Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/lang
To: None <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: pkgsrc-changes
Date: 05/02/2003 08:42:06
Module Name:	pkgsrc
Committed By:	abs
Date:		Fri May  2 08:42:06 UTC 2003

Modified Files:
	pkgsrc/lang/sun-jdk13: Makefile distinfo
	pkgsrc/lang/sun-jre13: Makefile distinfo

Log Message:
Update sun-jdk13 and sun-jre13 to sun-jdk13-1.0.8 and sun-jre13-1.0.8
Changes since 13-1.0.7:

  - A de-serialized GregorianCalendar did not correctly handle the
    Calendar.set(int field, int value) method.
  - Java Plug-in Security Warning dialog did not show buttons.
  - java.beans.Introspector returned results depending on the order
    that classes were loaded by the Virtual Machine.
  - A help viewer search would sometimes yield NullPointerExceptions,
    and search hit highlighting was unstable.
  - The "~" character was not properly displayed in an HTML file
    using the SJIS character set.
  - There was a system crash generating a Fatal: unhandled ci exception.
  - Plugin regional locale parameters were incorrectly displayed.
  - The VM crashed while running a large application.
  - An application ignored the nohup(1) command, caught and processed
    the SIGHUP signal, resulting in application exit with a return code
    of 129.
  - In some cases, the text field caret did not return when window
    focus was moved and then restored.
  - SIGSEGV during C2 compilation of a method.
  - System crashed with hotspot errors.
  - Plug-in crashed when the ethernet cable was unplugged.
  - Signed applet failed only on JRE 1.3.1_06.
  - System crashed when attempting to widen the range check of an IF
    node during compilation.
  - The background color of a Menu was different from that of the
    MenuBar for classic style.
  - Application crashed due to problems in JVM/plug-in/Mozilla.
  - Serviceability is improved by exposing VM version and flags to
    Serviceability Agent.
  - Double primitive lost value when using -client.
  - White background persisted when applet exited to a different web
  - An applet could access a local resource without permission on

To generate a diff of this commit:
cvs rdiff -r1.21 -r1.22 pkgsrc/lang/sun-jdk13/Makefile
cvs rdiff -r1.7 -r1.8 pkgsrc/lang/sun-jdk13/distinfo
cvs rdiff -r1.27 -r1.28 pkgsrc/lang/sun-jre13/Makefile
cvs rdiff -r1.6 -r1.7 pkgsrc/lang/sun-jre13/distinfo

Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.