podman machine ls` command would show Creation time as LastUp time for machines that have never been booted. Now, new machines show `Never`, with the json value being 
- Fixed a bug in the `podman build` command where the default pull policy was not set to `missing` ([#20125](
- Fixed a bug where setting the static or volume directory in `containers.conf` would lead to cleanup errors ([#19938](
- Fixed a bug where the `podman kube play` command exposed all containerPorts on the host ([#17028](
- Fixed a bug where the `podman farm update` command did not verify farm and connection existence before updating ([#20080](
- Fixed a bug where remote Podman calls would not honor the `--connection` option while the `CONTAINER_HOST` environment variable was set. The active destination is not resolved with the correct 
priority, that is, CLI flags, env vars, ActiveService from containers.conf, RemoteURI ([#15588](
- Fixed a bug where the `--env-host` option was not honoring the default from containers.conf

### API
- Fixed a bug in the Compat Image Prune endpoint where the dangling filter was set twice ([#20469](
- Fixed a bug in the Compat API where attempting to connect a container to a network while the connection already exists returned a 200 status code. It now correctly returns a 500 error code.
- Fixed a bug in the Compat API where some responses would not have compatible error details if progress data had not been sent yet ([#20013](
- The Libpod Pull endpoint now supports a new option, compatMode which causes the streamed JSON payload to be identical to the Compat endpoint.
- Fixed a bug in the Libpod Container Create endpoint where it would return an incorrect status code if the image was not found. The endpoint now correctly returns 404.
- The Compat Network List endpoint should see a significant performance improvement ([#20035](

### Misc
- Updated Buildah to v1.33.2
- Updated the containers/storage library to v1.51.0
- Updated the containers/image library to v5.29.0
- Updated the containers/common library to v0.57.0
- Updated the containers/libhvee library to v0.5.0
- Podman Machine now runs with gvproxy v0.7.1

## 4.7.2
### Security
- Fixed [GHSA-jq35-85cj-fj4p](

### Bugfixes
- WSL: Fixed `podman compose` command.
- Fixed a bug in `podman compose` to try all configured providers before throwing an error ([#20502](

## 4.7.1
### Bugfixes
- Fixed a bug involving non-English locales of Windows where machine installs using user-mode networking were rejected due to erroneous version detection 
- Fixed a regression in --env-file handling ([#19565](
- Fixed a bug where podman inspect would fail when stat'ing a device failed.

### API
- The network list compat API endpoint is now much faster ([#20035](

## 4.7.0
### Security
- Now the io.containers.capabilities LABEL in an image can be an empty string.

### Features
- New command set: `podman farm [create,list,remove,update]` has been created to "farm" out builds to machines running Podman for different architectures.
- New command: `podman compose` as a thin wrapper around an external compose provider such as docker-compose or podman-compose.
- FreeBSD: `podman run --device` is now supported.
- Linux: Add a new `--module` flag for Podman.
- Podmansh: Timeout is now configurable using the `podmansh_timeout` option in containers.conf.
- SELinux: Add support for confined users to create containers but restrict them from creating privileged containers.
- WSL: Registers shared socket bindings on Windows, to allow other WSL distributions easy remote access ([#15190](
- WSL: Enabling user-mode-networking on older WSL2 generations will now detect an error with upgrade guidance.
- The `podman build` command now supports two new options: `--layer-label` and `--cw`.
- The `podman kube generate` command now supports generation of k8s DaemonSet kind ([#18899](
- The `podman kube generate` and `podman kube play` commands now support the k8s `TerminationGracePeriodSeconds` field ([RH BZ#2218061](
- The `podman kube generate` and `podman kube play` commands now support `securityContext.procMount: Unmasked` ([#19881](
- The `podman generate kube` command now supports a `--podman-only` flag to allow podman-only reserved annotations to be used in the generated YAML file. These annotations cannot be used by 
- The `podman kube generate` now supports a `--no-trunc` flag that supports YAML files with annotations longer than 63 characters. Warning: if an annotation is longer than 63 chars, then the 
generated yaml file is not Kubernetes compatible.
- An infra name annotation `` is added in the generated yaml when the `pod create` command has `--infra-name` set. This annotation can also be used with `kube play` 
when wanting to customize the infra container name ([#18312](
- The syntax of `--uidmap` and `--gidmap` has been extended to lookup the parent user namespace and to extend default mappings ([#18333](
- The `podman kube` commands now support the `List` kind ([#19052](
- The `podman kube play` command now supports environment variables in kube.yaml ([#15983](
- The `podman push` and `podman manifest push` commands now support the `--force-compression` optionto prevent reusing other blobs ([#18860](
- The `podman manifest push` command now supports `--add-compression` to push with compressed variants.
- The `podman manifest push` command now honors the `add_compression` field from containers.conf if `--add-compression` is not set.
- The `podman run` and `podman create --mount` commands now support the `ramfs` type ([#19659](
- When running under systemd (e.g., via Quadlet), Podman will extend the start timeout in 30 second steps up to a maximum of 5 minutes when pulling an image.
- The `--add-host` option now accepts the special string `host-gateway` instead of an IP Address, which will be mapped to the host IP address.
- The `podman generate systemd` command is deprecated.  Use Quadlet for running containers and pods under systemd.
- The `podman secret rm` command now supports an `--ignore` option.
- The `--env-file` option now supports multiline variables ([#18724](
- The `--read-only-tmpfs` flag now affects /dev and /dev/shm as well as /run, /tmp, /var/tmp ([#12937](
- The Podman `--mount` option now supports bind mounts passed as globs.
- The `--mount` option can now be specified in containers.conf using the `mounts` field.
- The `podman stats` now has an `--all` option to get all containers stats ([#19252](
- There is now a new `--sdnotify=healthy` policy where Podman sends the READY message once the container turns healthy ([#6160](
- Temporary files created when dealing with images in `/var/tmp` will automatically be cleaned up on reboot.
- There is now a new filter option `since` for `podman volume ls` and `podman volume prune` ([#19228](
- The `podman inspect` command now has tab-completion support ([#18672])(
- The `podman kube play` command now has support for the use of reserved annotations in the generated YAML.
- The progress bar is now displayed when decompressing a Podman machine image ([#19240](
- The `podman secret inspect` command supports a new option `--showsecret` which will output the actual secret.
- The `podman secret create` now supports a `--replace` option, which allows you to modify secrets without replacing containers.
- The `podman login` command can now read the secret for a registry from its secret database created with `podman secret create` ([#18667]](
- The remote Podman client’s `podman play kube` command now works with the `--userns` option ([#17392](

### Changes
- The `/tmp` and `/var/tmp` inside of a `podman kube play` will no longer be `noexec`.
- The limit of inotify instances has been bumped from 128 to 524288 for podman machine ([#19848](
- The `podman kube play` has been improved to only pull a newer image for the "latest" tag ([#19801](
- Pulling from an `oci` transport will use the optional name for naming the image.
- The `podman info` command will always display the existence of the Podman socket.
- The echo server example in has been rewritten to use quadlet instead of `podman generate systemd`.
- Kubernetes support table documentation correctly show volumes support.
- The `podman auto-update` manpage and documentation has been updated and now includes references to Quadlet.

### Quadlet
- Quadlet now supports setting Ulimit values.
- Quadlet now supports setting the PidsLimit option in a container.
- Quadlet unit files allow DNS field in Network group and DNS, DNSSearch, and DNSOption field in Container group ([#19884](
- Quadlet now supports ShmSize option in unit files.
- Quadlet now recursively calls in user directories for unit files.
- Quadlet now allows the user to set the service working directory relative to the YAML or Unit files ([17177](
- Quadlet now allows setting user-defined names for `Volume` and `Network` units via the `VolumeName` and `NetworkName` directives, respectively.
- Kube quadlets can now support autoupdate.

### Bugfixes
- Fixed an issue where containers were being restarted after a `podman kill`.
- Fixed a bug where events could report incorrect healthcheck results ([#19237](
- Fixed a bug where running a container in a pod didn't fail if volumes or mounts were specified in the containers.conf file.
- Fixed a bug where pod cgroup limits were not being honored after a reboot ([#19175](
- Fixed a bug where `podman rm -af` could fail to remove containers under some circumstances ([#18874](
- Fixed a bug in rootless to clamp oom_score_adj to current value if it is too low ([#19829](
- Fixed a bug where `--hostuser` was being parsed in base 8 instead of base 10 ([#19800](
- Fixed a bug where `kube down` would error when an object did not exist ([#19711](
- Fixed a bug where containers created via DOCKER API without specifying StopTimeout had StopTimeout defaulting to 0 seconds ([#19139](
- Fixed a bug in `podman exec` to set umask to match the container it's execing into ([#19713](
- Fixed a bug where `podman kube play` failed to set a container's Umask to the default `0022`.
- Fixed a bug to automatically reassign Podman's machine ssh port on Windows when it conflicts with in-use system ports ([#19554](
- Fixed a bug where locales weren't passed to conmon correctly, resulting in a crash if some characters were specified over CLI 
- Fixed a bug where `podman top` would sometimes not print the full output ([#19504](
- Fixed a bug were `podman logs --tail` could return incorrect lines when the k8s-file logger is used ([#19545](
- Fixed a bug where `podman stop` did not ignore cidfile not existing when user specified --ignore flag ([#19546](
- Fixed a bug where a container with an image volume and an inherited mount from the `--volumes-from` option that used the same path could not be created 
- Fixed a bug where `podman cp` via STDIN did not delete temporary files ([#19496](
- Fixed a bug where Compatibility API did not accept timeout=-1 for stopping containers ([#17542](
- Fixed a bug where `podman run --rmi` did not remove the container ([#15640](
- Fixed a bug to recover from inconsistent podman-machine states with QEMU ([#16054](
- Fixed a bug where CID Files on remote clients are not removed when container is removed ([#19420](
- Fixed a bug in `podman inspect` to show a `.NetworkSettings.SandboxKey` path for containers created with --net=none ([#16716](
- Fixed a concurrency bug in `podman machine start` using the QEMU provider ([#18662](
- Fixed a bug in `podman run` and `podman create` where the command fails if the user specifies a non-existent authfile path ([#18938](
- Fixed a bug where some distributions added extra quotes around the distribution name removed from `podman info` output ([#19340](
- Fixed a crash validating --device argument for create and run ([#19335](
- Fixed a bug where `.HostConfig.PublishAllPorts` always evaluates to `false` when inspecting a container created with `--publish-all`.
- Fixed a bug in `podman image trust` command to allow using the local policy.json file ([#19073](
- Fixed a bug where the cgroup file system was not correctly mounted when running without a network namespace in rootless mode ([#20073](
- Fixed a bug where the `--syslog` flag was not passed to the cleanup process.

### API
- Fixed a bug with parsing of the pull query parameter for the compat /build endpoint ([#17778](

### Misc
- Updated Buildah to v1.32.0.

## 4.6.2
### Changes
- Fixed a performance issue when calculating diff sizes in overlay. The `podman system df` command should see a significant performance improvement 

### Bugfixes
- Fixed a bug where containers in a pod would use pod the restart policy over the set container restart policy ([#19671](

### API
- Fixed a bug in the Compat Build endpoint where the pull query parameter did not parse 0/1 as a boolean ([#17778](

### Misc
- Updated the containers/storage library to v1.48.1

## 4.6.1
### Quadlet
- Quadlet now selects the first Quadlet file found when multiple Quadlets exist with the same name.

### API
- Fixed a bug in the container kill endpoint to correctly return 409 when a container is not running ([#19368](

### Misc
- Updated Buildah to v1.31.2
- Updated the containers/common library to v0.55.3

## 4.6.0
### Features
- The `podman manifest inspect` command now supports the `--authfile` option, for authentication purposes.
- The `podman wait` command now supports `--condition={healthy,unhealthy}`, allowing waits on successful health checks.
- The `podman push` command now supports a new option, ` --compression-level`, which specifies the compression level to use ([#18939](
- The `podman machine start` command, when run with `--log-level=debug`, now creates a console window to display the virtual machine while booting.
- Podman now supports a new option, `--imagestore`, which allows images to be stored in a different directory than the graphroot.
- The `--ip-range` option to the `podman network create` command now accepts a new syntax, `<startIP>-<endIP>`, which allows more flexibility when limiting the ip range that Podman assigns.
- [Tech Preview] A new command, `podmansh`, has been added, which executes a user shell within a container when the user logs into the system. The container that the users get added to can be defined 
via a Podman Quadlet file. This feature is currently a `Tech Preview` which means it's ready for users to try out but changes can be expected in upcoming versions.
- The `podman network create` command supports a new `--option`, `bclim`, for the `macvlan` driver.
- The `podman network create` command now supports adding static routes using the `--route` option.
- The `podman network create` command supports a new `--option`, `no_default_route` for all drivers.
- The `podman info` command now prints network information about the binary path, package version, program version and DNS information ([#18443](
- The `podman info` command now displays the number of free locks available, helping to debug lock exhaustion scenarios.
- The `podman info` command now outputs information about pasta, if it exists in helper_binaries_dir or $PATH.
- The remote Podman client’s `podman build` command now accepts Containerfiles that are not in the context directory ([#18239](
- The remote Podman client’s `podman play kube` command now supports the `--configmap` option ([#17513](
- The `podman kube play` command now supports multi-doc YAML files for configmap arguments. ([#18537](
- The `podman pod create` command now supports a new flag, `--restart`, which sets the restart policy for all the containers in a pod.
- The `--format={{.Restarts}}` option to the `podman ps` command now shows the number of times a container has been restarted based on its restart policy.
- The `--format={{.Restarts}}` option to the `podman pod ps` command now shows the total number of container restarts in a pod.
- The podman machine provider can now be specified via the `CONTAINERS_MACHINE_PROVIDER` environment variable, as well as via the `provider` field in `containers.conf` 
- A default list of pasta arguments can now be set in `containers.conf` via `pasta_options`.
- The `podman machine init` and `podman machine set` commands now support a new option, `--user-mode-networking`, which improves interops with VPN configs that drop traffic from WSL networking, on 
- The remote Podman client’s `podman push` command now supports the `--digestfile` option ([#18216](
- Podman now supports a new option, `--out`, that allows redirection or suppression of STDOUT ([#18120](

### Changes
- When looking up an image by digest, the entire repository of the specified value is now considered. This aligns with Docker's behavior since v20.10.20. Previously, both the repository and the tag 
was ignored and Podman looked for an image with only a matching digest. Ignoring the name, repository, and tag of the specified value can lead to security issues and is considered harmful.
- The `podman system service` command now emits a warning when binding to a TCP socket. This is not a secure configuration and the Podman team recommends against using it.
- The `podman top` command no longer depends on ps(1) being present in the container image and now uses the one from the host ([#19001](
- The `--filter id=xxx` option will now treat `xxx` as a CID prefix, and not as a regular expression ([#18471](
- The `--filter` option now requires multiple `--filter` flags to specify multiple filters. It will no longer support the comma syntax (`--filter label=a,label=b`).
- The `slirp4netns` binary for will now be searched for in paths specified by the `helper_binaries_dir` option in `containers.conf` ([#18239](
- Podman machine now updates `/run/docker.sock` within the guest to be consistent with its rootless/rootful setting ([#18480](
- The `podman system df` command now counts files which podman generates for use with specific containers as part of the disk space used by those containers, and which can be reclaimed by removing 
those containers. It also counts space used by files it associates with specific images and volumes as being used by those images and volumes.
- The `podman build` command now returns a clearer error message when the Containerfile cannot be found. ([#16354](
- Containers created with `--pid=host` will no longer print errors on podman stop ([#18460](
- The `podman manifest push` command no longer requires a destination to be specified. If a destination is not provided, the source is used as the destination 
- The `podman system reset` command now warns the user that the graphroot and runroot directories will be deleted ([#18349](, 
- The `package` and `package-install` targets in Makefile have now been fixed and also renamed to `rpm` and `rpm-install` respectively for clarity 

### Quadlet
- Quadlet now exits with a non-zero exit code when errors are found ([#18778](
- Rootless podman quadlet files can now be installed in `/etc/containers/systemd/users` directory.
- Quadlet now supports the `AutoUpdate` option.
- Quadlet now supports the `Mask` and `Unmask` options.
- Quadlet now supports the `WorkingDir` option, which specifies the default working dir in a container.
- Quadlet now supports the `Sysctl` option, which sets namespaced kernel parameters for containers ([#18727](
- Quadlet now supports the `SecurityLabelNetsted=true` option, which allows nested SELinux containers.
- Quadlet now supports the `Pull` option in `.container` files ([#18779](
- Quadlet now supports the `ExitCode` field in `.kube` files, which reflects the exit codes of failed containers.
- Quadlet now supports `PodmanArgs` field.
- Quadlet now supports the `HostName` field, which sets the container's host name, in `.container` files ([#18486](

### Bugfixes
- Fixed a bug where the `podman machine start` command would fail with a 255 exit code. It now waits for systemd-user sessions to be up, and for SSH to be ready, addressing the flaky machine starts 
- Fixed a bug where the `podman auto update` command did not correctly use authentication files when contacting container registries.
- Fixed a bug where `--label` option to the `podman volume ls` command would return volumes that matched any of the filters, not all of them  
- Fixed a bug where the `podman kube play` command did not recognize containerPort names inside Kubernetes liveness probes. Now, liveness probes support both containerPort names as well as port 
numbers ([#18645](
- Fixed a bug where the `--dns` option to the `podman run` command was ignored for macvlan networks ([#19169](
- Fixed a bug in the `podman system service` command where setting LISTEN_FDS when listening on TCP would misbehave.
- Fixed a bug where hostnames were not recognized as a network alias. Containers can now resolve other hostnames, in addition to their names 
- Fixed a bug where the `podman pod run` command would error after a reboot on a non-systemd system ([#19175](
- Fixed a bug where the `--syslog` option returned a fatal error when no syslog server was found ([#19075](
- Fixed a bug where the `--mount` option would parse the `readonly` option incorrectly ([#18995](
- Fixed a bug where hook executables invoked by the `podman run` command set an incorrect working directory. It now sets the correct working directory pointing to the container bundle directory 
- Fixed a bug where the `-device-cgroup-rule` option was silently ignored in rootless mode ([#18698](
- Listing images is now more resilient towards concurrently running image removals.
- Fixed a bug where the `--force` option to the `podman kube down` command would not remove volumes ([#18797](
- Fixed a bug where setting the `--list-tags` option in the `podman search` command would cause the command to ignore the `--format` option 
- Fixed a bug where the `podman machine start` command did not properly translate the proxy IP.
- Fixed a bug where the `podman auto-update` command would not restart dependent units (specified via `Requires=`) on auto update ([#18926](
- Fixed a bug where the `podman pull` command would print ids multiple times when using additional stores ([#18647](
- Fixed a bug where creating a container while setting unmask option to an empty array would cause the create to fail ([#18848](
- Fixed a bug where the propagation of proxy settings for QEMU VMs was broken.
- Fixed a bug where the `podman rm -fa` command could fail to remove dependency containers such as pod infra containers ([#18180](
- Fixed a bug  where ` --tz` option to the `podman create ` and `podman run` commands would not create a proper localtime symlink to the zoneinfo file, which was causing some applications (e.g. java) 
to not read the timezone correctly.
- Fixed a bug where lowering the ulimit after container creation would cause the container to fail ([#18714](
- Fixed a bug where signals were not forwarded correctly in rootless containers ([#16091](
- Fixed a bug where the `--filter volume=` option to the `podman events` command would not display the relevant events ([#18618](
- Fixed a bug in the `podman wait` command where containers created with the `--restart=always` option would result in the container staying in a stopped state.
- Fixed a bug where the `podman stats` command returned an incorrect memory limit after a `container update`. ([#18621](
- Fixed a bug in the `podman run` command where the `PODMAN_USERNS` environment variable was not ignored when the `--pod` option was set, resulting in a container created in a different user 
namespace than its pod ([#18580](
- Fixed a bug where the `podman run` command would not create the `/run/.containerenv` when the tmpfs is mounted on `/run` ([#18531](
- Fixed a bug where the `$HOME` environment variable would be configured inconsistently between container starts if a new passwd entry had to be created for the container.
- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` command would restart initContainers based on the restart policy of the pod. initContainers should never be restarted.
- Fixed a bug in the remote Podman client’s `build` command where an invalid platform would be set.
- Fixed a bug where the `podman history` command did not display tags ([#17763](
- Fixed a bug where the `podman machine init` command would create invalid machines when run with certain UIDs ([#17893](
- Fixed a bug in the remote Podman client’s `podman manifest push` command where an error encountered during the push incorrectly claimed that the error occurred while adding an item to the list.
- Fixed a bug where the `podman machine rm` command would remove the machine connection before the user confirms the removal of the machine 
- Fixed a bug in the sqlite database backend where the first read access may fail ([#17859](
- Fixed a bug where a podman machine could get stuck in the `starting` state ([#16945](
- Fixed a bug where running a container with the `--network=container:` option would fail when the target container uses the host network mode. The same also now works for the other namespace options 
(`--pid`, `--uts`, `--cgroupns`, `--ipc`) ([#18027](
- Fixed a bug where the `--format {{.State}}` option to the `podman ps` command would display the status rather than the state ([#18244](
- Fixed a bug in the `podman commit` command where setting a `--message` while also specifying `--format=docker` options would incorrectly warn that setting a message is incompatible with OCI image 
formats ([#17773](
- Fixed a bug in the `--format` option to the `podman history` command, where the `{{.CreatedAt}}` and `{{.Size}}` fields were inconsistent with Docker’s output 
([#17767](, ([#17768](
- Fixed a bug in the remote Podman client where filtering containers would not return all matching containers ([#18153](

### API
- Fixed a bug where the Compat and Libpod Top endpoints for Containers did not correctly report errors.
- Fixed a bug in the Compat Pull and Compat Push endpoints where errors were incorrectly handled.
- Fixed a bug in the Compat Wait endpoint to correctly handle the "removed" condition ([#18889](
- Fixed a bug in the Compat Stats endpoint for Containers where the `online_cpus` field was not set correctly ([#15754](
- Fixed a bug in the Compat Build endpoint where the pull field accepted a boolean value instead of a string ([#17778](
- Fixed a bug where the Compat History endpoint for Images did not prefix the image ID with `sha256:` ([#17762](
- Fixed a bug in the Libpod Export endpoint for Images where exporting to an oci-dir or a docker-dir format would not export to the correct format 
- The Compat Create endpoint for Containers now supports the `platform` parameter ([#18951](
- The Compat Remove endpoint for Images now supports the `noprune` query parameter, which ensures that dangling parents of the specified image are not removed
- The Compat Info endpoint now reports running rootless and SELinux enabled as security options.
- Fixed a bug in the Auth endpoint where a nil dereference could potentially occur.

### Misc
- The `podman system service` command is now supported on FreeBSD.
- Updated the Mac pkginstaller QEMU to v8.0.0
- Updated Buildah to v1.31.0
- Updated the containers/storage library to v1.48.0
- Updated the containers/image library to v5.26.1
- Updated the containers/common library to v0.55.2

## 4.5.1
### Security
- Do not include image annotations when building spec. These annotations can have security implications - crun, for example, allows rootless containers to preserve the user's groups through an 

### Quadlet
- Fixed a bug in quadlet to recognize the systemd optional prefix '-'.

### Bugfixes
- Fixed a bug where fully resolving symlink paths included the version number, breaking the path to homebrew-installed qemu files ([#18111](
- Fixed a bug where Podman was splitting the filter map slightly differently compared to Docker ([#18092](
- Fixed a bug where running `make package` did not work on RHEL 8 environments ([#18421](
- Fixed a bug to allow comma separated dns server IP addresses in `podman network create --dns` and `podman network update --dns-add/--dns-drop` 
- Fixed a bug to correctly stop containers created with --restart=always in all cases ([#18259](
- Fixed a bug in podman-remote logs to correctly display errors reported by the server.
- Fixed a bug to correctly tear down the network stack again when an error happened during the setup.
- Fixed a bug in the remote API exec inspect call to correctly display updated information, e.g. when the exec process died ([#18424](
- Fixed a bug so that podman save on Windows can now write to stdout by default ([#18147](
- Fixed a bug where podman machine rm with the qemu backend now correctly removes the machine connection after the confirmation message not before 
- Fixed a problem where podman machine connections would try to connect to the ipv6 localhost ipv6 (::1) ([#16470](

### API
- Fixed a bug in the compat container create endpoint which could result in a "duplicate mount destination" error when the volume path was not "clean", e.g. included a final slash at the end. 
- The compat API now correctly accepts a tag in the images/create?fromSrc endpoint ([#18597](

## 4.5.0
### Features
- The `podman kube play` command now supports the hostIPC field ([#17157](
- The `podman kube play` command now supports a new flag, `--wait`, that keeps the workload running in foreground until killed with a sigkill or sigterm. The workloads are cleaned up and removed when 
killed ([#14522](
- The `podman kube generate` and `podman kube play` commands now support SELinux filetype labels.
- The `podman kube play` command now supports sysctl options ([#16711](
- The `podman kube generate` command now supports generating the Deployments ([#17712](
- The `podman machine inspect` command now shows information about named pipe addresses on Windows ([#16860](
- The `--userns=keep-id` option for `podman create`, ` run`, and `kube play` now works for root containers by copying the current mapping into a new user namespace 
- A new command has been added, `podman secret exists`, to verify if a secret with the given name exists.
- The `podman kube generate` and `podman kube play` commands now support ulimit annotations ([#16404](
- The `podman create`, `run`, `pod create`, and `pod clone` commands now support a new option, `--shm-size-systemd`, that allows limiting tmpfs sizes for systemd-specific mounts 
- The `podman create` and `run` commands now support a new option, `--group-entry` which customizes the entry that is written to the `/etc/group` file within the container when the `--user` option is 
used ([#14965](
- The `podman create` and `podman run` commands now support a new option, `--security-opt label=nested`, which allows SELinux labeling within a confined container.
- A new command, `podman machine os apply` has been added, which applies OS changes to a Podman machine, from an OCI image.
- The `podman search` command now supports two new options: `--cert-dir` and `--creds`.
- Defaults for the `--cgroup-config` option for `podman create` and `podman run` can now be set in `containers.conf`.
- Podman now supports auto updates for containers running inside a pod ([#17181](
- Podman can now use a SQLite database as a backend for increased stability. The default remains the old database, BoltDB. The database to use is selected through the `database_backend` field in 
- Netavark plugin support is added, the netavark network backend now allows users to create custom network drivers. `podman network create -d <plugin>` can be used to create a network config for your 
plugin and then podman will use it like any other config and takes care of setup/teardown on container start/stop. This requires at least netavark version 1.6.

### Changes
- Remote builds using the `podman build` command no longer allows `.containerignore` or `.dockerignore` files to be symlinks outside the build context.
- The `podman system reset` command now clears build caches.
- The `podman play kube` command now adds ctrName as an alias to the pod network ([#16544](
- The `podman kube generate` command no longer adds hostPort to the pod spec when generating service kinds.
- Using a private cgroup namespace with systemd containers on a cgroups v1 system will explicitly error (this configuration has never worked) 
- The `SYS_CHROOT` capability has been re-added to the default set of capabilities.
- Listing large quantities of images with the `podman images` command has seen a significant performance improvement ([#17828](

### Quadlet
- Quadlet now supports the `Rootfs=` option, allowing containers to be based on rootfs in addition to image.
- Quadlet now supports the Secret key in the Container group.
- Quadlet now supports the Logdriver key in `.container` and `.kube` units.
- Quadlet now supports the Mount key in `.container` files ([#17632](
- Quadlet now supports specifying static IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in `.container` files via the IP= and IP6= options.
- Quadlet now supports health check configuration in `.container` files.
- Quadlet now supports relative paths in the Volume key in .container files ([#17418](
- Quadlet now supports setting the UID and GID options for `--userns=keep-id` ([#17908](
- Quadlet now supports adding `tmpfs` filesystems through the `Tmpfs` key in `.container` files ([#17907](
- Quadlet now includes a `--version` option.
- Quadlet now forbids specifying SELinux label types, including disabling selinux separation.
- Fixed a bug where Quadlet did not recognize paths starting with systemd specifiers as absolute ([#17906](

### Bugfixes
- Fixed a bug in the network list API where a race condition would cause the list to fail if a container had just been removed ([#17341](
- Fixed a bug in the `podman image scp` command to correctly use identity settings.
- Fixed a bug in the remote Podman client's `podman build` command where building from stdin would fail.  `podman --remote build -f -` now works correctly 
- Fixed a bug in the `podman volume prune` command where exclusive (`!=`) filters would fail ([#17051](
- Fixed a bug in the `--volume` option in the `podman create`, `run`, `pod create`, and `pod clone` commands where specifying relative mappings or idmapped mounts would fail 
- Fixed a bug in the `podman kube play` command where a secret would be created, but nothing would be printed on the terminal ([#17071](
- Fixed a bug in the `podman kube down` command where secrets were not removed.
- Fixed a bug where cleaning up after an exited container could segfault on non-Linux operating systems.
- Fixed a bug where the `podman inspect` command did not properly list the network configuration of containers created with `--net=none` or `--net=host` 
- Fixed a bug where containers created with user-specified SELinux labels that created anonymous or named volumes would create those volumes with incorrect labels.
- Fixed a bug where the `podman checkpoint restore` command could panic.
- Fixed a bug in the `podman events` command where events could be returned more than once after a log file rotation ([#17665](
- Fixed a bug where errors from systemd when restarting units during a `podman auto-update` command were not reported.
- Fixed a bug where containers created with the `--health-on-failure=restart` option were not restarting when the health state turned unhealthy 
- Fixed a bug where containers using the `slirp4netns` network mode with the `cidr` option and a custom user namespace did not set proper DNS IPs in `resolv.conf`.
- Fixed a bug where the `podman auto-update` command could fail to restart systemd units ([#17607](
- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` command did not properly handle `secret.items` in volumes ([#17829](
- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate kube` command could generate pods with invalid names and hostnames ([#18054](
- Fixed a bug where names of limits (such as `RLIMIT_NOFILE`) passed to the `--ulimit` option to `podman create` and `podman run` were case-sensitive 

### API
- The Compat Stats endpoint for Containers now returns the `Id` key as lowercase `id` to match Docker ([#17869](

### Misc
- The `podman version` command no longer joins the rootless user namespace ([#17657](
- The `podman-events --stream` option is no longer hidden and is now documented.

## 4.4.4
### Changes
- Podman now writes direct mappings for idmapped mounts.

### Bugfixes
- Fixed a regression which caused the MacOS installer to fail if podman-mac-helper was already installed ([#17910](

## 4.4.3
### Security
- This release fixes CVE-2022-41723, a vulnerability in the package where a maliciously crafted HTTP/2 stream could cause excessive CPU consumption, sufficient to cause a denial of 

### Changes
- Added `SYS_CHROOT` back to the default set of capabilities.

### Bugfixes
- Fixed a bug where quadlet would not use the default runtime set.
- Fixed a bug where `podman system service --log-level=trace` did not hijack the client connection, causing remote `podman run/attach` calls to work incorrectly 
- Fixed a bug where the podman-mac-helper returned an incorrect exit code after erroring. `podman-mac-helper` now exits with 1 on error ([#17785](
- Fixed a bug where `podman run --dns ... --network` would not respect the dns option. Podman will no longer add host nameservers to resolv.conf when aardvark-dns is used 
- Fixed a bug where `podman logs` errored out with the passthrough driver when the container was run from a systemd service.
- Fixed a bug where `--health-on-failure=restart` would not restart the container when the health state turned unhealthy ([#17777](
- Fixed a bug where podman machine VMs could have their system time drift behind real time. New machines will no longer be affected by this 

### API
- Fixed a bug where creating a network with the Compat API would return an incorrect status code. The API call now returns 409 when creating a network with an existing name and when CheckDuplicate is 
set to true ([#17585](
- Fixed a bug in the /auth REST API where logging into Docker Hub would fail ([#17571](

### Misc
- Updated the containers/common library to v0.51.1
- Updated the Mac pkginstaller QEMU to v7.2.0

## 4.4.2
### Security
- This release fixes CVE-2023-0778, which allowed a malicious user to potentially replace a normal file in a volume with a symlink while exporting the volume, allowing for access to arbitrary files 
on the host file system.

### Bugfixes
- Fixed a bug where containers started via the `podman-kube` systemd template would always use the "passthrough" log driver ([#17482](
- Fixed a bug where pulls would unexpectedly encounter an EOF error. Now, Podman automatically transparently resumes aborted pull connections.
- Fixed a race condition in Podman's signal proxy.

### Misc
- Updated the containers/image library to v5.24.1.

To generate a diff of this commit:
cvs rdiff -u -r1.19 -r1.20 pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/Makefile
cvs rdiff -u -r1.9 -r1.10 pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/distinfo
cvs rdiff -u -r1.3 -r1.4 \
cvs rdiff -u -r1.1 -r1.2 \
    pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-pkg_machine_qemu_options__netbsd__amd64.go \
    pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-pkg_machine_qemu_options__netbsd__arm64.go \
    pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_define_mount__unsupported.go \
cvs rdiff -u -r0 -r1.1 \
    pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-pkg_machine_qemu_stubber.go \
    pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-pkg_machine_vmconfigs_config__common.go \
    pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_copier_hardlink__uint64.go \
    pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_copier_hardlink__unix.go \
cvs rdiff -u -r1.2 -r1.3 \
    pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_util_util__unix.go \
    pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_drivers_chroot__unix.go \
    pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_directory_directory__unix.go \
    pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_homedir_homedir__others.go \
    pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_lockfile_lockfile__unix.go \

Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.

Modified files:

Index: pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/Makefile
diff -u pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/Makefile:1.19 pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/Makefile:1.20
--- pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/Makefile:1.19        Sat Jun  1 14:03:03 2024
+++ pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/Makefile     Mon Jun  3 02:07:44 2024
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.19 2024/06/01 14:03:03 bsiegert Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.20 2024/06/03 02:07:44 maya Exp $
-DISTNAME=      podman-4.4.1
+DISTNAME=      podman-5.0.3
 CATEGORIES=    sysutils
@@ -20,14 +19,20 @@ TOOL_DEPENDS+=      ${GO_PACKAGE_DEP}
 DEPENDS+=      qemu-[0-9]*:../../emulators/qemu
 DEPENDS+=      gvproxy-[0-9]*:../../net/gvproxy
+       ${CP}   ${FILESDIR}/options_netbsd.go   ${WRKSRC}/vendor/
+       ${CP}   ${FILESDIR}/config_netbsd.go    ${WRKSRC}/vendor/
+       ${CP}   ${FILESDIR}/default_netbsd.go   ${WRKSRC}/vendor/
+       ${CP}   ${FILESDIR}/ignition_netbsd.go  ${WRKSRC}/pkg/machine/ignition/
+       ${MV}   ${WRKSRC}/pkg/machine/env/dir_freebsd.go        ${WRKSRC}/pkg/machine/env/dir_bsd.go
 SUBST_CLASSES+=                prefix
-SUBST_FILES.prefix+=   pkg/machine/qemu/options_netbsd_arm64.go
-SUBST_FILES.prefix+=   vendor/
+SUBST_FILES.prefix+=   vendor/
 SUBST_FILES.prefix+=   vendor/
 SUBST_FILES.prefix+=   vendor/
 SUBST_STAGE.prefix=    pre-configure
 SUBST_MESSAGE.prefix=  fix PREFIX inside patch
@@ -36,7 +41,7 @@ BUILD_TARGET= podman-remote
-       ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/bin/${OPSYS:tl}/podman ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/podman
+       ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/bin/podman-remote ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/podman
 .include "../../mk/"

Index: pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/distinfo
diff -u pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/distinfo:1.9 pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/distinfo:1.10
--- pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/distinfo:1.9 Mon Feb 20 15:35:46 2023
+++ pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/distinfo     Mon Jun  3 02:07:44 2024
@@ -1,31 +1,26 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.9 2023/02/20 15:35:46 tnn Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.10 2024/06/03 02:07:44 maya Exp $
-BLAKE2s (podman-4.4.1.tar.gz) = 6ea927ab6855095064f5d915e407d424ca54a738d4d2a378b522d4eedef7ae37
-SHA512 (podman-4.4.1.tar.gz) = 33a22b7941f4f6715baa1cd2d5b29a4e2e95264c5239877122448f71e1408d8c393bcd2cdaef9516a580eede911c84f1cfea9d7b4c9d287a2737986fdc604e2c
-Size (podman-4.4.1.tar.gz) = 14396828 bytes
-SHA1 (patch-Makefile) = a0323aacb2176f2df4c0e21ad3dfff1479c91db3
-SHA1 (patch-cmd_podman_machine_init.go) = 840273e31e44b670ef5a5ce0f26fedbeb8ebdb34
+BLAKE2s (podman-5.0.3.tar.gz) = 7afdfd82acc64c7308fbc92294dbcea42d12a92f082dda12d8579195827cfb53
+SHA512 (podman-5.0.3.tar.gz) = c605a52cc5aba43d485796c4986f2d1be704e5c931473bf5ba1cf77f703cdb3d16f41d33da0b25287e8d001077f77caf117d3ea5dbd7c56a744274025d9ab07d
+Size (podman-5.0.3.tar.gz) = 23814179 bytes
 SHA1 (patch-cmd_podman_registry_config.go) = 80b0f940c59f0c0f258c2240bac30af6a0cb21dd
 SHA1 (patch-pkg_machine_ignition__netbsd.go) = f5b4640d77c6152aa51c0c0e68de47fded340869
-SHA1 (patch-pkg_machine_qemu_machine.go) = 8b0957edb19a70333b19db27a54b02cedf968696
+SHA1 (patch-pkg_machine_qemu_machine.go) = c2ca6388e0517c5485ff532fd7027326ba017edc
 SHA1 (patch-pkg_machine_qemu_options__netbsd.go) = a256dcafceb70f29b4f7a1ed013b52b5d6b0f4ba
-SHA1 (patch-pkg_machine_qemu_options__netbsd__amd64.go) = 7f5e4fe206e6e1d8f8e2cd33c8ac18b614c2dd61
-SHA1 (patch-pkg_machine_qemu_options__netbsd__arm64.go) = 0aa8256147bf0b984e27625ab21368ed4652dca7
+SHA1 (patch-pkg_machine_qemu_options__netbsd__amd64.go) = 012b2416bb6dceb81450a53d9a7bc771fcb6a1e4
+SHA1 (patch-pkg_machine_qemu_options__netbsd__arm64.go) = 9c6eda411418b48c2a19cd9c91732f6a0ba5ee80
+SHA1 (patch-pkg_machine_qemu_stubber.go) = 072661b2a3e91ba158d17a0823e5c6f79ccc966c
+SHA1 (patch-pkg_machine_vmconfigs_config__common.go) = 3e25fe9b6cce69c67ceed809837ae4e650e2b9a8
 SHA1 (patch-pkg_util_utils__netbsd.go) = dcda52540148e5c77034322198a8ecedcd8c07e7
-SHA1 (patch-utils_utils__supported.go) = 44938037e4e0a4cd9468b2d37e480b78d404099b
-SHA1 (patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_define_mount__unsupported.go) = 75d1a3dfce7806476f04d4a6d67a7858583838ee
-SHA1 (patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_util_util__uint64.go) = a140e19d7c14439cc61d57acfb41bc601f2cf5a8
-SHA1 (patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_util_util__unix.go) = baf41542f16a9b73cd52a6162fb021a1259d73c6
-SHA1 (patch-vendor_github.com_containers_common_pkg_config_config__darwin.go) = f675c6e8a2ba2ca03f0c6642296545ffdb08bc75
-SHA1 (patch-vendor_github.com_containers_common_pkg_config_config__netbsd.go) = 2b0dbfec397ce7765ccbb4d1d4e3b05ff487ed18
-SHA1 (patch-vendor_github.com_containers_common_pkg_config_default__netbsd.go) = a8094d124711fb1da279b99ef98cf1c6f3c3f698
-SHA1 (patch-vendor_github.com_containers_common_pkg_util_util__supported.go) = 7794bb4baa78adedc08e6e2a9d75a37614eb4137
-SHA1 (patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_drivers_chroot__unix.go) = 7edf512a4a6c0e0c7cd67b195b53a2d86ac76b14
-SHA1 (patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_archive_archive__bsd.go) = f93fc181d327d2d462068126abb1a17cce969ae9
-SHA1 (patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_directory_directory__unix.go) = a21e2a4053600702e9524a33472e1d8140cd926f
-SHA1 (patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_homedir_homedir__others.go) = a3d871a486f14fcc14608ba7cebe499d73e60472
-SHA1 (patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_lockfile_lockfile__unix.go) = ddebc14995dadcfe7913c732abc07f5ab29aaa05
+SHA1 (patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_copier_hardlink__uint64.go) = e254553c4eb5de26bc8be28b3b2e50b86b450ae8
+SHA1 (patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_copier_hardlink__unix.go) = 9b8a9aad973bcb003d87fe17e24e3aa54cd7a069
+SHA1 (patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_define_mount__unsupported.go) = 50cc9672af8566804112483871059e8547cf1916
+SHA1 (patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_util_util__unix.go) = 3d279e562b2834677229a93d6c772eef468a74d8
+SHA1 (patch-vendor_github.com_containers_common_pkg_password_password__supported.go) = e559e2daf86ce6656593b60f2aa2721a1307848f
+SHA1 (patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_drivers_chroot__unix.go) = abccf4df16b3c83a8628cf9b7a4eccf5882d0596
+SHA1 (patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_archive_archive__bsd.go) = add3cbd5eadd79680fdb19b45481539839e8dd2d
+SHA1 (patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_directory_directory__unix.go) = 212c3f7b45c802f7a0d353810abbdc84f132f6e7
+SHA1 (patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_homedir_homedir__others.go) = eb065adb395876addd415ead04cfc280fe3138c4
+SHA1 (patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_lockfile_lockfile__unix.go) = fb2be3086beedb26609f71d3afbed5d629f2a0af
 SHA1 (patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_system_stat__netbsd.go) = 37bae90c1b3d97f8b4166fca2c59d144c41f81f8
-SHA1 (patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_system_syscall__unix.go) = 7acfc6076d0704557e2e1f2c2b7f3467eb2de629
-SHA1 (patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_types_options__netbsd.go) = 659586677c81addccde3a0d1e962e744a97a641c
-SHA1 (patch-vendor_github.com_moby_sys_mount_flags__bsd.go) = 07c72a4f943c3f0aa41683c3f49f6199aff04bce
+SHA1 (patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_system_syscall__unix.go) = 162211df8010d326bab8c098dfc3938a5dd4a88e

Index: pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-pkg_machine_qemu_machine.go
diff -u pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-pkg_machine_qemu_machine.go:1.3 pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-pkg_machine_qemu_machine.go:1.4
--- pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-pkg_machine_qemu_machine.go:1.3        Tue Feb 14 00:33:13 2023
+++ pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-pkg_machine_qemu_machine.go    Mon Jun  3 02:07:44 2024
@@ -1,24 +1,12 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-pkg_machine_qemu_machine.go,v 1.3 2023/02/14 00:33:13 tnn Exp $
+$NetBSD: patch-pkg_machine_qemu_machine.go,v 1.4 2024/06/03 02:07:44 maya Exp $
-Disable the virtfs volume driver by default.
-Doesn't work yet on NetBSD.
+Add NetBSD support
---- pkg/machine/qemu/machine.go.orig   2023-02-08 19:03:18.000000000 +0000
+--- pkg/machine/qemu/machine.go.orig   2024-05-29 00:08:32.713658134 +0000
 +++ pkg/machine/qemu/machine.go
-@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ func GetVirtualizationProvider() machine
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-//go:build linux || freebsd
++//go:build linux || freebsd || netbsd
+ package qemu
- const (
-       VolumeTypeVirtfs     = "virtfs"
-+      VolumeTypeNone       = "none"
-       MountType9p          = "9p"
-       dockerSock           = "/var/run/docker.sock"
-       dockerConnectTimeout = 5 * time.Second
-@@ -291,6 +292,8 @@ func (v *MachineVM) Init(opts machine.In
-       switch opts.VolumeDriver {
-       case "virtfs":
-               volumeType = VolumeTypeVirtfs
-+      case "none":
-+              volumeType = VolumeTypeNone
-       case "": // default driver
-               volumeType = VolumeTypeVirtfs
-       default:

Index: pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-pkg_machine_qemu_options__netbsd__amd64.go
diff -u pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-pkg_machine_qemu_options__netbsd__amd64.go:1.1 pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-pkg_machine_qemu_options__netbsd__amd64.go:1.2
--- pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-pkg_machine_qemu_options__netbsd__amd64.go:1.1 Sat Sep  4 20:28:42 2021
+++ pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-pkg_machine_qemu_options__netbsd__amd64.go     Mon Jun  3 02:07:44 2024
@@ -1,27 +1,19 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-pkg_machine_qemu_options__netbsd__amd64.go,v 1.1 2021/09/04 20:28:42 maya Exp $
+$NetBSD: patch-pkg_machine_qemu_options__netbsd__amd64.go,v 1.2 2024/06/03 02:07:44 maya Exp $
 Add netbsd/amd64 support - uses nvmm
---- pkg/machine/qemu/options_netbsd_amd64.go.orig      2021-09-04 12:43:04.031906656 +0000
+--- pkg/machine/qemu/options_netbsd_amd64.go.orig      2024-05-28 23:58:18.698452676 +0000
 +++ pkg/machine/qemu/options_netbsd_amd64.go
-@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
 +package qemu
 +var (
 +      QemuCommand = "qemu-system-x86_64"
-+func (v *MachineVM) addArchOptions() []string {
++func (v *QEMUStubber) addArchOptions(_ *setNewMachineCMDOpts) []string {
 +      opts := []string{
 +              "-accel", "nvmm",
 +      }
 +      return opts
-+func (v *MachineVM) prepare() error {
-+      return nil
-+func (v *MachineVM) archRemovalFiles() []string {
-+      return []string{}
Index: pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-pkg_machine_qemu_options__netbsd__arm64.go
diff -u pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-pkg_machine_qemu_options__netbsd__arm64.go:1.1 pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-pkg_machine_qemu_options__netbsd__arm64.go:1.2
--- pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-pkg_machine_qemu_options__netbsd__arm64.go:1.1 Mon Feb 20 15:35:46 2023
+++ pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-pkg_machine_qemu_options__netbsd__arm64.go     Mon Jun  3 02:07:44 2024
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-pkg_machine_qemu_options__netbsd__arm64.go,v 1.1 2023/02/20 15:35:46 tnn Exp $
+$NetBSD: patch-pkg_machine_qemu_options__netbsd__arm64.go,v 1.2 2024/06/03 02:07:44 maya Exp $
 NetBSD support.
---- pkg/machine/qemu/options_netbsd_arm64.go.orig      2023-02-20 15:25:44.049225824 +0000
+--- pkg/machine/qemu/options_netbsd_arm64.go.orig      2024-05-28 23:58:18.721596493 +0000
 +++ pkg/machine/qemu/options_netbsd_arm64.go
 @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
 +package qemu
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ NetBSD support.
 +      QemuCommand = "qemu-system-aarch64"
-+func (v *MachineVM) addArchOptions() []string {
++func (v *QEMUStubber) addArchOptions(_ *setNewMachineCMDOpts) []string {
 +      ovmfDir := getOvmfDir(v.ImagePath.GetPath(), v.Name)
 +      opts := []string{
 +              "-accel", "tcg",
@@ -28,13 +28,13 @@ NetBSD support.
 +      return opts
-+func (v *MachineVM) prepare() error {
++func (v *QEMUStubber) prepare() error {
 +      ovmfDir := getOvmfDir(v.ImagePath.GetPath(), v.Name)
 +      cmd := []string{"/bin/dd", "if=/dev/zero", "conv=sync", "bs=1m", "count=64", "of=" + ovmfDir}
 +      return exec.Command(cmd[0], cmd[1:]...).Run()
-+func (v *MachineVM) archRemovalFiles() []string {
++func (v *QEMUStubber) archRemovalFiles() []string {
 +      ovmDir := getOvmfDir(v.ImagePath.GetPath(), v.Name)
 +      return []string{ovmDir}
Index: pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_define_mount__unsupported.go
diff -u pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_define_mount__unsupported.go:1.1 
--- pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_define_mount__unsupported.go:1.1  Tue Feb 14 00:33:13 2023
+++ pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_define_mount__unsupported.go      Mon Jun  3 02:07:44 2024
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_define_mount__unsupported.go,v 1.1 2023/02/14 00:33:13 tnn Exp $
+$NetBSD: patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_define_mount__unsupported.go,v 1.2 2024/06/03 02:07:44 maya Exp $
 Add NetBSD support (vendor code)
 --- vendor/      2023-02-08 19:03:18.000000000 +0000
 +++ vendor/
 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Index: pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_archive_archive__bsd.go
diff -u pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_archive_archive__bsd.go:1.1 
--- pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_archive_archive__bsd.go:1.1   Tue Feb 14 00:33:13 2023
+++ pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_archive_archive__bsd.go       Mon Jun  3 02:07:44 2024
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_archive_archive__bsd.go,v 1.1 2023/02/14 00:33:13 tnn Exp $
+$NetBSD: patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_archive_archive__bsd.go,v 1.2 2024/06/03 02:07:44 maya Exp $
 Add NetBSD support (vendor code)
 --- vendor/       2023-02-08 19:03:18.000000000 +0000
 +++ vendor/

Index: pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_util_util__unix.go
diff -u pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_util_util__unix.go:1.2 
--- pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_util_util__unix.go:1.2    Tue Feb 14 00:33:13 2023
+++ pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_util_util__unix.go        Mon Jun  3 02:07:44 2024
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_util_util__unix.go,v 1.2 2023/02/14 00:33:13 tnn Exp $
+$NetBSD: patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_util_util__unix.go,v 1.3 2024/06/03 02:07:44 maya Exp $
 Add netbsd support (vendor code)
 --- vendor/        2023-02-08 19:03:18.000000000 +0000
 +++ vendor/
Index: pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_drivers_chroot__unix.go
diff -u pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_drivers_chroot__unix.go:1.2 
--- pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_drivers_chroot__unix.go:1.2       Tue Feb 14 00:33:13 2023
+++ pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_drivers_chroot__unix.go   Mon Jun  3 02:07:44 2024
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_drivers_chroot__unix.go,v 1.2 2023/02/14 00:33:13 tnn Exp $
+$NetBSD: patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_drivers_chroot__unix.go,v 1.3 2024/06/03 02:07:44 maya Exp $
 Add netbsd support (vendor code)
 --- vendor/   2023-02-08 19:03:18.000000000 +0000
 +++ vendor/
Index: pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_directory_directory__unix.go
diff -u pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_directory_directory__unix.go:1.2 
--- pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_directory_directory__unix.go:1.2      Tue Feb 14 00:33:13 2023
+++ pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_directory_directory__unix.go  Mon Jun  3 02:07:44 2024
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_directory_directory__unix.go,v 1.2 2023/02/14 00:33:13 tnn Exp $
+$NetBSD: patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_directory_directory__unix.go,v 1.3 2024/06/03 02:07:44 maya Exp $
 Add netbsd support (vendor code)
 --- vendor/  2023-02-08 19:03:18.000000000 +0000
 +++ vendor/
Index: pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_homedir_homedir__others.go
diff -u pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_homedir_homedir__others.go:1.2 
--- pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_homedir_homedir__others.go:1.2        Tue Feb 14 00:33:13 2023
+++ pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_homedir_homedir__others.go    Mon Jun  3 02:07:44 2024
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_homedir_homedir__others.go,v 1.2 2023/02/14 00:33:13 tnn Exp $
+$NetBSD: patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_homedir_homedir__others.go,v 1.3 2024/06/03 02:07:44 maya Exp $
-Add netbsd support (vendor code)
+NetBSD support
---- vendor/    2023-02-08 19:03:18.000000000 +0000
+--- vendor/    2024-05-28 22:08:53.504670587 +0000
 +++ vendor/
 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
--//go:build !linux && !darwin && !freebsd
--// +build !linux,!darwin,!freebsd
-+//go:build !linux && !darwin && !freebsd && !netbsd
-+// +build !linux,!darwin,!freebsd,!netbsd
+-//go:build !linux && !darwin && !freebsd && !windows
+-// +build !linux,!darwin,!freebsd,!windows
++//go:build !linux && !darwin && !freebsd && !netbsd && !windows
++// +build !linux,!darwin,!freebsd,!netbsd,!windows
  package homedir
Index: pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_lockfile_lockfile__unix.go
diff -u pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_lockfile_lockfile__unix.go:1.2 
--- pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_lockfile_lockfile__unix.go:1.2        Tue Feb 14 00:33:13 2023
+++ pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_lockfile_lockfile__unix.go    Mon Jun  3 02:07:44 2024
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_lockfile_lockfile__unix.go,v 1.2 2023/02/14 00:33:13 tnn Exp $
+$NetBSD: patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_lockfile_lockfile__unix.go,v 1.3 2024/06/03 02:07:44 maya Exp $
-Add netbsd support (vendor code)
+Add netbsd support (vendor code) -
 For some reason unix.SEEK_SET is not defined in the NetBSD runtime code.
 But SEEK_SET is 0 on every platform, so just use that for now.
---- vendor/    2023-02-08 19:03:18.000000000 +0000
+--- vendor/    2024-05-10 15:37:14.000000000 +0000
 +++ vendor/
 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 -//go:build linux || solaris || darwin || freebsd
@@ -14,10 +16,10 @@ But SEEK_SET is 0 on every platform, so 
  package lockfile
-@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ func createLockFileForPath(path string, 
- func (l *LockFile) lock(lType int16) {
+@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ func lockHandle(fd fileHandle, lType loc
+       }
        lk := unix.Flock_t{
-               Type:   lType,
+               Type:   int16(fType),
 -              Whence: int16(unix.SEEK_SET),
 +              Whence: int16(0),
                Start:  0,
Index: pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_system_syscall__unix.go
diff -u pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_system_syscall__unix.go:1.2 
--- pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_system_syscall__unix.go:1.2   Tue Feb 14 00:33:13 2023
+++ pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_system_syscall__unix.go       Mon Jun  3 02:07:44 2024
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_system_syscall__unix.go,v 1.2 2023/02/14 00:33:13 tnn Exp $
+$NetBSD: patch-vendor_github.com_containers_storage_pkg_system_syscall__unix.go,v 1.3 2024/06/03 02:07:44 maya Exp $
 Add NetBSD support.
 --- vendor/       2023-02-08 19:03:18.000000000 +0000
 +++ vendor/

Added files:

Index: pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-pkg_machine_qemu_stubber.go
diff -u /dev/null pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-pkg_machine_qemu_stubber.go:1.1
--- /dev/null   Mon Jun  3 02:07:44 2024
+++ pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-pkg_machine_qemu_stubber.go    Mon Jun  3 02:07:44 2024
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-pkg_machine_qemu_stubber.go,v 1.1 2024/06/03 02:07:44 maya Exp $
+Add NetBSD support
+--- pkg/machine/qemu/stubber.go.orig   2024-05-29 00:07:05.307241824 +0000
++++ pkg/machine/qemu/stubber.go
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-//go:build linux || freebsd
++//go:build linux || freebsd || netbsd
+ package qemu
Index: pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-pkg_machine_vmconfigs_config__common.go
diff -u /dev/null pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-pkg_machine_vmconfigs_config__common.go:1.1
--- /dev/null   Mon Jun  3 02:07:44 2024
+++ pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-pkg_machine_vmconfigs_config__common.go        Mon Jun  3 02:07:44 2024
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-pkg_machine_vmconfigs_config__common.go,v 1.1 2024/06/03 02:07:44 maya Exp $
+--- pkg/machine/vmconfigs/config_common.go.orig        2024-05-29 00:05:33.264766331 +0000
++++ pkg/machine/vmconfigs/config_common.go
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-//go:build linux || freebsd
++//go:build linux || freebsd || netbsd
+ package vmconfigs
Index: pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_copier_hardlink__uint64.go
diff -u /dev/null pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_copier_hardlink__uint64.go:1.1
--- /dev/null   Mon Jun  3 02:07:44 2024
+++ pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_copier_hardlink__uint64.go        Mon Jun  3 02:07:44 2024
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_copier_hardlink__uint64.go,v 1.1 2024/06/03 02:07:44 maya Exp $
+NetBSD support
+--- vendor/        2024-05-28 23:57:05.911122335 +0000
++++ vendor/
+@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+-//go:build (linux && !mips && !mipsle && !mips64 && !mips64le) || freebsd
+-// +build linux,!mips,!mipsle,!mips64,!mips64le freebsd
++//go:build (linux && !mips && !mipsle && !mips64 && !mips64le) || freebsd || netbsd
++// +build linux,!mips,!mipsle,!mips64,!mips64le freebsd netbsd
+ package copier
Index: pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_copier_hardlink__unix.go
diff -u /dev/null pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_copier_hardlink__unix.go:1.1
--- /dev/null   Mon Jun  3 02:07:44 2024
+++ pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_copier_hardlink__unix.go  Mon Jun  3 02:07:44 2024
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-vendor_github.com_containers_buildah_copier_hardlink__unix.go,v 1.1 2024/06/03 02:07:44 maya Exp $
+NetBSD support
+--- vendor/  2024-05-28 22:30:37.796669657 +0000
++++ vendor/
+@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+-//go:build linux || darwin || freebsd
+-// +build linux darwin freebsd
++//go:build linux || darwin || freebsd || netbsd
++// +build linux darwin freebsd netbsd
+ package copier
Index: pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_common_pkg_password_password__supported.go
diff -u /dev/null pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_common_pkg_password_password__supported.go:1.1
--- /dev/null   Mon Jun  3 02:07:44 2024
+++ pkgsrc/sysutils/podman/patches/patch-vendor_github.com_containers_common_pkg_password_password__supported.go        Mon Jun  3 02:07:44 2024
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-vendor_github.com_containers_common_pkg_password_password__supported.go,v 1.1 2024/06/03 02:07:44 maya Exp $
+NetBSD support
+--- vendor/        2024-05-28 22:06:36.037026351 +0000
++++ vendor/
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-//go:build linux || darwin || freebsd
++//go:build linux || darwin || freebsd || netbsd
+ package password

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