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Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc/lang/npm

Hello Adam,

Adam Ciarcinski writes:
> [...]
> Log Message:
> npm: updated to 6.10.2
> [...]

Thank you for updating it!

The commit message seems to accidentally omit 6.10.2 dependencies
section changes and previous 6.10.1 and 6.10.0 changes.  Please always
include them.  I will attach the missing parts at the end of this email.

Thank you!

----------------------- 8< ----------------- 8< -----------------------


  * cacache@12.0.2 (@isaacs)
      + infer uid/gid instead of accepting as options, preventing the
        overwhelming majority of cases where root-owned files end up in the
        cache folder. (ac84d14) (@isaacs) (#1)
      + i18n: add another error message (676cb32) (@zkat)
  * pacote@9.5.4 (@isaacs)
      + git: ensure stream failures are reported (7f07b5d) #1 (@lddubeau)
  * infer-owner@1.0.4 (@isaacs)
  * npm-registry-fetch@4.0.0 (@isaacs)
  * libnpm@3.0.1 (@isaacs)
  * libnpmaccess@3.0.2 (@isaacs)
  * libnpmhook@5.0.3 (@isaacs)
  * libnpmorg@1.0.1 (@isaacs)
  * libnpmsearch@2.0.2 (@isaacs)
  * libnpmteam@1.0.2 (@isaacs)
  * npm-profile@4.0.2 (@isaacs)
  * libnpm@3.0.1 (@isaacs)
  * npm-registry-fetch@4.0.0 (@isaacs)
  * node-gyp@5.0.3 (@isaacs)
  * npm-lifecycle@3.1.2 (@isaacs)
      + #26 fix switches for alternative shells on Windows (@gucong3000)
      + #25 set only one PATH env variable for child process on Windows
      + #36 #11 #18 remove procInterrupt listener on SIGINT in
        procError (@mattshin)
      + #29 #30 Use platform specific path casing if present (@mattezell)


  * fix(git): strip GIT environs when running git (@isaacs)
  * #206 improve isOnly(Dev,Optional) (@larsgw)
  * #179 fix-xmas-underline (@raywu0123)
  * #212 build: use /usr/bin/env to load bash (@rsmarples)


  * #208 node-gyp@5.0.2 (@irega)
  * npm-lifecycle@3.0.0 (@isaacs)
  * libcipm@4.0.0 (@isaacs)
  * libnpm@3.0.0 (@isaacs)
  * semver@5.7.0 (@isaacs)
  * lru-cache@5.1.1 (@isaacs)
  * npm-registry-fetch@3.9.1: (@isaacs)
  * call-limit@1.1.1 (@isaacs)
  * glob@7.1.4 (@isaacs)
  * inherits@2.0.4 (@isaacs)
  * libnpmsearch@2.0.1 (@isaacs)
  * marked@0.6.3 (@isaacs)
  * marked-man@0.6.0 (@isaacs)
  * npm-lifecycle@2.1.1 (@isaacs)
  * node-gyp@4.0.0 (@isaacs)
  * query-string@6.8.1 (@isaacs)
  * tar-stream@2.1.0 (@isaacs)
  * worker-farm@1.7.0 (@isaacs)
  * readable-stream@3.4.0 (@isaacs)
  * isaacs/chownr#21 isaacs/chownr#20 chownr@1.1.2 This fixes an EISDIR error from cacache on
    Darwin in Node versions prior to 10.6. (@isaacs)


  * #176 fix: Always return JSON for outdated --json (@sreeramjayan)
  * #203 fix(unpublish): add space after hyphen (@ffflorian)
  * #202 enable production flag for npm audit (@CalebCourier)
  * #178 fix: Return a value for view when in silent mode (
  * #185 Allow git to follow global tagsign config (@junderw)


  * #201 npm/npm#17858 npm/npm#18042 do not crash
    when removing nameless packages (@SteveVanOpstal and @isaacs)
  * #200 Check for node (as well as node.exe) in npm's local dir on
    Windows (@rgoulais)
  * #180 Fix handling of remote deps in npm
    outdated (@larsgw)


  * travis: Update to include new v12 LTS (@isaacs)
  * fix flaky debug-logs test (@isaacs)
  * Don't time out waiting for gpg user input (@isaacs)
  * #195 Add the arm64 check for legacy-platform-all.js test case. (
  * parallel tests (@isaacs)


  * #192 Clarify usage of bundledDependencies (@john-osullivan)
  * #159 doc: add --audit-level param (@ngraef)


  * graceful-fs@4.2.0 (@isaacs)
  * read-package-tree@5.3.1 (@isaacs)
      + Use custom caching realpath implementation, dramatically
        reducing lstat calls when reading the package tree (@isaacs)
  * write-file-atomic@2.4.3 (@isaacs)
      + #38 Ignore errors raised by fs.closeSync (@lukeapage)
  * pacote@9.5.1 (@isaacs)
      + #172 limit git retry times, avoid unlimited retries (????)
      + #170 fix(errors): Fix "TypeError: err.code.match is not a
        function" error (@jviotti)
  * cacache@11.3.3 (@isaacs)
      + #146 fix(config): Add ssri config 'error'
        option (@larsgw)
      + fix(write): avoid a cb never called situation (@zkat)
      + #166 #165 docs: Fix docs for path property in (
  * bluebird@3.5.5 (@isaacs)
  * tar@4.4.10 (@isaacs)
      + #215 Fix encoding/decoding of base-256 numbers (@justfalter)
      + #204 #214 Use stat instead of lstat when checking CWD (@stkb)
  * npm-packlist@1.4.4 (@isaacs)
      + #30 Sort package tarball entries by file type for compression
        benefits (@isaacs)
      + Ignore .DS_Store files as well as folders (@isaacs)
      + Never include .git folders in package root. (Note: this
        prevents the issue that broke the v6.9.1 release.) (@isaacs)
  * update fstream in node-gyp (@isaacs)
      + Addresses security advisory #886
  * #183 licensee@7.0.2 (@kemitchell)
  * readable-stream@3.3.0 (@isaacs)
  * npm-registry-mock@1.2.1 (@isaacs)
  * npm-registry-couchapp@2.7.2 (@isaacs)

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