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CVS commit: pkgsrc/games/ironwail

Module Name:    pkgsrc
Committed By:   charlotte
Date:           Tue Aug 15 07:18:19 UTC 2023

Modified Files:
        pkgsrc/games/ironwail: Makefile distinfo
        pkgsrc/games/ironwail/patches: patch-Quake_Makefile

Log Message:
games/ironwail: Update to 0.7.0

Changes from 0.6.0:

- ability to download add-ons from the Mods menu (using the community add-on
  server by default; specify `-addons <url>` on the command line to use a
  different server, `-noaddons` to disable)
- new `Levels` menu, inspired by the one in Mark V, with various enhancements
  such as support for searching (by BSP name/map title) and skill selection
- last save is loaded automatically after dying (`sv_autoload 0` to disable,
  `sv_autoload 1` to ask for confirmation, `sv_autoload 2` to always load
  previous save, if any)
- initial autosave support (sv_autosave 0 to disable)
- moved saving to a background thread (avoids autosave stutter on complex maps)
- improved compatibility with 2021 re-release: the engine will no longer write
  configs to the Nightdive folder to avoid an issues with the KEX engine where
  certain episodes would no longer function properly; existing configs will be
  automatically migrated to the new save location (%USERPROFILE%\Saved
- added EGS and GOG Quake detection
- initial support for CSQC HUDs (Arcane Dimensions, Alkaline 1.1/1.2), using
  code from QSS (by @Shpoike)
- skill selection menu for Quake64
- reworked Options menu
- added Options, Controls and Video menu searching
- improved console Tab completion
- text can be matched anywhere, not just at the beginning of a

    `maxfps` + `Tab` = `host_maxfps`
    `showfps` + `Tab` = `scr_showfps`
    `box` + `Tab` = `r_showbboxes`
    `map fair` + `Tab` = `map ctsj2_fairweather`

- added argument cycling for map/load/save/game/sky commands (Tab/Shift+Tab)
- support for emulating non-square pixels in the UI/HUD (e.g. `scr_pixelaspect
- customizable screenshot names and folder (using `cl_screenshotname` cvar,
  defaults to `screenshots/%map%_%date%_%time%`)
- Supported variables: `map`, `maptitle`, `date`, `time`, `year`, `month`,
  `day`, `hour`, `min`, `sec`
- `viewsize 130` option (press `+/-` to activate/deactivate) for cleaner
  screenshots (no weapon/HUD/text messages)
- built-in zooming support, bindable from the Controls menu
- New cvars/commands: `zoom_fov`, `zoom_speed`, `+/-zoom`, `togglezoom`,
- changed Controls menu to display more entries when possible
- cvar to disable mouse support in the UI (`ui_mouse 0`)
- cvar to enable sound effects when using the mouse to select different menu
  items (`ui_mouse_sound`)
- menu sound effects are now throttled (`ui_sound_throttle` to change the
  interval, `0` to disable)
- `r_showbboxes_filter` option (from @andrey-budko), which limits entities
  highlighted by `r_showbboxes` to those with matching classnames:

-- `r_showbboxes_filter secret` highlights entities with classnames containing
-- `r_showbboxes_filter =trigger_secret` highlights entities with classname equal
  to `trigger_secret`
-- Note: Tab-completion is supported

- `r_showbboxes_health` cvar (`0` = show all entities, `1` = show entities with
  health > 0, `-1` = show entities with health <= 0)
- `r_showbboxes_think` cvar (`0` = show all entities, `1` = show entities with
  thinktime > 0, `-1` = show entities with thinktime <= 0)
- `skies` command, which lists all available skies (with an optional filter
- Tab completion for `sky` command
- Tab completion for `bind`/`unbind` key names
- word-based navigation/deletion in console (using
- ability to bind Caps/Num/Scroll Lock and Print Screen keys
- optional filter argument for `maps` command
- model scale support (requires protocol 999) - original patch from
  @JosiahJack, with fixes from @temx
- bumped model limit to 4096 (for quakemash)
- `maps` command now prints map titles, too, not just BSP names
- further reduced CPU usage
- added skybox animation ("skywind") support
- skybox caching (to avoid hitching when repeatedly switching between the same
- order-independent transparency (`r_oit 0` to disable, e.g. on integrated
- added option to sort transparent entities by distance when r_oit is disabled
- changed rendering order for transparent brush entities (when both r_oit and
  r_alphasort are off) to match QuakeSpasm
- added Transparency option to Video menu
- improved color matching for 8-bit palettization: higher quality on modern
  maps, more authentic on classic ones
- fullbright colors are now deduced from the colormap instead of being
- changed fog from planar to spherical (stable when turning around)
- optimized particle rendering and increased default particle limit (using code
  from @mhQuake)
- work-arounds for bugs in old Intel GPU drivers
- ⚠️ Note: some very old Intel GPU drivers might crash/stop responding during
- Currently there is no fix or work-around for this issue, if you are affected
  by it please use a different engine, such as Quakespasm, Quakespasm Spiked,
  QSS-M or FTE
- discrete GPU will be used by default, if available, instead of integrated one
- fixed softlock in mge2m2
- functional `nomonsters` cvar
- enabled resizing in windowed mode
- more responsive `v_gunkick 2` implementation (@mhQuake)
- changed default `v_gunkick` value to `2` (smooth)
- `v_gunkick`, `cl_rollangle`, `cl_bob` and `scr_clock` are now saved to config
- new `writeconfig` command
- optional file name argument for `condump` command
- eliminated endianness handling overhead (@tyfighter)
- fixed rendering issues when streaming on Discord
- fixed jitter when moving the mouse during a cutscene
- fixed `SZ_GetSpace: overflow` when loading certain large maps (e.g.
  telefragged) with protocol 999
- fixed occasional text rendering artifacts at certain UI scales
- added screen warping and underwater sound effects for Alkaline 1.2 liquid
- fixed console animation with `scr_conspeed` <= 0
- added `scr_conbrightness` and `scr_menubgalpha` to improve readability
- experimental language cvar (english/french/german/italian/spanish)
- support for using arbitrary characters as crosshairs (e.g. `crosshair v` for
  v, or `crosshair -118` for the 118th character in the Quake font)
- support for multiple `-basedirs` on the command line

To generate a diff of this commit:
cvs rdiff -u -r1.2 -r1.3 pkgsrc/games/ironwail/Makefile \
cvs rdiff -u -r1.1 -r1.2 pkgsrc/games/ironwail/patches/patch-Quake_Makefile

Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.

Modified files:

Index: pkgsrc/games/ironwail/Makefile
diff -u pkgsrc/games/ironwail/Makefile:1.2 pkgsrc/games/ironwail/Makefile:1.3
--- pkgsrc/games/ironwail/Makefile:1.2  Sat May  6 19:09:21 2023
+++ pkgsrc/games/ironwail/Makefile      Tue Aug 15 07:18:18 2023
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2023/05/06 19:09:21 ryoon Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.3 2023/08/15 07:18:18 charlotte Exp $
-DISTNAME=      ironwail-0.6.0
+DISTNAME=      ironwail-0.7.0
 CATEGORIES=    games
 MASTER_SITES=  ${MASTER_SITE_GITHUB:=andrei-drexler/}
@@ -20,15 +19,20 @@ BUILD_DIRS= Quake
 BUILD_TARGET=  release
+INSTALLATION_DIRS+=    share/ironwail
        ${SED} -e 's,@@PREFIX@@,${PREFIX},g' \
                ${FILESDIR}/ironwail.template > ${WRKDIR}/ironwail
        ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIR}/ironwail ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/ironwail
+       ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/Quake/ironwail ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/libexec/ironwail
+       ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/Quake/ironwail.pak ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/ironwail/ironwail.pak
 .include "../../audio/libmad/"
 .include "../../audio/libvorbis/"
 .include "../../devel/SDL2/"
+.include "../../www/curl/"
 .include "../../mk/"
Index: pkgsrc/games/ironwail/distinfo
diff -u pkgsrc/games/ironwail/distinfo:1.2 pkgsrc/games/ironwail/distinfo:1.3
--- pkgsrc/games/ironwail/distinfo:1.2  Thu Mar  2 03:13:53 2023
+++ pkgsrc/games/ironwail/distinfo      Tue Aug 15 07:18:18 2023
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.2 2023/03/02 03:13:53 charlotte Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.3 2023/08/15 07:18:18 charlotte Exp $
-BLAKE2s (ironwail-0.6.0.tar.gz) = 4499d02b4ae3b94d05bef07d17028dba6a139f6d5833acfaeacb73d8ffe7c222
-SHA512 (ironwail-0.6.0.tar.gz) = 05d963496259d6acade8314962f6b141b5ccb9e784ca70ace6f8c57cf06f0ae7f57a6a42f57fe55d9e9be3796c669e40ab9917a9abcabaacff1fdf5ea70d2ad8
-Size (ironwail-0.6.0.tar.gz) = 5634065 bytes
-SHA1 (patch-Quake_Makefile) = 894947fba3fbc1f91dff381266f178accce08461
-SHA1 (patch-Quake_main_sdl.c) = ea3e9741d0fcabbaa02d00bc4f7f5be7e74b5f35
+BLAKE2s (ironwail-0.7.0.tar.gz) = e50edcdfa6b51db972ffb900b11d13197b27eb1b36c5df055b061593ba580f2e
+SHA512 (ironwail-0.7.0.tar.gz) = d83e580f62f81d7d4236148cfd8c05a531eace6a3c4ba9a63ffa3fbaac3efe1226d364b55142a12c6ea4dd56a83975bf0e786eb1456f26e3878dfea9d630f424
+Size (ironwail-0.7.0.tar.gz) = 8786640 bytes
+SHA1 (patch-Quake_Makefile) = 712ddd16205419c47c77efa21573e2a2e3652599

Index: pkgsrc/games/ironwail/patches/patch-Quake_Makefile
diff -u pkgsrc/games/ironwail/patches/patch-Quake_Makefile:1.1 pkgsrc/games/ironwail/patches/patch-Quake_Makefile:1.2
--- pkgsrc/games/ironwail/patches/patch-Quake_Makefile:1.1      Wed Feb 15 03:26:36 2023
+++ pkgsrc/games/ironwail/patches/patch-Quake_Makefile  Tue Aug 15 07:18:19 2023
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-Quake_Makefile,v 1.1 2023/02/15 03:26:36 charlotte Exp $
+$NetBSD: patch-Quake_Makefile,v 1.2 2023/08/15 07:18:19 charlotte Exp $
-Fixup installation paths, and allow LDFLAGS to be set on command line.
+Allow LDFLAGS to be set on the command line.
---- Quake/Makefile.orig        2022-05-12 13:24:15.000000000 -0700
-+++ Quake/Makefile     2023-01-14 11:49:22.894772880 -0800
+--- Quake/Makefile.orig        2023-08-14 23:22:49.893781526 -0700
++++ Quake/Makefile     2023-08-14 23:22:57.637860269 -0700
 @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
  PKG_CONFIG ?= pkg-config
@@ -12,17 +12,4 @@ Fixup installation paths, and allow LDFL
  CFLAGS ?= -Wall -Wno-trigraphs
-@@ -317,8 +317,10 @@
-       rm -f $(shell find . \( -name '*~' -o -name '#*#' -o -name '*.o' -o -name '*.d' -o -name '*.res' -o -name $(DEFAULT_TARGET) \) -print)
- install:      ironwail
--      cp ironwail /usr/local/games/quake
--      cp ironwail.pak /usr/local/games/quake
-+      install -d $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/libexec
-+      install -m0755 ironwail $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/libexec
-+      install -d $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/ironwail
-+      install -m0644 ironwail.pak $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/ironwail
- #---------------------------------------------------------------
- # include dependencies (if not running 'clean' target)
+ CFLAGS += $(call check_gcc,-std=gnu11,)

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