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Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc/meta-pkgs/bulk-large

On 2023-09-17 18:34, Greg Troxel wrote:
"David H. Gutteridge" <> writes:

+.include "../../graphics/librsvg/"
.if ${LIBRSVG_TYPE} == "rust"
DEPENDS+=    librsvg-[0-9]*:../../graphics/librsvg

Totally reasonable, but it does make me wonder if this availble/include
switch for things that depend on librsvg is the right thing, vs
including some graphics/librsvg/

Yes, it would probably make sense to consolidate that. (I don't know
the exact details of the choices that were made.)

(A different, slightly related topic is naming inconsistencies. E.g.,
various REPLACE_ variables for different languages are located in quite
varied paths and files, e.g., REPLACE_R is found in
mk/configure/, vs. REPLACE_PYTHON being placed in
lang/python/, vs. REPLACE_PHP in lang/php/,


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